Show Me The Meaning of SMTMOBL: The Video
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Submitted by New Radical from Milton Keynes UK
Well, my friend , the non Backstreet Boy fan, has been going on at me on how the new BSB song does not make sense. I think the song is kinda abstract y'know? You can take it however you want to. I personally interpret it as a girl that has the left the guy, the guy sayin "can u show me the meaning of being lonely" meaning "do you know how it actually feels to be lonely - do you know the pain - could you show it to me?" Or maybe the guy loves her but there is something stopping him from being with her, maybe she cheated on him or something. Whatever, it is a great song, they all sing lead on it and BSB rock!! BSB forever!!! GOD BLESS ALL YOU BSB FANS AROUND THE WORLD - LET'S KEEPNTHE BACKSTREET PRIDE ALIVE!!
Submitted by Bridget from Massapequa New York USA
what does it mean?....i ran this question over in my head as i watched the video and i realized that there are hidden meanings as well as the blatently obvious. first i want to say that i loved this video, the cinematography and colors and everything was beautiful. i was in tears when i heard the song and the video nearly put me in hysterics.
Submitted by Clarieboo from somewhere in Florida, Backstreet Land
This is thE best video. I love it so much! It's very personal and very sad. The best part, in my opinion, is Kevin's. It was sooo sweet and very dedicated. [I wonder what Mrs. Richardson thought of letting Kev show those home movies. It must've been hard!] Howie's part was also very sweet. The coffee shop scene was just awesome. The part when Kevin looked at Howie and nodded, now that really showed how much they care for each other! Brian's scene was kinda scary in a way. It looked like he was dead! That's just the last thing a fan needs to see, but I'm glad that they used that for Bri's scene. AJ's was so sad yet romantic in a way. [I just realized, you know how AJ has this really cool guy look, well, if he was in high school, he would be considered as a freak. Just thought I'd mention it because of his appearance in the video.] As for Nick, I really didn't like it. It didn't really apply to me very well. They could've done better, like when the people from their family's retirement home dying or something. Just something personal like that, don't you think?!
Submitted by Shirley Wiedenhoff from Alkmaar Netherlands
It occurs to me that BsB's new video represents the loss that they have had to deal with the last couple of years, like Kevin lost his father to cancer (I assume it was him on the screen Kev was watching) and both he and Brian lost their grandfather. Also it's a tribute to Denniz Pop, you can read 'Denniz Sation' on the bus. So they wanna go their and be with him but they can't. The writer of the song, wrote it because he missed Denniz (according to Nick, MTV)
Submitted by Vanessa from RS NRW GERMANY
Well, the SMTMOBL Video is a very personal video.The scene when Brian sings in the hospital..well,I associate it with his heart surgery .The scene when AJ´s sitting in the bus and he´s holding this picture in his hand.well,that is VERY personal because his best friend (I think she was called Christine)was killed by a car-accident when he was 14 or so.Kevin´s situation is TOTALLY clear, his dad..Howie is thinking about his sister who died.. and Nick..well, Nick ..I dunno!!!!But the bus with "DENNIZ ST" on it..well, it´s because of Denniz Pop.They dedicated this video to all the persons that are "mentioned" in the video, i guess.I personally think that it is the BEST Video they´ve ever made!!..
Submitted by Linda from Windsor Ontario Canada
The song: SMTMOBL: is a very subjective song. To me the song me that everyone experiences pain and loneliness in their lives in some way shape and form. Not everyone will have the same feelings and reaction. Each backstreet boys described a time in their life when loneliness was hardest and each scene hits people differently and enables people to connect to it. For me, Kevin and Howie's part were the hardest, never have i experienced a death but the pain i have. It hits you right there, in the heart!! Awesome job guys!! A+
Submitted by Renae from Waterloo, NY USA
I love the Video, SMTMOBL. Everytime I watch the video, or here the song it makes me cry. I know where Kevin, Howie and A.J. are comming from, cuz the 90's were horrible for me. I lost a really good friend, he was also my boyfriend, I lost him in a snowmobile accident on New Years, of 96.....he never lived to see 97. :( . In 1995 I lost my favorite cousin, she drank dranno, to kill her self. and in March of 98, i lost my grandpa! i know where they are comming from.
Submitted by Leti from Asuncion Paraguay
Hi all, I think that SMTMOBL: the video is one of the best videos I´ve ever seen in my life. It has a beautiful and deep message with which all of us could identify cause in one moment of our lives we had some problems or we had lost someone that we love, a friend, a parent, a b/f or g/f, or a relative. Like our Boys had, And I think that the message of this video is if you have a problem or you lost someone in your life there´s always going to be someone there for you, someone that supports you, someone you can trust you´re not going to be alone, that someone could be a friend, your family or even God. The Boys got each other, their families, friends and their fans to support them. Well, I hope you got the message too.. God bless
Submitted by Anahi or Kevin girlfriend :p from orlando florida USA
Hi! I think that the video SMTMOBL is about they're memories,like the death of Kevin's(my babe) father and the death of Howie's sister,the video is amazing and they appears so cute!!! oh my God,cuz I love Kevin more than my life,and the video makes me cry!.Well,that's all and BSB rules!!! Kev,I love u babe,u r my dream!!!.
Submitted by Ashley from Pittsburgh PA USA
I love the video, and think that it is their best yet! Brian's part to me is the best, and if anything would ever happen to him, I think I would have to die too! The thing with Kevin's dad and Howie's sis is really sad too, and At first the thing with AJ, I never thought of his girlfriend when he was 13, I thought it was Amanda. Oh, and Nick's can anyone please tell me what his means...I'm confuzzled...anyway the whole video is awesome, and if I don't see it at least once a day my day is not complete! =)
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