Show Me The Meaning of SMTMOBL: The Video
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Submitted by Tonee from Laval Quebec Canada
SMTMOBL is such a powerful video. I cried the first time I saw it.(01/01/00) I know I was drunk (due to the *coolers*), but when I saw it again I cried even more. The part when Kevin sings made me cry the most. Now I'm not the kind of chick who would cry over a video but this one... WOW!!! Oddly enough this video reminds me of a game I played on my playstation: Silent Hill. If anyone knows the game then you know what I'm talking about. The setting is the same as Silent Hill. But anyhow.. still SMTMOBL made me cry. Lenny, (my sista fo'life) cried too.
Submitted by Katherine from Old Bridge New Jersey USA
I think this video leaves it up to the fans to determine. I think they are on earth wanting to be in heaven. I think it represents their own version of being alone. And what they want is to be with the people they love who have assended to heaven. Kevin wants to be with his father...I wish I could just give that boy a huge hug. Howie I am thinking he wants to be with his sister...hug hug. Brian I cant understand is he watching himself die? AJ my god I can translate that into so much. I want to hug that boy and not let go. I think his is about the first girl that he loved that died. Not sure though. Nick is the one who is watching over everyone. Im not saying the guys want to die by any means. They just long to be with the ones that they lost. I can totally understand that. I think this is one of the most emotional videos I have ever seen. I cry when I see it.
Submitted by Simone from philadelphia pa united states
The phrase "to each his own" is very relevant to this song and the video. What you think about it and how you relate to it are, I think, based on your own experiences. As a senior in highschool I almost lost my mother to a tumor. As a freshman in college I lost my uncle to cancer. As a sophomore I lost my cousin. As a junior both of my grandmothers had strokes and almost died. For me Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely expresses many of the feelings that I have when I think about all that has happended, but cannot necessarily find the words to describe what I am feeling. It is not a morbid dark song in my opinion, but rather a song that puts words to feelings that unfortunately some of us have had to deal with in our lives. The video is beautifully done and is, I think, their best video to date.
Submitted by mandy from az florida u.s.a
i just love this song and i love it more after i saw the video
Submitted by Laura from St.Charles Missouri USA
I think it's a really good video. It really shows how each of the bsb's personal losses meant to them. Like Kevin and his dad, Brian and his heart. Aj, and Denniz. Howie and his sis'. It's a really good video, and it's really sad too.
Submitted by Hannah from Hays KS USA
I think the video is great!!! Its the best video ever!!! I think the saddest part is when Brian dies from heart surgery. He has to be tough to lay in a hospital bed and think about his past!!!! I LOVE YOU BRIAN!!!!!!!!!!
Submitted by em from Little Rock AR USA
First of all I think this is a great song, and it means so much more b/c it was the last song that the belated denniz, worked on with them. This makes the song so much more meaningufl because they can definitly relate to it and are able to pour out their heart and soul when singing it. I love the video beacuase they took hard times from the reality of each one of their lives and put it into the video. Brian and his heart surgery, Kevin and the death of his father, Howie and the death of his sister, Alex and the loss of a true close friend, and I'm not sure what Nick's is exactly about, but it must be something deep, plus the whole theme with denniz's death. But to understand the video you must already know these thing about the boys. They are trying to show the reality that they are normal. People like us look up to them as a fantastical being, not exactl human. But they are human and bad things happen to them too. It's not all glamour and it never will be. All of the lyrics in this song explain almost perfectly the message they are trying to get across. It is so heart-felt and touching and anyone is bound to be moved by it if they truly listen to the song and try to grasp its meaning. The video also came out just before the new year. To me in coincidence with the timing it is also telling everyone that you do not live forever. And people will not always be there. That's why you should take advantage of the time you have with them now, because you will regret it forever when they are gone.
Submitted by Heather from Canyon Country United States
There is definity a deeper meaning. First of all, it's my fave video-- ever. It shows Brian's heart surgury. The story on A.J. is that it's what he imagined his dead at birth twin sister would look like (that's one rumor), or what his friend that he lost when he was 14 looked like, or a really bad breakup. Kevin is mourning his father. Howie is mourning his sister. Nick doesn't have anyone to mourn, so he's kind of an angel of death, taking the others on to a better place. When A.J. gets off the bus, it says the destnation is Denniz st.I love this video so much. It made me cry my eyes out.
Submitted by Rushda from Cape Town South Africa
SMTMOBL is definitely one of the best songs the guys have done. It has a clear message - the pain of losing someone dear to you.
Submitted by Nicky Carter (yes,that's my REAL name) from Danville, Virginia USA
I think that the "Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely" video has a deep message.I think the real reason they dedicated this video to Denniz PoP was because maybe they didn't think he was going to die at the time but they didn't really acknowledge him really good. But after he died they realized how much he had done for them,cared for them, & so on. He was a GREAT man & I think that they realized after he died that they couldn't deal with their lose. Now for the video part. Brian,well,I think that when he's watching himself die there's something behind that like maybe even though all the fans,friends,& family were praying for him he thought "Well,they aren't having to undergo this situation.They don't know how I feel." so maybe he was still lonely for someone to actually know what he was going through.Who knows? AJ,well,he lost his girlfriend I can understand that but was this a real person here? Who? Marissa?Amanda? Kevin, he's remembering his father & how much he still misses him. Nick,I have no idea. Howie,I think he's thinking about his sister & how much he really still misses her. This is what I think. Who knows the real answers? The guys themselves,hopefully.I cry everytime I see the video because I think about all those situations in the video & I think "What if I have to go through one of these sometime in my life?" Next time you guys watch it really take a good look & think about the situations & the words of the song. Thanx for reading this. KTBSPA! ~*Nicky*~
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