Show Me The Meaning of SMTMOBL: The Video
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Submitted by ajs wife from ajs shirt down south to his pants and BINGO we found GOLD!!!!!
AJ HAS A *FINE* BUTT!!!!!!!!!!!
Submitted by AJ's LoVeR!!!!!! from WhErEvEr mY HuBbY aJ iS!!! OnLy Aj kNoWs!!! iN aJ'S bEd BaBy!!!!!!!!
i LoVe yOu aJ aNd lAsT nIgHt wAs GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! lEt's dO iT mOrE oFtEn!!j/k j/k!!!!
Submitted by KELLI from LANSDALe pennsylvANIA USA
I think SHOW ME THE MEANING means that every in the time has had a heart break and that you need to move on no matter how bad it is.
Submitted by Kaitlyn from Wynantskill USA
Submitted by Silvia from Sarnia Canada
this video was so sad. I get some of what they were reprsenting. Brians is what would of happened is his surgery didn't go well. Kevin is about his dad dying. The rest of them is I don't get. If anyone gets reply back to me on this website.
Submitted by Ashley from St. Peters USA
I means that the BSB had hard times exept Nick and Aj they just miss their girl friend but, maybe if Nick me I could be his girlfriend and he wouldn't be very lonely.Brian had heart surury so that's why he is sad and I you know that's gotta hurt. Kevin's daddy died of cancer so he only gots his mom and sibblings Brian too. Howie's sister died poor poor him.
Submitted by Ashley from O'Fallon { St.Louis} USA
Show me the meaning of lonely means once I meet Nick Carter he ain't goin' to be very lonely.
Submitted by Deb from Somewhere on Yip
I think it is a little bit funny that Bri is singing "there's something mising in my heart" and he had teh heart surgery cuz there was a hole in his heart..
Submitted by jennifer from chicago ill usa
I think the "Show Me the Meaning of Being Lonely" video is about all of the hard times the Boys have had lately put into one video to let the fans know. I think Brian's part had to do with his heart surgery and his thoughts about what could have happen. A.J.'s part with the girl probably didn't mean much, but when he was getting off the bus and you saw the the street name "Denniz St." I'm pretty sure that had to do with Denniz Pop, their late manager. I thought that was good that they did that. Kevin's part had to do with his dad. It just seems right for the video and song. I think that was a very deep part in the video. Howie's part was deep too. I think it had to do with the loss of his sister. Brian's part was deep as well. Nick's part, to me, had no true meaning to it. It was a good, but ameaning less part. Over all I think the video was one of their greatest videos. I think this song gives their music a new meaning and I think the new album gives them a bigger fan base. From young to old.
Submitted by Yes from L.W. Florida Palm Beach
I think the BsB video means Brian dies to an unsucessful heart surgery, Kevin when his dad died, A.J., Nick, And Howie just miss their girlfriends.
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