Show Me The Meaning of SMTMOBL: The Video
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Submitted by Ashley from Marshfield U.S
The video for "Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely" is in my opinion one of their best yet. It shows they've been through soooo much in their lives 3+ deaths, relationship break-ups, and near death expieriences. It shows the BACKSTREET BOYS aren't all fun and games, there is some seriousness involved and in the end they are together, as friends and pop superstars!
Submitted by Krystal from Backstreet City USA
I personaly loved this video! It shows such a softer and more emmotional side of the BSB.
Submitted by Mary from Wimberley Texas U.S.
Submitted by marissa from bristol conn. u.s.a.
I think this video is very deep.Going in order i'll tell you what i think it all means.BRIAN:this one is obvious.he's reflecting on his heart problems.Remembering his surgery,how it felt what the experience was like for him and his family and friends.AJ:Im not to sure on this one.this one could be one of two.this could be a rumour or not.but i think it means he is missing his girlfriend which was killed in a car accident a long time ago. or he misses his ex g-f marisa.KEVIN:This one is easy but's about his father.he misses him.i think it's sweet when he looks up at the sky when he sings ''Are you w/ me now.''NICK:he is my fav. and is incredibley hot but,i don't understand his part.all i know is that he saves a girl from getting hit by a bus.yay nick!!!!HOWIE: howie's part really touched me.hes sitting in the diner and kevin is obsevering it all. howie is remembering his sister and how he couldnt help her.he turns around and see's her fading away and kevin nods saying he he understands and know what its like because he went through the same thing. thank you.
Submitted by Anabelle from briansmyangel Lovinbrian IamobsessedwitbrianL
Last nite I saw the SMTMOBL vid 4 the first time and I think it was great, but very sad n depressing. Brian was obviously thinking bout what would've happened if he didn't survive the surgery, Howie was missin n thinkin bout Caroline, Nick fell in love and pushed her out of the way of that bus. Kevin's was just a tearjerker, but personally I thought AJ's was the saddest. I almost cried when she dissapeared! And since the song is dedicated to Denniz PoP, did any of u, see the bus was called St.Denniz? PS: I am looking for a bsb fanatic to email wit . . .please? especailly bout Brian!
Submitted by Katie from Glendale AZ U.S.A.
SMTMOBL is my absolute favorite video by the Backstreet Boys. It has evoked an emotion in me like none of their other videos. Every weekday around 5:20 I stop what I'm doing to see them at number 1 on TRL. I will always be a fan of the BSB.
Submitted by Megan from Irmo SC USA
Submitted by sorry girls A.J.'s mine!!! from cave creek arizonz america
ok this is what all the backstreet boys's meanings are in the video "Show me the Meaning of Being lonely". Brians is over hes heart surgery, A.J.s is the lose of hes exgirlfriend who he loved alot. Kevins is over hes fathers death.Howie's is is over hes sister who died. And i guess nick's is over that he can't find his on true love. But the all are singing it too beacuse of the death of their manager Dennis Pop. Like it says on the bus "Dennis St."
Submitted by Chelsea from St Louis Mo USA
Its is just a sad video altogether. I cry and get tears in my eyes everytime I watch it. And I'm not even an emotional person!
Submitted by Chelsea from St Louis Mo USA
Its is just a sad video altogether. I cry and get tears in my eyes everytime I watch it. And I'm not even an emotional person!
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