Show Me The Meaning of SMTMOBL: The Video

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Submitted by Kat & Amanda from Farnham VA USA
Date: Fri Jan 21 21:36:56 2000

Well, for all you girls out there who really want to know the truth about the video, my friend and I sat down and analyzed is...

Brian-of course, his heart operation, he was diagnosed when he was 5 and that's why in the thank yous of millennium, it says '5 years of living, 21 years of grace'

AJ-one of his girlfriends died when he was younger, but we don't think she was hit by a bus, and plus, he had just borken up with one of his gfs, and he is on the bus because in the song, his lines are 'nights of light, soon become wild and free'

Kevin-well, if any of you BSB fans know anything, you should know that Kevin's dad died about 3 years ago of cancer, and he is watching old family movies of a dad and son(not them)

Nick-well, if you fans had done your BSB homework, you would have known that Nick went through a poor stage when he was younger because his mom had trouble with finances

Howie-and if you don't know this, I feel sorry for you...Howies' sister, Caroline, died of Lupus last year, and he is mourning the loss of her

and to sum it all up, when they come together at the end, they're walking into the sunrise, it's like they have come to terms with their losses, and they are starting over again...

Sorry if we have insulted anybody's intelligence, but these things are so incredibly obvious...again, we're sorry...

(by the way, if any BSB members read this, we're starting a group, with your inspiration, and we'd love it if you could drop us a line and give us some advice)

Thanks ya'll

Katherine and Amanda

Submitted by Amanda from Fritch USA
Date: Fri Jan 21 20:11:24 2000

I loved the video! They were (as usual) all so hot! It was sad, though. Poor AJ was crying! That made me sad!

Submitted by andrea from columbia SC usa
Date: Fri Jan 21 20:04:20 2000

Hey, I have to put in my thoughts as well. To me, it's clear that Brian's scene is dealing with hie heart surgery, and that Kevin is dealing w/ the loss of his father. A.J looks to be torn up by a girl and if it wsn't what I read about Howie involving the loss of his sister, then i wouldn't have understood. But as for Nick??? I'm not quite sure. but I do like the video as it carries alot of emotion and feeling. It's a wonderful dedication. If anyone knows what Nick's scene is to be about, will you please let me know? Thank you

Submitted by Lauren from Feasterville PA u.s.a.
Date: Fri Jan 21 18:46:39 2000

i think that the video is their best one yet. it's so emotional and i love it. even though it's very sad, it still is my favorite video. i love the backstreet boys and i appreciate their hard work they did on the video.

Submitted by Meg from A-Town! Indiana US
Date: Fri Jan 21 16:47:21 2000

Oh! I just wanted to say that a bunch of people lately have been saying weird things like in Howie's scene, it is his girlfriend and weirdness like that. I read in an interview that it's supposed to be his sister that died from Lupus. Just what I read! :)

Submitted by Meg from Angola IN US
Date: Fri Jan 21 16:44:50 2000

Okay so I've written before on my theories...I have found yet another! My best friend, Carly, and I were talking about the video last night. We were discussing how Brian, when he leaves the hospital, there is the bright light and it's like he's glowing. Many people we've talked to have thought that he died. I perceived it as that he was more or less reborn. If you go to the inside album cover of Millenium and in the thank you's section...Brian refers to having lived five years of his life and 21 years of grace. I look to that. Maybe it's like when he was little and he had the surgerys and he survived. Now he's living off of God's grace. I don't know. I just took it that way. In the video, the heart monitor flatlines but then continues to beep again so he survived, and then he walks out and he's this different person that is reborn. Just an idea! Tell me what you think :)

Submitted by Kirsten from monroville U.S
Date: Fri Jan 21 16:14:09 2000

OK i think i know what the symbolism means.

brian has a heart problem and everyone would be alone if he died because he almost did when he was little.

Kevin is lonely because his dad died and he misses him and he feels alone without his dad

A.J.'s girlfriend got hit by a bus when he was younger and he was on a bus and it remined him of her and he was really sad.

Howie's aunt died and it was reminding him of her or he was missin his g/f we can't figure out which one it was. i think it his aunt.

And the best one of all Nick, when he was younger he didn't have very much money and his mom was saving money for them to move and someone they think it was his babysitter that stole it and they had to stay in thier small house.

i love that video and the backstreet boys. I LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!! i think this is what the video means.

Submitted by Jennifer from Rochester Hills usa
Date: Fri Jan 21 15:52:55 2000

I think show me the meaning means what it's like to lose some one that you love or are very close to. Show them what it's like to lose someone they care about.

Submitted by JesyKah from Bridgeport Connecticut USA
Date: Fri Jan 21 15:42:01 2000

well, think that it's about how all of them r lonely.....

aj is missin his girl, kev is mourning his daddie (i cried

when i saw that part of the video! **sniff** **sniff**) and

i think d just broke up wit his girl and now he wishes he

didn't. i really don't know about nick and brian...i know

in the video brian's, like, dyin but i don't understand the

lonely part..maybe he was talkin 'bout how lonely his fam

will be if the dies....or how lonely leighanne would be. as

for nick i don't understand his at ALL!! 1 of my friends

said that he was supposed to be a bum or,

i don't know much about bums but i know i ain't never seen

no bum wit those kinda clothes!! well that's what i think....

e-mail me if u think i'm crazee or if u agree wit me....


one love,


Submitted by jenyfer from reading usa
Date: Fri Jan 21 15:36:14 2000

i think that the song is great and that the video is awsome--Nick is the best and does not look stupid in his hat he is incredaiblt HOTT

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