Other Artists: Who Do You Love?
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Submitted by melanie from somewhere usa
Hey Annie, we bsb fans don't need to buy extra copies to break the record. We'll break it honestly for the Boys
Submitted by Kristin Dalton from Riverdale Georgia USA
Submitted by Jennie from Amity New York America
Love the BSB. They are original, they are talented, they are great. They don't brainwash you by playing their single 100 times a day on the radio. they are the one who opened the doors for all those stupid imitators out there.
Submitted by Annie from Buffalo NY What country do you think? England?
Submitted by Briana from Derry USA
Hey well i've already put somethin in here but im gonna say more. OK Backstreet Boys are the best in the world. i like Will Smith, Limp Bizkit, Blink 182, and Sisqo, oh and Christina Aguilera but BSB are #1. WHo i hate hmm let me think. oh yea how could i 4get the group the the fat one, the anorexic fool, the chea pet, the cross eyed mammas boy and the insane crazy gay one. What's their name?? i think it is *NSTINK or *LIPSYNC or maybe its *NSH*T. sorry i just can't remember the exact name but who cares all us BSB fans kno they are the biggest loosers and wannabe's on the freakin planet right?? Plus i hate that stupid girl Britney Spears. she is so fake and is obsessed with a dirty qtip.
Submitted by Briana from Derry USof A
i love the Backstreet Boys. They are the best. I also like Limp Bizkit and Blink 182. But in case u wanted 2 kno who i really hate. OF course that is the one and only *NSYNC or should i say *NSTINK or any other many nick names that they have hee hee
Submitted by Catherine from a place nobody knows of another place nobody knows of USA
I like a bunch of people, but Backstreet Boys are my favorite duh. I HATE N Sync, Britney Spears, and a few others.
Submitted by Jennifer from Orwell Ohio United States
Submitted by kRISTINE Capua from Burlington Massachusetts
Favorite bands
Submitted by Catherine from eiffel road ca Warren World
Here is my list..whether you like it or not.
Submitted by Stephanie from diamond bar usa
heyloz! i absolutely LOVE the backstreet boys (as do all the other fans that have entered an entry here). they are so damn finer than n stink. the backstreet boys actually care about their fans and family. but not n stink. nooooo. all they do is fake their real personality and pretend to be "nice, talented guys". pth. wat a load of bullsh*t. all those gay n stink fans that come in here to diss the backstreet boys, us backstreet boys fans will likewise go to gay n stink web sites and diss them there. n stink is only in the music business for the money. thats y they encouraged all their fans to buy more than one album of their "no dicks attached" album. justin is soo gay. he really needs to get a haircut, or more like a shearing. his 'fro looks like a brilo pad. joey SERIOUSLY needs to lose some weight. either that or he needs to cut down on 20 Dominoes pizza every night. lance is just plain feminine. he looks like a girl. all he needs is eye shadow, lip stick, a wig, and then any guy will fall for him (like any guy would wanna). JC is a fag. he looks like he's gay (in which of course, he is). chris is just plain ugly. even stray dogs look better than him. and he is such a pathlogical liar. if u wanna know, e mail me. and another thing about justin, he is just plain UGLY, period. he acts as though he's God's gift and thinks he's every girl's dream. n stink have no talent and they lip sync. thats prob where they got their name: lip sync, cuz thats exactly wat they do! ne wayz, if u agree with me, e mail me and ill tell u sum more true facts about these gay girls with no talent.
Submitted by Jenn from ? ?
hey girls/guys,
Submitted by Katrina from Federal Way Washington USA
OK! My top 5 fave groups are
Submitted by BSBgirl from Backstreet Land
My favorite band is BACKSTREET BOYS!!!! If Backstreet Boys are your favorite band, prove it and vote for them at: http://www.fox.com/specials/teenchoice/polls/tc_music_main.html so go and VOTE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
Submitted by Mel from Tempe US
Here are the top 5 groups/singers on my list:
Submitted by f.k from sanford me us
BSB is my favorite! I don't like N SYNC and all the others are okay:)
Submitted by Brittany from ringgold va usa
i love you . you are phat
Submitted by Lauren from Warren USA
My favorite boy bands/singers are Backstreet boys a course, LFO, Aaron Carter, 98Degrees, and NSYNC.
Submitted by Jenny from Akron Ohio United States of America
Hey! These are my top 5 fave groups/singers:
Submitted by Cindy from Corona NY NY
There is only one group that i truely love which is THE BACKSTREET BOYS. I Love them and i think that they are the best group ever.
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