Other Artists: Who Do You Love?
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Submitted by Cheryl from San Ramon USA
I LOVE BSB and HATE N'stink.
Submitted by NICK'S BABY from DC VA
Submitted by Kayla from New York Mills n.y. u.s. of a.
Okay let's see.
Submitted by Monica from USA USA
Hey bsb fans!!!! PLEASE PLEASE visit my site and sign the guestbook for me! I work so hard on it and no one ever signs the guestbook for me! My site is very original and includes original sections like ahh..that ladder, the nose-scruntch, nick's hair gallery, sweet dreams, thank you much the bsb family dedication, back that thing up, you're obsessed when..., and much much more!!! Check it out and PLEASE SIGN THE GUESTBOOK!!! KTBSPA!
Submitted by Stephanie from diamond bar usa
i absolutely LOVE the backstreet boys, no doubt about that, and i absolutely DETEST N Sh*t. they need to get a life and their own identity. all they do is rip off other ppl's songs and do a crap job of it. i also heard that since No Dicks Attached is the most bought cd, it's also the most returned one cuz all the gaya$$ fans bought more than one copy and dun know wat to do with it!! how GAY!!!
Submitted by Joey Hill from Rogers Texas United States
I like Howie D the best because he is so sweet and not alot of people really like him the best. Besides, he's so cute.
Submitted by Ema from Atlanta USA
bsb,n'sync,98 degrees,five and hansons NEW cd..not the old one..are my favorite groups.cd's.
Submitted by Aubrye Jacques from Shoreline Washington United States
The groups i love r:
Submitted by |\|*|*(*|(*$ |3*@*|3*¥ from bsb bsb
I know I'll get a lot of hate mail for this but oh well. AND I LUV BSB W/ ALL MY HEART AND SOUL!
Submitted by meg from Lansdale us
Submitted by melissa from colts neck united states
1.backstreet boys
Submitted by Natacha Dorough from Montreal Quebec Canada
Submitted by Liz from Chicago IL usa
I heard on my radio station that Nick and some guy (an Olympic MALE Ice Skater) were seen at a bar in downtown Houston. Nick was seen on his knees sucking him off!!!!!! THIS IS TRUE I SAW THE PIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Submitted by Anna Elmerholt from Eskilstuna Sweden
Hi !
Submitted by TAMRA from LAMPASAS TX USA
I like all kinds of music, but BACKSTREET BOYS inspire in me feelings that no other music group can. I don't think I have to get into why, because all their fans understand what i mean.*****When it comes to groups i dislike, I would have to say N'SYNC. I have tried to give them a chance, but cannot quite be into them. part of it is their endless copying of BSB. Also i honestly don't understand their popularity because their voices are not that good, and their songs are kind of generic pop.They are the best example of a "BOY BAND"(which BSB are NOT!!!!)Also all these other "ASSEMBLY LINE" BSB wannabes are driving me up the wall!!!!!!! KTBSPA!!!!!
Submitted by Tay McLean from Puerto Rico Puerto Rico PR
5 favorite groups
Submitted by jessica from cleveland us
Well I used to not pay any attention to *Nsync i just started to see them more and now I see how much they copy BSB! I've always loved BSB and when I started to see *Nsync more I seen how much they try to copy their songs,ideas,clothes,and image.I think they should try to find their own identities and if they can't just give up!I'm not trying to start anything w/ *Nsync fans but I'm just telling it how it is and I'm sick of all this crap that people talk about how *Nsync is better than BSB cuz their not and I think not everyone has figured that out yet so all these *Nsync fans get it straight!!!!!
Submitted by Tina from NY USA
Of course I love the BSB! They are so talented and such good dancers. Yeah, I respect N SYNC too, since they are also talented. But I think the BIG difference is that BSB are so much HOTTER than N SYNC! Really, I mean, they are no comparison on looks!!! Plus N SYNC doesn't have a Nick, ya know! That makes a HUGE difference! Nick is so much hotter than Justin Timberlake, who's hair is just getting a little too big if ya know what I mean. LOL. KTBPA!
Submitted by tricia christianson from antioch ca usa
Submitted by Sara from Saskatoon SK CANADA!!!!!!!!!
Alright ppl listen up, i have something to say and if i don't say it now i'm gonna explode! Okay as we all know there has been quite a rivalry between backstreet fans and n'sync fans on this page lately and i have simply come to say GROW UP!!!! No body cares, we don't need to keep hearing these repetitive messages saying "oh my god n'sync suck, they like totally copy backstreet boys and i wish they'd go to hell!" No offence but it's gettin a little old! If u don't like n'sync fine, that's great, i'm proud of u actually but do u think maybe just maybe u could keep it to yourself. This is a place where u can say who ur fave bands are its NOT a place to put down other bands and ppl who like those bands. I myself am not a fan of n'sync. I really think they have no talent but i'm not gonna come on here and point that out to the whole world cuz guess, everone already knows bsb are the better band. Always have and always will be! End of discussion. Y'all don't gotta listen to me but i hope u take this into consiteration. Thanx!
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