How much would you spend on a ticket to a BSB show?
Submitted by ~*KeLLi*~ from BLooMFiELd NJ US of A
Lemme just tell you about my story and see what you think of it at the end. . .
Submitted by Cindy from Winnipeg Canada
I would only pay around $60. Any more would be a total ripoff. I mean everyone stresses that these boys are human and love their fans but paying over $100 is ridiculous. Remember! There is no price on love. Why should we pay hundreds of dollars just to show someone we care. All we get in return is the hoping we get to meet them backstage and having 2 hours of fun. In the end do you seriously believe it's worth it to pay that much? I sure don't! I will always be a fan of their music and respect them as musicians but saying "I paid $600 to go to their concert" doesn't make you a better fan. It may make you more obsessed with something that will end shortly. Say in a couple years when you are all grown up and you'll realize life isn't about obsessions. It's about doing something for your community. Respecting everyone not only musicians and stars is what life is about. Everyone deserves to live life the way the choose. Just take these words wisely. They may come from a young, 14 year old, inexperienced in life, girl, but I do know what I'm talking about. I've seen things in life and not just on t.v. I'm talking real life!
Submitted by *BoNeS GiRL* from San Jose CA USA
Me and my friends waited in line for hours trying to get BSB tickets on Saterday August 14th, but unfortunatelly went home empty handed. About a week before both shows, my friend got in contact with a ticket broker through the internet, and it happened that she knew this guy. So we got 4 Third row Center tickets on the floor, I paid $250 for my own signle ticket! But to me it was worth it. I also got tickets to the first nights show (Oct. 21st) I paid $130 for 18th row center on the floor. Even if BSB think certain thoughts about the people who pay so much money to see them, they should realize that I DID get up early in the morning just so I can get one single ticket to their concert, but got cheated due to Ticketmasters silly number bracelets rule. And a lot of people had cut in line, wich was unfair and that whole morning was a total complete mix up. The concert was the best yet. And I would do it again if I had to.
Submitted by Abby from Highland Heights Kentucky U.S.A.
I would pay for as muh as I had to. My Second concert in Lexington, Kentucky which was on November 27th, I had to pay $180 for my mom to go, then another $180 to get me to go down there. Then for gas money, (I live 2 1/2 hours away form Lexington) I had to cough up another $40. Then I payed for my dinner. Add on another $10. I had to totally pay $310 to go. It was worth it though, I had second row seats and I got to touch Nick! :-) Any amount is worth going to see them!
Submitted by Sarah from Edmonton Alberta Canada
First of all, this is the second time I've signed this, just thought you'd like to know that. I know that in my last statement I said I would pay anything to go to a BSB concert, and that's very much true. But I have to say that I laugh at everyone who's spent over $300 and they were either in nose bleed sections or in front row. I also laugh at everyone who sleeps outside just to be in the front row, the odds are that you won't even make it in the building, 'cause you'll be squashed by everyone else tyring to get to the front, then if you aren't squshed by everyone pushing in line, you'll get trammpled when they open the doors. And I must say that it was halarious to see the faces of over 500 girls when me, 3 of my friends, my sister, and my mom, cut through the line and to a Media door. It was halarious, 'cause everyone was staring at us through the fence that was around them, with there jaws on the groung. They looked like caged animals. I ot to the satium 5 minutes before the doors opend, and got front row. Where as there were people there 5 days before, and didn't get front row. And the best thing was, I didn't have V.I.P passes or anything, but we still went through the V.I.P doors, why? (no, we didn't sneak in), my best friends mom, was friends with one of the security gards. So for all of you spending lots of money to go to ther concerts, and trying to get front row, I laugh because I spent a little over $30.00 and I got to go in a "secret door" 2 minutes before the doors to the other people were opened, abosolutely free. Oh, and I also caught one of Howie's roses. But I would pay anything to go to a BSB concert because I love them so much, but if there is a way that I cango for less (or even for free) hey, I'm gonna take up the offer. So my advice, look at all the options before you take a giant leap into your bank account or wallet. We were also very close to getting back stage passes too, (try sweet talking a male security gaurd next time after a lot of people have left, you might be suprised to as what the outcome is.) We were close, maybe you'll get closer........
Submitted by Lisa from San Jose Ca USA
Ok so when i heard that bsb were coming back on tour in februsary i freaked! i went to their concert in October and it
Submitted by Alison Rogers from Edina Minnesota United States
I tried for 4 hours to get through to ticketmaster to get tickets the minute they went onsale for Millenium Tour. When I finally got through over 4 hours later, I found out tehy had sold out in 15 minutes. Then I cried and cried. Later that day, on the internet I saw some 6th row seats on (horrible overcharging greedy site) for 600 dollars each. I bought them with my moms credit card and didnt tell her. I babysat, and babysat, ans babysat for what seemed like EVERY day for 4 months. about 2 weeks before the concert, my mom's bill came for her credit card and she noticed what i'd done. before she could say anything, I handed her over 1200 dollars (by the way im only 12 years old). It was all perfect. Now about 3 months later, I find out they're touring again, so I spent a couple hours on the phone trying to get through again, and it was deja vue from a few months earlier. I went back online, and out of all the sites selling the tickets, had the cheapest price, 900 dollars each, but they were 1st row, so it was an ok price. I ran upstairs to tell my mom, but by the time i came back downstairs and my brother got on the computer. He got off later that night, and i noticed the tickets were gone because someone took advantage and bought them before i could. I was SO MAD, but Im babysitting almost everyday, and I was gonna try to pay for another pair of tickets for 800 dollars that werent quite as good. I finally got about 700 dollars paid up around christmas time, but not enough and the concert was getting closer, and tickets were disapearing...i had to work fast. Then, christmas morining when I woke up and came downstairs, there was an envelope with my name on it. I opened it up, and there were 2 FRONT ROW TICKETS TO SEE THE BACKSTREET BOYS IN CONCERT ON MARCH 3rd!!! My brother than came up behind me, touched my shoulder and said "merry christmas". I jumped up and gave him the biggest hug EVER and started to cry because I was so happy. I dont know why he decided to do this for me considering how much we fight and dont like each other, but I didnt really need to know. I guess I never will know, but that's what christmas giving is all about.
Submitted by Shelley from Burnaby BC Canada
Id pay up to $300 for BSB tickets
Submitted by Christine from Toronto Ontario Canada
I recently bought a ticket for the Backstreet boy's concert here in the Toronto Skydome. It was the 100th level, row 4. I bought it from a scalper for $300.00 All my friends think I'm crazy but I would pay $1000 if I had the money.
Submitted by chaos from Delft Holland
I'd pay as much as I could afford to see the Backstreet Boys live in action!
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