What do you think about the outcome of the 2000 Grammy Awards?
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Submitted by chloe from lexington ky usa
hey, everybody! i know this is the wrong place for this, but i wanted to make sure as many people as possible saw it. i paid for the marisa jackson site today....the one that is $9.95. and it's pretty good. well, i totally disagree with charging people that much money to look at a page for one day. therefore, i am sharing my username and password will all of you. doing my good deed for the day i guess. so, anyone who wants to see the site for free can just use my password. hope you all enjoy it! write and let me know what you think!
Submitted by karen James from Indianaplis, IN Indiana USA
Whoops! I forgot to say: BSB should have won all their grammies!
Submitted by Karen James from indianapolis Indiana USA
Hi people. I'm here to tell you to go to MTV.com and vote for "It's Gotta Be You" to be the next single. It should be the next single for these reasons 1. Don't me wrong, I like "The One". However, it is more of a pop song, and it would kind of be more of a step backwards than forwards. 2. "Don't Want You Back" would be a perfect choice for a new single, if it wasns't for 'NSync's "Bye, Bye, Bye". We know that "Don't Want You Back" came first but the media will still look at that the other way around and that would not be good. 3. TRL never plays the entire videos, which really angers me. "It's Gotta Be You" is the shortest song on the album. It's actually under 3 minutes long. Maybe, just maybe, they'll have time the play the entire video. Well, that's just my opinion. I'll except it either way.
Submitted by chloe from lexington ky united states
hey, everybody! i know this is the wrong place for this, but i wanted to make sure as many people as possible saw it. i paid for the marisa jackson site today....the one that is $9.95. and it's pretty good. well, i totally disagree with charging people that much money to look at a page for one day. therefore, i am sharing my username and password will all of you. doing my good deed for the day i guess. so, anyone who wants to see the site for free can just use my password. hope you all enjoy it! write and let me know what you think!
Submitted by ASHLEY CHRISTENSEN from Hernando Florida United States
I think Backstreet Boys should have won all the awards they were nominated for since they are the best band out there and N*sync only got there fame from copying the Backstreet Boys.N*Sync's song "bye bye bye" is the same thing as "don't want you back" from the Backstreet Boys who did it first.Plus the song "music of my heart" is the same thing as "the perfect fan" the chorus of the two songs is the same thing and the Backstreet Boys did it first.I think all the Backstreet Boys are fine and mega talented,and anybody who says they suck or something like that doesn't know good music.
Submitted by deborah from Charlotte NC USA
I know this is the wrong board but everybody vote for ''It's Gotta Be You''. If you already voted for a song then go vote again please. Just imagine what the video will turn out to be like.
Submitted by Yan Meng from Montreal Quebec Canada
I'm very disappointed that boys didn't win an award which definitely should belong to them. Santana is not bad, but I don't think they should get "the song of the year" and "the record of the year" and "the album of the year", which should be given to boys. I don't know what's the standard of grammy,and now I really don't think it's fair. They know boys are good, that's why they arranged the show for them, but they just don't like them enough to give them the awards they deserve.
Submitted by Katrina McLean from Chicago IL U.S.
I think the show was o.k. I don't think I would even watch the show if it wasn't for the Backstreet Boys!
Submitted by me from st.helens merseyside england
i thought it wuz terd and when the spice girls were on they just took the piss and sounded like a load of cats crying.
Submitted by Ashley from Montgomery Alabama USA
Hey I know this is a grammy topic but,everyone please go to http://trl.mtv.com now!and vote for BSB's SMTMOBL I know y'all wanna see 'em at #1 again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!please do this now!
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