What do you think about the outcome of the 2000 Grammy Awards?
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Submitted by amanda from spotsylvania va usa
i think it is good santana finally won some awards,but the backstreet boys were completely jipped! ok i really thought they would win best pop album. come on sting has any one actualy listen to his cd before!!
Submitted by Linh from L.A. Cali. USA
Okay, I'm sooooooooooooooo pissed that the bsb didn't win a Grammy!! I personally thought that they would win at least 1! I think they totally deserved the Album Of The Year!!! I mean come on! The album sold over a million cd's in a week!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How many cd's did Santana sell? The BSB broke all the possible records they could break! How many record did Santana break except oldest man in music?! To put it lightly I am VERRRRRRRYYYY dissappointed that the BSB did win anything!!
Submitted by Elizabeth from Sparta North Carolina USofA
I'm happy for Santana....but I mean the only reason that he got all of those Grammy's is because alot of great singers helped them out. If you have the Santana Supernatural CD then you will see that out of the about 13 songs.....7 of them are featuring somebody. Carlos is an excellent gituarist...but I mean the Backstreet Boys deserved a little bit of credit.....when I saw that Santana won the Album of the Year award I burst into tears then cried myself to sleep that night. I think the BSB worked alot harder that Santana...I mean they didn't even write their famous songs! I mean Carlos has been in the music buisness for about what....30....35 years or so? Why do they decide to give the Grammy to him now? Why didn't they give it to him when he was in his prime....if he ever was. I mean this year was the BSB year and they are in their prime now so give them a chance! They definitely deserved atleast 1 Grammy....Album of the Year....they sold far more copies than Santana did! But anyway I really hope that Santana goes back out!!! But that's what I think! C-Ya'! Bye!
Submitted by amanda from Long Island USA
Well hey i think everything is fair BSB won NOTHING !!!!
Submitted by Fawn from B-burg KY USA
I'm pissed! I am so f*cking PISSED!!! Ok a dude that plays the guitar won 9 Grammys....explain this to me. Rob Thomas sang the song and he wrote the d*mn song.....to me, Santana shouldn't even get credit for that song. But it's on his album so lo and behold it's his song. Smooth was a major song, but it was not better than IWITW. Come on, just cuz the guys a fossil doesn't mean he should get all those grammys. Yeah he's been making music for 40 years. Why is he just getting Grammys now if he's so great? Well I'll tell, he use to sing his songs, now that he has everybody else sing his songs, he gets the awards. Almost EVERY song on the album is sung by someone else. It just irks me!!!!! Millennium was a phenomenal album and it deserved an award. I know that they will probably get Grammys later and being nominated is an accomplishment in itself but still. IWITW and Millennium deserved these. Ok I'm done now.
Submitted by Clay Bogle from Buck Snort TN USA
I disagree with the last persons comment. I don't think the fact that BSB are gay had anything to do with Santana winning the award. I'm sure that most of the judges were gay too, so if anything that would have given them an advantage.
Submitted by Sophie Harris from Lansing Michigan USA
I want to respond to what some fans have been writing about Santana. In my opinion, Santana deserved the awards that he won Wednesday. He is not primarily a vocalist, nor does he claim to be. He sings backup vocals; he is not a lead singer. What he is, is a damn fine guitarist (in my opinion, one of the top ten), a master at his craft, and a legend in the industry. He deserves everyone's respect. Also, do you realize that in the late 60s and early 70s there were many teenagers that were as obsessed with Santana as many of you are with the Boys?
Submitted by Lorraine from West New York New Jersey USA
I have to start off saying that the performance they did at the grammy's was great! They rocked the house. They really showed everyone
Submitted by Megs from Western Canada
The Boys Sure As Hell Proved Everyone Wrong, With Those 2 Outstanding Performance They
Submitted by Salina from Terre Haute IN USA
I think the backstreet boys most definetly deserved a couple grammys. These boys work hard and I know it would make their day if they won a grammy!! Their performance was wonderful and I loved it so much!! If they had won a grammy, I would have jumped for joy!!! It would bring me so much joy just to see them up there, holding that golden gramaphone and thanking their fans! Santana is an awesome artist, but come on, give our boys a couple....geez, he probably got like 10 grammys that night!! BSB went emptyhanded, which was probably sad, but they still managed to keep their smiling faces and positive attitudes. I'm going to get on this grammy committee thing and I'm gonna make sure that BSB get a grammy next time!! BSB...you guys deserve all the grammys!! You guys rock my world!! And to the fans, keep voting for them on TRL!!! Peace out, Sal :)
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