What do you think about the outcome of the 2000 Grammy Awards?

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Submitted by Cynthia from Logan Ohio USA
Date: Mon Feb 28 20:43:14 2000

I think it is very sad that they didn't get an award. They worked hard for everyone all year and didn't get a thing to show for it. Personally, I'd have given them all the awards b/c they deserved many kudos for everything they've done. They should have had best concert b/c then there would have been no way that BSB would have lost that catergory. They had the best concert ever. Santana's "Smooth" didn't hold a candle to ANY of the BSB songs.

Submitted by Betsy from Monroe NC USA
Date: Mon Feb 28 20:28:07 2000

I felt many different emotions as I watched the Grammy's - pride in the performances that our guys gave; sympathy for them when they didn't win; and yes, anger at the narrow-mindedness of the voters and others who made negative comments about pop music. The Grammy Awards never have and never will reflect mainstream music. Yes, it's great to be recognized by one's peers (which is what the Grammy's are all about), but I'll bet the numerous viewer's choice awards the guys have won mean more to them because it's us, the fans, who vote for those. The true fans know that the Backstreet Boys deserved to win - and we're proud of them, and we love and support them. KTBSPA!

Submitted by BaCkStReEtgirlie from West Chester PA USA, baby!!
Date: Mon Feb 28 19:47:46 2000

I just wanted to post this note pertaining to my other one. I may have caused some anger in some people about my opinion with Santana. IT IS ONLY MY OPINION...THAT IS WHAT A MESSAGE BOARD IS FOR. I am not asking you all to agree with me, but please respect my opinions as I do yours. Santana is a talented guitar player, but the Grammy's is more than that....that's why I don't agree with him getting all the awards. I truly believe that BSB were much more deserving. But again, that is MY OPINION!

Submitted by Jan from Frederick USA
Date: Mon Feb 28 19:37:59 2000

Ok, I just have some comments about the BSB dissing Nsync issue. From what I've heard so far, the Backstreet Boys have never dissed Nsync. They didn't say anything mean about Nsync. Right, about the Boys saying how Nsync stole the flying idea, well, I really didn't think the Boys were 'dissing' Nsync. I respect Nsync too. I remember the Boys said that it was frustrating for them, they said they try hard to be different. You consider that as dissing? I really don't think so. The Boys have nothing against Nsync. From what I understand, it's more like a friendly competition. And I think the Backstreet Boys should've at least won 1 award. Santana deserved the awards but our boys should at least take home 1 award. They deserved the awards too.


Submitted by Ada from Louisville KY USA
Date: Mon Feb 28 19:31:03 2000

Okay, I will be honest with you guys. I didn't really expect the Backstreet Boys to win that many awards in the Grammys. However, I did think that they were going to at least win ONE friggin' award!! They really deserved to win the song of the year, I Want it that Way is a very catchy Pop tune, and will be around for years, I am sure.

Was this a Grammy snub?! You better believe it!!!

Submitted by Jay from Oakville Canada
Date: Mon Feb 28 19:18:52 2000

I truly think that "I Want It That Way" should have won song of the year. I got VERY sick of "Smooth" way back when. But I could listen to "I Want It That Way" forever. Santana deserved most of his awards, but song of the year should have gone to the BSB. When I think of music in 1999, "I Want It That Way" sticks out the most. And one other thing that bothers me is that everyone trashes the BSB for not writing or playing their own songs, but Santana doesn't sing or write HIS songs, and NO ONE is trashing him!

Submitted by Amelia from Montgomery USA
Date: Mon Feb 28 19:05:30 2000

I very happy for both brian and kevin. I thinck they both deserve sombody to spend the rest of their lives with. I wish them all the luck and a happy life.

Submitted by Vanessa from San Diego CA USA
Date: Mon Feb 28 18:33:17 2000

okay, i was just reading through a few of your guys' comments and, i have to say that i agree with brooke who said that she didnt agree with the fact that the BSB were putting NSYNC down for doing the flying over the audience thing. Personally, I think that the boys are being a little sensitive and childish when it comes to that issue. Dont get me wrong, I love the BSB more than any other group, but i also respect Nsync, meaning that i own their album and watch them on TRL, and thats about it, my loyalties are always to the BSB. My point is, I kinda think that, yes, maybe the boys are thinkin they are top sh*t right about now, and maybe the Grammy's knocked them down a step, who knows? Just because they are the best group out today, doesn't mean that it's neccasary for them to put down another group when they have never really said anything negative in their direction. I know this post should be about the Grammy's, but i just couldn't help but agree with brooke's post.

Submitted by Anne from Ottawa Ontario Canada
Date: Mon Feb 28 18:19:31 2000

I think that the BSB should have won for best pop albulm, most people didn't even think Sting had a chance, but I kinda expected the rest! It's nice Santana won after all these years! I think it's great Christina won best new artist she is so deseerving! The performances were cool, especially BSB & Elton's!

Submitted by Vanessa from San Diego CA USA
Date: Mon Feb 28 18:18:23 2000

Okay, first of all, I was a little disapointed that the Backstreet Boys didnt take home any awards. I really beleive that they should have taken home best pop album, but the truth is, i've never heard the Sting album, so I have no bases of comparison. I think all the Santana hype will pass, yes, he's worked hard all of his life and finally getting recognition, blahblahblah. I think it's funny how people are always like "oh, the Backstreet Boys cant even play their own instraments...ect.." but why is it that no one knocks Santana for not singing his own grammy winning songs? He got pop influential singers to do that for him, such as Rob Thomas and Wycleif. Honestly, I dont think that "Smooth" is that great of a song, but that's just my oppinion. "I want it that way" surpases that song in everyway and should have taken home song of the year. Anyways, as i was saying, I really think that this whole Santana thing will pass, but i'm sure non BSB fans are saying the same thing about our group, so who knows. 1999 was a very big year for the Backstreet Boys, possibley their most successful year ever, hopefully they will continue to grow and gain respect from a more diverse range of people, I forsee great things for the Backstreet Boys at next years Grammy's, if the continue their progression, but only the Backstreet Boys can tell that.

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