What do you think about the outcome of the 2000 Grammy Awards?
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Submitted by Kia from Atlanta Georgia United States
Okay although I like Santana I dont think he should have gotten Album of the Year. I beleiev the boys where robbed of the Grammy for Best POP album and Best POP performance. But all and all their performance was off the hook!! It kicked major @$$. Of course we're not surprised we knew they could do it!! You go boyz. Oh and by the way, they recieved mad props for their performance the next day.
Submitted by michelle from **** Canada
I've been reading over some of the entries that people have made about the Grammy's, and i must say, I'm kinda shocked at some of the entries. Many people seem to think that Santana is this bad person for taking all the awards. Before anybody goes off on me, hear me out. I am a HUGE Backstreet Boys fan, but I also like the song "Smooth". I do think that the Boys' did deserve to win something, but what gives everyone visiting this message board to put down Sanatana. Yes, it was unfair that Santana wlaked away with so many awards, but he did deserve what he won. Like the Backstreet Boys, he worked hard to get where he is. You need talent in order to make it into the music business, but you also need that same talent and hard work to stay there. Sanatana may have taken some time off, but if the guy had no talent, why did he make such a successful comeback? And why is he hugely repected by many in the music industry if he had no talent? I don't know how many of you like Ricky Martin or Marc Anthony, but do you relize that if it wasn't for Santana, people like Ricky or Marc wouldn't be as popular as they are now? Santana helped break a racial barrier by making it in the music business and opened the door for people of Latin origin to make it big. I don't mean to be giving a lecture or anything, but I just want to get a point across.
Submitted by Amused from Calgary Alberta Canada
You people amuse me. *lol* The Grammy is an award given to a performer (which includes people who do not sing but do play instruments) who is considered by certain voters to be of outstanding excellence in the field of music. Not who has the best hair, who is so "hot", and who dresses the best. So Santana is older? So what? Do you think BSB are going to stay young forever?? Also, to you people pi*sing and moaning about how Santana was "greedy" to "steal" all the awards. He won them fair and square! Did you really expect him to say, "Oh no, I've won way too many awards tonite. Please take this one back, sandblast my name off of it, and pencil in BSB." Give me a break!!! Somehow, I get the feeling that if the boys in BSB weren't so attractive, they wouldn't have half the audience they do.
Submitted by Erica from Mt. Vernon North America
I am VERY dissapointed that the Backstreet Boys didn't win a Grammy. Santana Won pratically every award. I don't think that it is fair. Backstreet Boys: If I were the voter, I wuold have chose you every time! GOOD LUCK NEXT TIME!!!
Submitted by parvati from pune maharashtra india
BACKSTREET BOYS deserved to win at least pop album of the year.....i had a feeling that they wouldnt win any other award b-coz i feel the people who vote 4 the awards at the grammys give awards only to OLD PEOPLE i mean hey .....look at it.... santana,whitney housten,sting,cher,TLC...(they are not old but have been around 4 quite a while now)and just about everyone else was old.i dont mean to offend anyone hear but that's the way i see it.
Submitted by athena from troy greece
To all the BSB dissers coming on this site, what are you trying to prove? Do you think you're actually going to make us change our minds on how we feel about BSB? We don't care if you don't like BSB! Because we love them! That's why we're on this site. Why are you here? Think about that for awhile...
Submitted by Christine Bogan from Ft. Bragg NC USA
I was very upset that BSB didn't get any Grammys! I'm glad at the other outcomes though. But this year has been big for BSB, most deservingly. My fav. Grammy, which is the Album of the Year- well, I was really, really, hoping it would go to BSB! Satana is very talented, and very good with the guitar, but did he have to win every catagory BSB was in???? Grammys aren't the only award show, and BSB did get awards (deservingly) this year, like the Best Group in the People's Choice Awards. How about the Viewer's Choice, at the MTV Video Music Awards? And they won 4 awards at the BILLBOARD AWARDS (along with Britney)! So it is not all bad, fortunatly. But the Grammys are the ones who follow you throughout your life (the other ones do too, but the Grammys are more important). Still, BSB put out a great Grammy performance, and it is good that they got at least nominated.
Submitted by michelle from il usa
It's simple- BSB kicked ass ( eventhough they didn't win any awards) and everything else sucked!!!
Submitted by Christina from New York NY USA
Submitted by Heather from Hanover Pa USA
I think Santana is a major dickhead for winning all of the Backstreet Boys' awards!!! I mean he had his chance when he was in the music business like 20 years ago. He shouldn't be coming back as an old fart to beat out the best, sexiest group in the world!! He doesnt even freakin' sing and I feel that he doesn't deserve 8 Grammys especially when 3 should have gone to BSB. As far as Sting beating BSB... I guess that doesn't bother me as much but it still pisses me off. I mean they looked soooooooooo HOT at the Grammys and all I'm gonna say about Nick is "Damn!" Can we say the hottest guy in the world? Well, I just wanted to express my opinions about the Grammys.
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