What do you think about the outcome of the 2000 Grammy Awards?

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Submitted by kbaby from miamisburg ohio U.S.A
Date: Fri Mar 3 09:24:14 2000

I think they deserved an award!!! That wasn't fair!!! 'Nsync needs to find their own groove to win awards with!!!! BSB all the way baby!!!!

Submitted by Kelly from Newcastle NSW Australia
Date: Fri Mar 3 07:34:13 2000

Ok so they didnt win an award BUT they did get to perform and might I say their performance was excellent....I say Congrats guys. I really really enjoyed the performance, the voices and harmonies were just beautiful (as always)!!

I also congratulate the artists who did win the awards in the categories the BSB were nominated for because they are also talented and work just as hard as the BSB do so lets not forget that fact!!


Submitted by Diane V from dayton ohio usa
Date: Fri Mar 3 03:43:46 2000

I love the guys... You should have won one award at least... come on, all the older people win... I mean I like TLC and all, but over the guys.... What a scam....

Keep it real,

Diane Vacca

Submitted by Nicole from Austin Minnesota USA
Date: Thu Mar 2 21:48:57 2000

The only thing good about it was when the Backstreet Boys sang ! Bsb should have won at least 1 award!!!

Submitted by Kaylin from Pittsburgh PA USA
Date: Thu Mar 2 20:21:56 2000

I think that all these publicists and academy people voted for Santan cuz he's old and he won't be up next year and they feel bad for him. You won't see Sanatana up for an MTV awards, and you see them win for a fan choosing award. If you've noticed, BSB has always won the awards that fans have chosen them plus other ones, but the ones in which fans vote are most important. They probably aren't really worried about impressing publicits and academy people and they would rather win a fan-based award. But, they probably dont mind the other ones either of course. BSB was so robbed.

Submitted by Alexandria Haynes from Kansas City Missouri USA
Date: Thu Mar 2 18:13:07 2000

I think this years Grammy's SUCKED!!!! I'm boycotting next years grammy's! They let ALL the underdogs win the grammys.

And...Santana......his wrinkled butt needs to go somewhere else because he's so overrated. How the heck is Sting's " Brand New Day" win Best Pop Album??? Backstreet Boys were nominated for that award! I bet hardly nobody knows the song nor the album....because he sucks and people let all the" Old wrinkled guys" win all the grammys. Every year the grammys overrate a person...like last year it was Lauryn Hill and this year is Santana. Where's Lauryn Hill these days??? Huh? I swear that the Grammys get on my nerves, and the Backstreet Boys WERE the artist of 1999, and that's a fact!! Nothing desribes 1999 better then BSB. I bet in exactly one year from now, Santana is not going to be nominated nex year....who cares if he been singing for 30 years...he still sucks. Everybody, don't watch the Grammys next year....there just going to overrate a person again, and of course there not going to pick the best group in the world to get a grammy.

Submitted by robin from atlanta GA USA
Date: Thu Mar 2 17:50:21 2000

I thought the Grammy's this year were pretty good. I thought it was good that Carlos Santana won so much, b/c he has been in the business for so long and really deserves it. The only thing I don't think he should've won was album of the year. He's been in the news a lot this year, but not much about his album was really said. I thought that should've gone to the Backstreet Boys since it broke so many records and everything, and even Santana himself said BSB should've won something. Anyways~the performances by the Boys were wonderful! Their vocals were great, and I thought the tributes to the other Grammy winners they did were soo good! They also have gotten lots of credit for those performances, so thankfully now people are really realizing they have wonderful talent! :) :) :)

Submitted by Maria from Carrollton Georgia United States
Date: Thu Mar 2 17:38:38 2000

Hey! I really think the Grammy's sucked this year mainly because the Backstreet Boys didn't win an award. I was so mad to hear that Santana won everything, I think the BSB deserved those awards more than anybody else. They have worked so hard these past years and they are so determined to satisfy their fans, and I think that they are the best group out there. I am so sorry that they didn't win..but they will always be number 1 to me!! Love Ya:)

Submitted by Katie from Reb Bank USA
Date: Thu Mar 2 15:27:38 2000

Well 1st off their (BSB) Preformances was wonderful both of them. I think they sound better singing "I'll Make Love To You" then Boys 2 Men. They were awesome with Elton John too. I Think that Backsteet should have at lest gotten album of they year. I mean lets see who sold the most albums in the 1st week then anyother music act ever? hmm Well the Backstreet Boys did i think that means alot. Santana's album is mostly no them. They should start singing some songs for themselves. And who the heck knew Sting had a album let alone a song out. Well not me. Well there's always next year.

Submitted by Lauren Lewandowski from Mt. Pleasant PA USa
Date: Thu Mar 2 14:17:14 2000

Well, I think that the bosy atleast deserve props for being nominated you know?! They deserved to win, but as all us true fans know they will be around forever and ever and are sure to win an award sooner or later. The Boys should know that in our hearts, they all have Grammy's. I have never seen teh Boys perform better, either. They looked sophisticated at the Grammy's, making the whole "bo band phenomenon" look stupid. Thye represented themselves and pop music extrmely well. As for Santana, his comeback is trash. hate to say it, he would've neevr even made a come back if it wasn't for Rob Thomas. If he wasn't collabortating with other artists he would have never even had the hit that he had. Someday, the dumb voters will all see the light and they will know that the Backstreet Boys are and always will be NUMBER ONE!!! WOOOWOO! KTBSPA!

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