Are Their Days Numbered?
Submitted by Tina from backstreet's city Backstreet Boys State backstreet's world
The article was okay...I didn't really get it but its okay I guess.I really love the BSB..this is a BSB webpage..No offense or nething but I don't like nsync...u made me kinda hate this page for a while coz somebody here mention NSYNC.Arughhhh..I can't stand that group..sorry to the fans.I mean i used to be obsess with them..but till i found out nsync said BSB and oter artists had borrow some of nsync's ideas and sh(t.I don't think so..I tihnk NSYNC borrowed the other artists ideas esp. from BSB.Okay no offense. I will always love the BSB no matter waht.I love being a BSB fan and I will continue being one from now until forever.Okay then enuff said Bye
Submitted by Lindsey from Baton Rouge LA USA
I am the perfect example of what the Backstreet Boys can do to an audience. I went from being completely anti-Backstreet to camping out for 48 hours in December for concert tickets. When my friend made me listen to Millenium, I realized the true talent of the boys. And I know they have the talent to influence others too. I recently got a big, macho, 24-year-old guy to admit to liking them, in front of all the guys he works with. My musical tastes are spread far and between. In my CD player right now is Blind Melon, Jim Croce's Greatest Hits, 98 degrees This Christmas, Bob Dylan Highway 61 Revisited, and Millenium. If that isn't a wide and varied selection, I don't know what is. But I will always be here for the boys, or rather, men. And I think that they won't disapoint the current fans and make plently more in the process. After all, the 10 million plus people who have bought the albums can't be that wrong or that fickle.
Submitted by Jim from Easthampton USA
I have heard the Backstreet Boys on both of their CD's, and I highly doubt that the Backstreet Boys will ever "fizzle out". They seem to understand the music industry, and they change with it, and that should be creditable. Not to many artists can do what the Backstreet Boys did. I also think they are doing a good job on keeping everybody happy with what they are comming out with. Pesonally, I am a choosey person, I don't like everyone on the radio, and if I happen to like what I hear, I stick with that individual or group, and the Backstreet Boys are one of them. Hey I still like Gloria Estefan! There is nothing the Backstreet Boys can do to change that. Their songs could plummet to the bottom, but I'll like them none the less.
Submitted by Katie from Baton Rouge Louisiana USA
Submitted by Haley Fritz from Lufkin Texas America
I think that the BSB are great and no matter what anyone thinks they will always have their talent! They are going
Submitted by Anne Urdaneta from Manila Philippines
I thought it was a good move for them to start writing songs and getting involved in other creative work (like conceptualizing and designing their videos' looks, playing instruments, etc.) besides singing and looking pretty. I think this spells the difference between fading away and staying on top. The obvious example is Madonna, who started out as a pop phenomenon and is now one of the most successful, respected musical artists in the world. Max Martin is an incredible hitmaker, but I think he only knows how to write one type of song, and that can get pretty boring pretty fast. I'm also not particularly interested in Max Martin -- if I wanted him, I'd be listening to Britney and the other singers he writes for. I want the Backstreet Boys.
Submitted by Ashley from Shepherdsville Kentucky USA
OK OK. This is my 2nd entry,but I gotta let this out. I do believe that the Backstreet Boys can stay on top forever. I don't think that they are just another "boy band" who sings these cheesy pop songs about God knows what. I also don't think that they only are market to teens. I have been to 3 concerts and at every single one there have been older people anywhere from 20-60 not just with their kids either. I know all those guys out there who are "closet BSB fans" They wanna act macho and not let anyone know that they like the BACKSTREET BOYS! Then I see em at the concerts dancing and singing and I really like that. Some guys even come with their girlfriends. The Backstreet Boys are like no other, they can turn pop into music everyone can enjoy young or old male or female. I know for a fact they took "I want it that way" and it ended up #1 for a few weeks on the Adult Contemporary charts. Has N Sync done that alone, how about 5ive? I didn't think so. NOt only are there awesome song writers behind the bsb they write their songs too. Take MILLENNIUM for examlple, they wrote or co-wrote 4 songs on there, and produced. Thats talent. The Backstreet Boys will be around as long as they wanna be. Why? Because they are great artists and they have the best fans in the world behind them 100%.
Submitted by Laurie Carter from Nepean Ontario Canada
This is all crazy! I am a very dedicated fan, as devoted as they come, and I have loved them for going on 4 years now. I know that BSB will go on forever, even if they do solo things, they will always be the Backstreet Boys, and the fans know it. All the true fans that believe in them the way I do know that BSB are here to stay. They aren't just a passing fad, and I think they've proved that. Everone thought they were out of the scene after the singles were out for Backstreet's Back, but they came back, bigger and better than ever. And as they grow so will their music, and so will their fans. We will always be here to keep the backstreet pride alive, and as long as we are, they are too. The arcticle said that we(the fans) will get new musical tastes, and "move on". Well, I have changed my musical preferance quite drastically, but BSB had always stuck with me, because it is indenyable that they have amazing voices, their songs are from the heart, and they are enjoyable to listen to. The "immitators" if I can call them that, could come and go, but BSB will always be with us. They are really talented, and I will always love them, no matter how old I get!! PEace out, and KTBSPA!! BSB 4 EVER!!
Submitted by Kerri from Odenton Md 21113
I'm sorry, I just saw the Rolling Stone pics. The pictures of Britney didn't hurt her career, but will it hurt the Boys? They are seen as a clean cute group and the pictures went completely against their image, the image that mothers everwhere like. I love the Boys, and will continue to do so, but I think those Rolling Stone pictures are the stupidest thing they have ever done. I couldn't help calling them idiots a few times for it. Will they be around much longer after they lose the respect of their fans? I mean, don't get mad at me for this, but it is true.
Submitted by Blair from Ft. Lauderdale US of A
That's a really dumb article, Backstreet Boys are on top of the world and nothing will bring them down, including Britney, Mandy, and PYT (what? who are they?). You saw what happened, they fizzled down a little bit, earlier this year, and then BOOM sky-rocketed! The boys proved that they aren't the new "New Kids on the Block". They went beyond that dumb status, and created their own, a musically talented group. I must admit N Sync is completing their final leg of their 15 minutes of fame, but the Backstreet Boys don't have 15 minutes, their time is unlimited!
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