BSB Tribute Groups
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Submitted by class of 2000 from greenwich USA
i just listened to an audio clip of them! they sounded horibble!!!!
Submitted by Laura from Chicago IL USA
I am not one to knock people who are doing what they love, but I think it is wrong for these guys to be COMPLETELY imitating BSB. I can understand singing a few of their songs, but to be called Backstreet Tribute, to say on the web page, Carl Someone as Howie D., to pose in pictures exactly like the guys, it just seems to me that this group is capitilizing on the fame that the Backstreet Boys have, I think it is wrong, and shame on them. I can't tell from their audio clips how talented they are, but they need to find their own thing. Their is already Backstreet Boys, and truthfully I love the ones we have.
Submitted by Katrina Littrell from Wichita USA
Well, I suppose imitation IS the highest form of flattery...of course, I still hate *NSYNC. That's not really imitation--that's imitating and pretending that you're original ::cough "Bye, Bye, Bye" cough::.
Submitted by Lesley Smith from Owen Sound Ont. Canada
I think the Backstreet Boyz look like they would be great. Around here there is a group that tours around called Backstreet. Along with them come Spice (Spice Girls) and Britany (Britany Spears). They consider themselves a tribute group and do a wonderful job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Submitted by Jamie from N. Augusta SC USA
::can't stop laughing::There Should Be Onle One And Only BSB And They Got That Pose All Wrong and I Wouldm't Buy Their CD They're Remakes Like'nsync.They're Not Homemade Like BSB And That Nick What Girl Would Actually Like Him I Mean No One Wants a Fake Boy Band.And I Wouldn't Go To Their concerts AT ALL.By The Way That Is So Cheesy.::Can't Stop Laughing::
Submitted by Emily from Albany NY USA
HAHAHAHAHA-Cant stop laughing....hahaaha. This has got to be the cheesest thing I've seen. OK, The guys dont even look anything like the BSB, I know I kid my age who looks more like Brian than that guy. I know that they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery but this is too much.......hahaha (still laughing).....hahah.... KTBSPA!
Submitted by Payal from Daman Daman(u.t) India
ok !!well it is flattering that these guys r paying a tribute to the bsb's but hey they cant replce the bsb's!its really nice that they are showing respect to the bsb's they can imitate to b the carbon copies but not clones!hey alas our bsb's music is original and not bsboyz!!its good they are trying to imitate bsb's but hey alas bsb r goin to remain bsb and bsb have a lot more good looks,talent and energy than those copying guys!
Submitted by Martha Contreras from México D.f. México
I'm still in shock, I just can believe it... I know that this is a very flattering thingn for the real BSB but PLEASE!!!! this guys are all wannabes and this thing reminds me the time when Ben Stiller did it, remember??!! but that time it was a very funny imitations but this is not the same...
Submitted by Maria from Baltimore Maryland USA
C'mon, I mean lots of artists get tribute/cover bands! Usually the best of the best, like Led Zepplin, Metallica, Jimi Hendrix, and now.. strangely in the mix, The Backstreet Boys! I don't mean strangely as in doubting them, I mean, look at the bands/musicians I just named.. Most would see that as weird to see BSB in that mix, but hey, it's actually appropriate since they too have "revoluntionized" music, obvious. So this tribute band is great and flattering and nice.. and not the first. Maybe the first to really claim themselves as THE tribute band, but of course everywhere you look (well maybe not everywhere) there are groups of boys/men well-coordinated and singing and dancing to BSB tunes. I think it's great!
Submitted by Nicki from St. Clair Shores Michigan USA
Yes, I totally believe that immitation is the sincerest form of flattery, BUT...!!!
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