BSB Tribute Groups
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Submitted by casey from charlotte nc usa
i think their fall album should be called "blessed" because after all this crap with n'stink and all the battles they have been going threw god stilled blessed them to have the power and strenght they have now. they are really blessed!!
Submitted by Lindsay from Houston MN USA
I think that the Backstreet Tribute is a VERY good idea, and I can't understand you people that say that they shouldn't be copying BSB. That is the point of a tribute. If they didn't copy BSB, what would they copy? 'NSYNC? Or else they would just be another boy band. What more can you ask for, bsb fans... I'm guessing these guys must be gay to like BSB that much, but I really think it is a good idea...I have never been to a real Backstreet Concert, and I am planning to go to the Wisconsin Boyz one.
Submitted by Emilee from Chicago USA
Ok, there guys have some work to do. Now if they weren't imitating the BSB songs and had their own image, maybe. But I wouldn't see them even if I got to go for free! I'm sorry, but what are tributes for anyway? It's not like they're going to be loved more than the original BSB. Oh well. KTBSPA!!! Please vote for SMTMOBL on TRL, they lost #1 to *N Sync!
Submitted by Trinity from VA Beach Va Usa
The Backstreet Boyz is the meanist form of mockery I've seen yet.
Submitted by Diana Blanco from Avellaneda Buenos Aires Argentina
Why Bsbz exist? We have the original Backstreet BOYS. They are the best. I love Them. I don't need another Bsb in the world, they are my world.
Submitted by Makenzie Smith from Haughton LA. U.S.A.
I think that the Backstreet Boys are one of the few bands out in the music business that can actually sing. I think that is stupid that people critize them so much. They have worked extremely hard to get where they are and have opened the door to many other bands and singers. I'd like to see Fred Durst, Juvenile, Emenim, or Dr. Dre hit some of the notes that these five guys can! All those Rock critics need to shut the hole in thier face before I have to come do it for them. They wouldn't know a good song if it came and punched them in the face!(Which they need one to)People think that the type of music that they sing is lame and shallow. Well, I'll tell you what's shallow! Critizing a band that can sing ten times better than you just because they don't sing the same music that you do. Rock Music And Rap music is the way out for people who really suck at singing!
Submitted by Jennifer from Athens AL USA
i think that its an insult to the REAL backstreet boyS...they aint no where near as goodlooking as the REAL thing...the guy that supposed to be Brian looks like hes on crack or anorexic looking....thats gross...sorry for the people that disagree with me..but thats how i feel about it...i wonder if the real BSB knows about it...if they dont then someone needs to tell them....if they do they are pretty stupid to let them go...i wouldnt pay a dime to see their concerts cuz i WANNA SEE THE REAL THING...not some frauds...
Submitted by Kathryn from Bartlett TN U.S.
I think that the whole idea of a "cover band" is a nice concept, but I would want to go to a concert where the REAL Backstreet BoyS would be there, not the Backstreet BoyZ. Since I am a big fan of the real guys, I'm not going to pay money to scream at an imitation when I'm in love with the real thing!
Submitted by Krissy from Cape Cod MA USA
Can't...think...ears...bleeding...*covers her ears with her hands and shuts off the heinous sound of the Backstreet BoyZ* OMG, it's terrible, just terrible. The boys in the band don't even LOOK like BSB! If you wanna cover a group, at least slightly resemble the original. As for the clips of their singing? No way, no how. Can't POSSIBLY compare to even the WORST of ANY boyband *ahem* sorry, "Vocal Harmony Group," out there.
Submitted by Aeryna from T-Town WA US
WTF is this sh**?!! the BSBz suck! they sound nothing like the bsb! and the only one who mite (i said MITE) have a chance to be a singer is the one who wants to be AJ! They sound like drunk monkeys! I kno this is probably not appropriate to post on this site but this is how i feel about the WANNABES. These guys suck so bad that i think C-NOTE is waaaayyyyy better than them!!!
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