Backstreet Boxers
Submitted by Amanda from Fritch USA
They had their pants dropped!!!!! Need I say more? I loved it! I ran out and bought it the day it went on sale. Nice legs Boys! LOL
Submitted by H.Silvis from Pittsburgh PA USA
This was the best Rolling sone cover ever!!!! My friend and I bought it as sppn as we saw it because AJ is sooooooooooooooooooo fine. I think it will help them if people read the article inside the magazine because there was alot of very interesting facts inside.KTBSBPA!!!!!
Submitted by Tanisha from Fairburn Georgia USA
I have read all of the responses towards the Rolling Stone cover. In the end more liked it than hated it but I think
Submitted by Jessica Harmer from Wappingers Falls New York United States
I loved the cover!!! Man talk about a gutsy move! I'm not sure that I would do something like that if I was in a band.
Submitted by Claudia Leticia Almanza from Los Angeles CA USA
What is there to say? Once again, eveyone has a different point of view or opinion about the cover, but in reality what is the big issue? I personally give them props for dropping their pants because (1) it took a lot of courage to do so and (2) they had the confidence in themselves and the magazine to not make them look sleazy. Why is there alot of people giving them a lot of heat for it anyway? No one bashes Blink 182 for perfomaning NAKED!! The only thing the guys are revealing are there legs and may I add they have very nice legs! I believe the cover is tasteful and sexy. They are dressed in black suits which makes them look quite serious and the whole dropped-pants thing shows how silly they can get. I do have to admit that when I found out it was Kevin's idea, I was a bit surprised and happy. He was willing to get crazy for an instant and forget all of his inhibitions. The Backstreet Boys want to be taken seriously, but they also want people to realize they are simply human beings, like you and me, and would like to be treated like regular people. I think this cover was meant to help people realize they are NOT just "cute boys" with great voices, but GREAT MEN with many talents. This cover has elevated their status from "boy band" to a VOCAL PHENOMENON! The future holds great things for them and I wish them the best!!
Submitted by Natasha Landega from Winnipeg Manitoba Canada
Love it! However it is a bit sleezy (No offence, guys!)
Submitted by casey from emmaus pa usa
can anyone send me a piccy of the cover? please? i did not get to see it or buy it. thanx!
Submitted by Rebecca Bernstein from Bellaire U.S.
Very Sexy,BABY!!
Submitted by Jennifer from Valrico Fl USA
When a "Boy Band" can stand on with their pants down around their ankles and in their boxers then you know they are no longer a "Boy Band." My God! When I saw this cover I saw like OMG! HOW SEXY CAN YOU GET! They have blown the boy band phrase right out of the water! They are men, no ifs, ands, or buts about it! And not are they only men they are the 5 hottest men on the face of the earth. This cover is great!
Submitted by Erica Littrell from valrico fl usa
I think the cover of the Rolling Stone was SOOOOO Incredibly HOTT!!!! It goes to show that they're not little boys anymore they're sexy men!!! My Baby Ducky, B-Rok, looks absolutely BEAUTIFUL! They're the BEST group ever, and deserve respect from everyone! All those people that hate the cover, and hate them know that they secretly love them, and are just too damn insecure with themselves to admit it!!They're the best!!
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