Being A Backstreet Boy

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Submitted by Betsy Xerikos from Watertown Ma USA
Date: Tue Jan 4 19:37:29 2000

i agree with the article 100%.i am glad you wrote it and everyone should think the way you do about the boys and their lives.and i thank you for writing it.

Submitted by Melissa from germantown tn usa
Date: Tue Jan 4 19:34:16 2000

hi..i totally agree with respecting the backstreet boys.

they have done so much for us. they have shared their amazing gifts and are always nice to us, the fans. the only thing that we can give them though is our continuos and devoted support, our thanks, and most of all our respect. the thing that they probably want the most is to be able to walk into the mall without any hats or sunglasses on and just walk around like a normal person without being recognized.

so be a fan and show them the respect they deserve.


Submitted by Erica from New Orleans US
Date: Tue Jan 4 19:32:40 2000

I agree with this article. People seem to forget that it's hard for the guys to be in the spotlight constantly. They give so much to us, the fans. It is also hard for the fans to remember that they are only human. They are not perfect, they are not gods, and they are not going to sweep you off you feet and marry you. They are not going to magically fall in love with you, especially if you are screaming at them. The guys do want to be left alone sometimes and there is nothing wrong with that. There is something wrong with their "fans," who "love" them chasing them down in the streets as of they are animals in a zoo. They aren't. Don't get me wrong, I do believe that the boys do love us, all of their fans. They love us as much as anyone can love one of millions of people who they've never met. They also respect us, so please respect them. If you run into a Backstreet Boy on the street, don't scream, don't cry, don't faint. Introduce yourself and politely ask for a picture or autograph. If they say that they can't, leave it at that. Say thank you and move on. They'll remember that fan who actually respected them.

Submitted by Alicia from California City CA USA
Date: Tue Jan 4 19:30:47 2000

Hey! I just wanted to say that I totally! agree with Lori. I have always thought the same thing that she has, BSB need more from us then just annoying! screaming fans all the time, they need are Thank-You!!! and support! I really loved! the article you wrote it was so TRUE!! and Awesome!! I love BSB and I would never act in a way, to where I make them feel they can't get close to us, without everyone going crazy! it's just not right. By the way Kevin Rocks!! I love you guys!! and Thank you! for Everything!!!

Love Always,

Alicia Armstrong

Submitted by Catherine from Victoria BC Canada
Date: Tue Jan 4 19:30:37 2000

I definatly agree witha that atricle. I am nearly 20 years old and have been through the phase of doing anything to meet them and (or other pop bands from when I was younger) and I see now how wrong it is. Look at all they do for us and look at some of the things we do in return? Example.... bash their girlfriends, invade their private life, steal things from them, mob them and demand pictures and autogprahs. They are five normal guys who need to know that we respect them and we appreciate all they have done. If I had money I would donate to the cancer foundation (i dont think they are sponsors...kevin wants to though) because I know what Kevin went through and I wna to help him and others ho have had to deal with loss to no longer deal with it. Anyways, think about what that girl wrote and what I have said and lets all try and respect the guys and thank them for doing this for us.... Peace & KTBSBPA

Submitted by Em from Rochester NY USA
Date: Tue Jan 4 19:29:53 2000

I totally agree with this. You couldn't have said it any better. I am on the same track as you. I also feel that they need a thank you from their fans. It shows a lot of appreciation. I wonder why I didn't think of sharing my feelings with a website! lol! Thanks.

Submitted by Tiffanie from Pegram Tn usa
Date: Tue Jan 4 19:25:19 2000

I totally agree with her ! i mean, yes they do sometimes appreciate, or they say they appreciate, the screaming and the marriage proposals, but i never thought about just saying, thanx a bunch guys. she made me realize just how much they mean to me and how much they do for the fans. i hope every body else understands her and doesn't send her hate mail, because she deserves an award or something for thinking that up, just so the "overly obsessed fans" can get it through their head to just be thankful for what they have done for all of us fans. thanx for listening, and great article ! k-t-b-p-a ! ( in a good way )

Submitted by Ratgirl from Medellin Colombia
Date: Tue Jan 4 19:10:21 2000

What's "to be a Backtreet Boy"? The answer is so simple: They are five human beings that have accomplished some of their dreams and that love what they do. Why can't people understand this? And that's one of the reasons that made me become a fan. I am one of the most frustrated people in the whole world because, even though I have great parents and a nice place where to live, I'm killing myself emotionally because I can't do what I love, and I have tried for two years and there is always something that seems to try telling me that I don't have a chance ... Yet, I'm still trying. And when I see those groups and people that have worked so hard to get to the top -Like BSB and Korn- and that I've seen the press and critics try to tear them apart, but they've shown nothing can stop them, I feel like I still have a chance. That's why I can't stop felling the way I feel for the BSB: I admire and respect their determination, their strength, their talents, their music. I only wish the best for them. I don't care if I never meet them, or if I'll ever get chance to see them in concert, I don't care if they won't ever marry me . Because from the very moment I started liking them I knew there was much more behind their good looks, beautiful smiles, and apparent great personalities. And all of you should do that, too. It's not hard, believe me!! I was surfing the net about 20 minutes ago when I found this page dedicated to the BSB's girlfriends and, no wonder, it was maintained by these girls who absolutely HATE the BSB girlfriends. Why can't they have girlfriends? Why can't they have a normal life? And you know the answer is not "because they are celebrities and it's part of the business" or "because I want them". I don't mean to say that all of you fans who dream about marring the boys should stop dreaming. But if you really admire them, their happiness should be your happiness. If that implies them having girlfriends or a family of their own, why should this upset you?

Something else... The original article mentioned fans stealing things from the boys. Why should you treat the boys like objects? Do you really think that doing this will get you closer to the boys? No, it will allow you to fantasize about a perfect world where you and your favorite Backstreet Boy -if not all of them- will live together, forever. Don't stop dreaming, but remember: reality is always much worse, but it's still reality. If you really love them, you don't need anything -like hats, shoes...autographs, etc. All you have to do is love them , support them, and respect them as artists and human beings.

Any comments? Please, e-mail me:

Submitted by Courtney Ann Becks from Iowa City IA USA
Date: Tue Jan 4 19:08:53 2000

Lori sounds a little bit sanctimonious in my opinion. I realize that will get me boo-ed in a lot of fans' books, but, so what?I'm about to get boo-ed some more, because what I'm going to say will sound pretty cynical. But I'm 24 years

old, I work as a marketing assistant, and I've just got common sense. We do not owe BSB any thank-yous. Period. Our thank-yous are our money. The music business is about $$$. Read the new Rolling Stone. Howie is saying show

business is two words.Show and business. If no one was buying the CDs or t-shirts BSB wouldn't exist as we know them.

I'm obviously not saying it's okay to fracture their bones or steal their underwear. That's obviously wrong because no one wants it done to her. And, c'mon, be real. If I see A.J. or Howie or Nick or Bri or Kev walking down the street,

only a force of nature could keep me from asking for a picture and/or autograph. Being a celebrity is about signing autographs and fans wanting to take pictures with you. If you're world famous, I think those are things that can be

reasonably expected.

Furthermore, I am tired of people trying to tell other people what they would or wouldn't do if they were "real fans." That's rather holier-than-thou. Bring the signs to shows if you want/can! How else are the Boys going to know what

you're thinking? They're not going to *ask* you. Shout "A.J., I want you!" if you want, cuz when are you going to have the opportunity to scream that out to any other guy? If you don't approve, that's okay, but enough with the fan police.

Courtney Ann Becks

Submitted by Laura from Hilliard Ohio USA
Date: Tue Jan 4 19:07:07 2000

I totally agree with what you say. They are real people just like us. They have said it so many times. For those of us who watched the Disney special, they were out doing things "normal" people do. They played basketball, shopped, rode horses, and bowled. I may only be 13, but I understand that. How would you like it right in the middle of bowling if someone stopped you to propose, or ask you questions, or even bother you in so many ways you cannot imagine.


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