Being A Backstreet Boy

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Submitted by Michelle from San Mateo Ca Usa
Date: Tue Jan 4 20:50:00 2000

Wow just wanted to say great job...and well said! I never really let this all out before and you pretty much summed it up and I am glad someone said something because I have been feeling the same exact way! So good for you and way to go! Glad there are other people like me out there who share the same feelings!

Michelle (ajs_hot2000)

Submitted by the gurlie formally known as ~FrAcKy~ from Montreal Canada
Date: Tue Jan 4 20:49:59 2000

I am proud to see the some fans have become aware of what the Boys have done for not only themselves, but for US! (yeah U! the one reading this letter!)

Although i am only 15 years old; i have grown to realize (last year) as i have grown as a fan, that BSB have gone thru tough times just as many of us have. The ONLY difference is that their problems may affect their career, as well as be emphysized in mags, on the news, and as the media searches for more dirt and juicy gossip on celebs.

In all their hard work, few moments of free time, and journey to stardom (or have they already reached it?), they've never forgotten to thank the people who've helped them reach the top....including God. The crew, the choreographer, the directors, the fans...and YES, evem the competition. Nick Carter has even shown us how mature he's grown to be when he thanked todays generation of pop such as Britney Spears and N'Sync. Even Howie ADMITTED that altho Lou Pearlman (errrr!) scammed them and decieved BSB (awww!), they wouldn't be here today without his role in their loves.

I know for a fact that many people who may have been placed in their situation would have broken down in the pressure, the stress, the knowlegde that u will never be a private citizen EVER again. Backstreet Boy's 7 year journey shows us how strong they are/were to stay together this long even tho they went thru MANY hard times.

I'm not surprised but PROUD to see that even when they had urges to break up or set aside this 24 hour job, they took in consideration how it would affect eachother and the fans. Its all for one, and one for all. And that's truely keeping the Backstreet Pride Alive!

Submitted by Jess from Lexington KY US
Date: Tue Jan 4 20:48:25 2000

Thanks for that great article. I also think about the subject and it really is a lot of work to be a BSB. people in my class are constantly dissing them and saying that they have millions and millions of $ and they don't care about the fans, but I always stick up for the guys and am sure to say Thank You! at the end of all my letters to them Thanks again!! KTBSPA

Submitted by shanon from toronto ontairo
Date: Tue Jan 4 20:47:54 2000



Submitted by Amanda from Twin Mt. N.H. USA
Date: Tue Jan 4 20:41:46 2000

I totally agree. Now, I'm a huge fan, no doubt about it. But, as lucky as I think they are for being able to live their dreams, I also almost pity them. They have almost no remainder of a normal life. They always have to wonder about the new people they meet..are they there just because he's a BSB or could they REALLY care less? Their loss of privacy has got to be frustrating,too. And the whole part she wrote about Larger Than Life; amen. When did some people forget morals and manners? As much as we may love these five guys, we need to remember not to put them on a pedestal and make them out to be gods. They may not be able to live up to this, and you'll be disappointed. And always remember that they are only human, and they are not perfect, and they do make mistakes. And as for Alex, Howie, Brian, Kevin, and Nick, if they ever, by some odd twist of fate read this: Thank You. God bless..Mandy

Submitted by Amber L from Red Deer Alberta Canada
Date: Tue Jan 4 20:40:42 2000

I totally agree with Lori, and I'm glad I'm not the only one to see things towards the Backstreet point of view. I'm not saying that I've never held signs like "I LOVE YOU NICK!"... lol.. Cause I have.. But I've kinda growin' out of that, this passed year, matured a little, and looked at there point of view.. From what I see it is very hard being a backstreet boy, and I commend them on all they have done, and will do in the future..Lori is right.. Thank you guys!

Submitted by kelly from nj usa
Date: Tue Jan 4 20:39:19 2000

i agree with this article i think that the guys lives are very hard and crazey. as their fans who received a song just for us and who have been called larger then life we need to support them and respect them as people. i know you think im crazey im mean i guess if i had the chance to meet a.j i would go crazey to after all just look at him. but if we really love them as much as we say we do and i really do love a.j we need to step back and when we do get that once in a life time chance to meet them we need to act like humans and not like wild animals going in for the kill. i know many of you are going to complain about my comment but its true really take the time to think about them and what they need out of their lives. they need their quite time and they need to have relationships with people as much as it kills us ( i know i always hope that ill be that one for a.j) but really theyre not just 5 hot guys who are so talented and there to spend their time just for us they are also humans who deserve lives of their own ( everyone can say they really earned it). so before you go crazy storm their house and run them down step back and think how your life would be if you had to deal with that 24/7.

Submitted by rainey smith from toronto canada
Date: Tue Jan 4 20:38:07 2000

I think that another way that we can show appreciation to the BSB is that we can send fan mail to them but not to much.Maybe we can draw pictures to them of ourselfs so they can see their fans that can't afford t o buy tickets to their shows.

sincerely Rainey Smith........P.S BSB your doing a great job.

Submitted by Patti from Plainville MA USA
Date: Tue Jan 4 20:21:16 2000


I just read your article and thought it was very well put.

I too am an older fan, 33 soon to be 34, and have always hated when women/girls behave so giddy over performers. For all the fans that do behave this way and also send their proposals, etc. to the guys trust me they aren't the ones the guys remember or respect the most but rather the ones that the guys probably joke about behind closed doors. Laughing together ya know, comparing notes .... 'hey, did you see that fan that wanted to @#$%^ me?!!!!' I'm glad to not be a part or the brunt of the jokes.

They are celebreties yes, but they are also boys/young men. And regardless of their fame I'm sure they still think and behave just as all young men do that aren't famous.

As fans we should plainly support their music and causes if they're causes that we believe in as well. But as for anything else, they don't owe any of us a thing. No one really owes anyone anything as a rule. What would make for a better world is if people would learn to give respect to others more instead of demanding it of themselves only. I'm a single mother so respect is very important to me. Its always easy for those to critisize others or expect too much from others when they aren't in their shoes. So until we have walked in the BSB shoes, I think everyone should show them nothing but the utmost respect. Because I know as a single mother 'long hours' are not easy and not always fun!

Hopefully I haven't rambled on too much. Keep spreading the good word!


Patti April

33, Massachusetts

Submitted by Joanna from Toronto Ontario Canada
Date: Tue Jan 4 20:16:58 2000

I totally agree with the author of the article. There have been many times when I've wanted to stake out the hotel they were staying at but realized that the hotel is like thier home away from home and we should respect that. People have to realize that the Boys need their space and that we should only go to see the boys when we are supposed to, ie concerts, press conferences, in-store signings, etc. and not follow them everywhere. They need to live their life also. Think of it as a younger sibling who just wants to do everything that you do, hang out with your friends, wear your clothes and everything else, you wouldn't like it would you?? Well in a way we are the younger siblings who just want to be with the Boys all the time. And please don't let your lives revolve around the Boys or your fav boy. A perfect example is a couple nights ago I was at my friends house and she wanted to watch Pulp Fiction, when no one else wanted to and no one else had seen it. Well the next day she says to me, "I'm surprised you haven't seen Pulp Fiction cuz it's AJ's fav movie." I'm sorry but I'm not going to see a completely pointless, not to mention plotless movie, just because it's AJ's fav movie!! There I think I've said more then i needed to.

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