Being A Backstreet Boy

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Submitted by valerie from bakersfield CA USA
Date: Tue Jan 4 21:41:16 2000

I totally agree with her!!! I couldn't have said it better. I never realized how tough it is to be a backstreet boy. I've thought about it some, but never really put a whole lot of thought into it, ya know? They work really hard for us, and in return we need to give them the privacy and respect that they deserve. What are we showing when we steal their stuff as a souveneir [however you spell that] or keep them up at all hours of the night screaming???? DISRESPECT is all I see. Let's work together to show the boys that we are true and respectful fans, as well as crazy!!!!

Submitted by Jeanine from rockledge pa usa
Date: Tue Jan 4 21:35:46 2000

I totally agree with that article. it speaks so much truth and yet, the backstreet boys still talk about their fans as if we were gold and some of us have been so disrespectful to them. They continue to prove to be cordial and gracious to their fans but at the same time, don't you think they ever get tired of the screaming and the stealing? Some of these so called "dedicated" fans are mistaken for obbssesed. Sure I have my fair share of posters, purhaps too many, but I would never ever break into their hotel rooms for a stupid sock or tissue. That is going too far and the Boys are so tolerant about it. Those types of fans-and you know who you are- should show more respect to the men in which you say you love because that would truely be larger than life.

Submitted by Amberly from Surrey BC Canada
Date: Tue Jan 4 21:33:05 2000

I think she's absolutely right. But then again, that would never stop me from tracking them down and following them for a day if i had the oportunity.

Submitted by annie ohana from Vancouver British Columbia Canada
Date: Tue Jan 4 21:29:59 2000

I completely agree with her it is time that fans ( wether old or young ) grow up, with all the work the guys do to BE A backstreet boy I think they want to have some time alone to be REgular people . So I think we should all take her advice if you get some time to see or greet the boys THANK them for all they give up to bring us joy, I think they wouldn't wnat it any other way

Submitted by Kaia from San Francisco Ca USA
Date: Tue Jan 4 21:14:15 2000

I think that this article is great. I totally agree, and I'm glad that

someone else actually recognizes how hard it can be. But then again, you

have to consider the fact that the Backstreet Boys love what they do.

They really love it, or else, do you think they would be makin' MORE and

MORE albums? Doing MORE and MORE concerts? Plugging MORE and MORE

TV/Radio apperances? Sure, their management makes them, but any of the

guys can just one day, up and say "You know, I've had enough of this,

I'll see ya guys!" Now... granted, that probably won't happen, but you

need to realized that yes, of course the entourage of fans gets

annoying. No one would like THOUSANDS of girls following them

everywhere, picking their grass, pulling out lockets of their hair, but

to a certain extent, they love it. Why do you think they wrote a song

about us? Why do they CONSTANTLY thank us? They don't have to - ya know.

And, why do they continue to be so frikken nice to us? Signing


Submitted by Krista Slaik from Cereal Alberta Canada
Date: Tue Jan 4 21:07:14 2000

I totally agree with what se is saying. These guys deserve all the respect that anyone can give. Ii know that the fans what to know them in person, to meet them and to touch them but they need much more than that. They need respect and to some degree gratitude. They have done so much to try and prove themselves to everyone and yet they still don't get the aclaim of the critics and people in the buisness. This is totally unfair and baised,so to help them deal with this we have to be supportive. We have to give them the respect that they deserve more than anyother group I can think of. Lets try to shoow it in anyway we can. We can still scream at concerts and buy all of the stuff we can but think about it, would you want to be pulled in every direction and still smile when you are ready to take somebodies head off. I know I wouldn't be able to do anything like it. These guys are special, but they are still human. I guess what I am trying to say is that we should give them the one thing they truely deserve because they have given it to us and so much more.

Submitted by Mandi from Vancouver Canada
Date: Tue Jan 4 20:58:42 2000

I agree with the article. When you really sit down and put into perspective all that the Backstreet Boys have done for us, the millions of fans around the world, it's a lot. They do so much, and manage to be pleasant most of the time. That's incredible. I have heard fans complaining that the Backstreet Boys aren't so nice to them, well come on, they're not going to be pleasant at three thirty in the morning when they've been up all night, are they? They're NOT perfect! And their girlfriends, of course they're going to have them! They are normal guys, right, so we should repect that they have personal lives, and we should help them keep them personal.



Submitted by Elizabeth from Woodbridge VA USA
Date: Tue Jan 4 20:56:40 2000

The state of celebrity exacts a heavy toll on those that possess it -- not only are our Boys expected to be aesthetically pleasing, musically brilliant, charismatic, talented, etc. -- they are expected to be perfect. Honestly, when I think of the Backstreet Boys, I cannot think of flaws. Realistically, though, because I do not know them, I shouldn’t be able to. Reading this letter made me evaluate what I would do if I saw “THE Boys.” Would I scream, shriek, hurdle over tables and people in order to frantically catch up? Would I walk away, regretting that they were so famous and that I did not have the spine to approach them? Would I ask for an autograph? Or would I just thank them?

Left with my thoughts, I realized something. The Backstreet Boys require only one thing of us, their fans. They do not require of that we give them ordinary human respect, because although it may be a huge pain, they tolerate all the silly and dumb stuff we do in pursuit of them, and still continue to reach out. As well as the back breaking work in the music business, what must they put up with? They must deal with the lack of private life, constant insults, prying eyes examining everything from their sexuality to their family life. They have sacrificed quite literally their lives in order to bring us their beautiful harmonies. The price they ask? Fame.

I do not doubt that the Boys love being on stage. For anyone who loves performance, the feeling of stepping on stage is energizing and exuberant. Applause, no matter how infrequently it is heard, fills you with a joy that is intangible. Fame, honor, respect -- these are all side effects of the music, the performance,. that are the key to the situation. The Boys have suffered, sold theirs souls to the devil (a.k.a. Lou Pearlman... sorry! just kidding.... no offense intended...) in order to achieve what they have today. Yes, the side effects of fame are their responsibility. But our actions are also our responsibility.

The Boys ask us for our money, our attention, and hope for our respect (although they don’t always receive it.) What price do we ask of them? We don’t ask a price. We give an ultimatum.

They must be perfect. From each’s hairstyle to the clothes they wear to the girlfriends they have, we expect the Boys to be perfect -- specifically perfect for each one of us. In addition, when they tour, they must visit each and every town... IN THE WORLD so that we all can see them. This is impossible... however, I know that I, like pretty much every one else, hold them up on a pedestal, hold them to expectations, that no one can touch. But is this fair to them?

We think that we know a lot about the guys. For instance, AJ’s birthday is coming up on the 9th. We know everything we can glean from the new articles, videos, and “stuff” that we get. But we don’t know them (or most of us, I guess). If you see where I am coming from, look at one of those Bio forms on the guys on the official website, or anywhere for that matter. Mentally fill it out for yourself. Can that little sheet describe why, how you love your family? Can it tell what you think of every morning when you wake up? Are a bunch of basic facts a sufficient substitute for the living, breathing person you are? Of course not.

I’ve had to evaluate myself, actions in doing this. Thanks for bearing with me. What I finally come to the conclusion of what I mean by all this, all I can think of to say is thank you for the music. Thank you for songs that reach out and comfort when I’m are hurting, songs that make me dance, songs that make me cry, songs that I love. Thank you for the first 8 guitar notes of “I Want It That Way.” Thank you for everything.

If I ever meet the guys, I hope I know what I will do. I will tell them “thank you” like a good little girl and leave them alone. Because beyond the fact that they are HOT, they are talented, they are a seemingly great set of men, beyond all of this, I think there’s something more important. Thank you for the Fame. Thank you for the music.

Elizabeth, 16, Virginia

(Sorry if anyone really disagrees, etc, with me. This is just how I feel, and I thought that because this really is important to me, I should get it out. I don’t mean to air my opinions too much....)

Submitted by Jessica from Lancaster CA USA
Date: Tue Jan 4 20:54:49 2000

I have thought about this subject many times before. I totally agree with what is said in this article. Personally i think its totally ridiculous to hear of fans that steal mail from the guys mailbox's and grass from their lawns. The guys need theie personal time and a place they can call their own without the fans taking stuff from it. Even at the hotels they go to they are mombed my fans that want to see them. I know how it is to love them so much and want to see them but this is taking it to far. I have made a oath to myself that i will never stalk them at a otel or at their home. I think that they need their privacy and i am doing my part to give it to them. All you rapid fans should do the same if you really love them. Have a great day.

Submitted by the gurlie formally known as ~FrAcKy~ from Montreal Canada
Date: Tue Jan 4 20:50:00 2000

I am proud to see the some fans have become aware of what the Boys have done for not only themselves, but for US! (yeah U! the one reading this letter!)

Although i am only 15 years old; i have grown to realize (last year) as i have grown as a fan, that BSB have gone thru tough times just as many of us have. The ONLY difference is that their problems may affect their career, as well as be emphysized in mags, on the news, and as the media searches for more dirt and juicy gossip on celebs.

In all their hard work, few moments of free time, and journey to stardom (or have they already reached it?), they've never forgotten to thank the people who've helped them reach the top....including God. The crew, the choreographer, the directors, the fans...and YES, evem the competition. Nick Carter has even shown us how mature he's grown to be when he thanked todays generation of pop such as Britney Spears and N'Sync. Even Howie ADMITTED that altho Lou Pearlman (errrr!) scammed them and decieved BSB (awww!), they wouldn't be here today without his role in their loves.

I know for a fact that many people who may have been placed in their situation would have broken down in the pressure, the stress, the knowlegde that u will never be a private citizen EVER again. Backstreet Boy's 7 year journey shows us how strong they are/were to stay together this long even tho they went thru MANY hard times.

I'm not surprised but PROUD to see that even when they had urges to break up or set aside this 24 hour job, they took in consideration how it would affect eachother and the fans. Its all for one, and one for all. And that's truely keeping the Backstreet Pride Alive!

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