Being A Backstreet Boy

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Submitted by nick rules from orlando USA
Date: Tue Jan 4 22:09:14 2000

I totally agree with this person. The Backstreet Boys are my fave group and all, but I would never sneak onto their tour bus and hide there or break into their hotel rooms to steal one of their shirts. When they're doing meet & greets or having an autograph session, that is the time for fans to meet them. It's not time for fans to meet them when they're eating a meal or going shopping in a mall. That is their own time and we should respect that. I would love to meet them one day, but not by standing outside their hotel for the whole day or stalking them. We must remember that they are normal human beings just like us. How would you feel if there was always a crowd of people standing outside your house, waiting for you to come out, and when you do come out they start screaming? Please consider the BSB's perspective and imagine how you would you feel if you were in their position. Thanks for reading this and KTBSPA!!

Submitted by Cindy from Washington DC USA
Date: Tue Jan 4 22:07:20 2000

I completely agree with the article, and Janet's post like 1 or 2 messages below.


-Cindy H

Submitted by Cindy from Washington DC USA
Date: Tue Jan 4 22:05:58 2000

I completely agree with the article, and Janet's post like 1 or 2 messages below.


-Cindy H

Submitted by megan from San Jose CA USA
Date: Tue Jan 4 21:59:49 2000

MOST of the time it would be fun-but sometimes not

Submitted by kaydia from Toronto Ontario Canada
Date: Tue Jan 4 21:59:44 2000

I agree with what was said but I don't think any of it should be looked at as a chore. Honestly, I am a singer and I would give my life to have all of these responsibilities that they have. I would love to travel at crazy new people everyday...know that my music touches people. I agree that some fans get out of control...but in some strange way I wish I had that burden.

peace love and a capella harmony


Submitted by Janet from Anaheim CA USA
Date: Tue Jan 4 21:59:26 2000

Even though many of you agree with the article, I find it quite absurd, comical, and insulting that you can agree with the article and have e-mail addresses and/or screen names in which you *STEAL* their last names. You know exactly what I mean, all that, Hi, my name is Janet Carter, or Janet Littrell. Come one girls, grow up! Or at least act as if you do agree with the article. The hypocrasy drives me mad. Just as the article puts it, how would you feel, "put yourself in their shoes." Would you want to have someone pretend they are married to you by taking your last name?

Think about it and change those e-mail addresses and screen names. You can't agree with this article and have those kinds of things. Or even say "he's my frick" or my "lover" or whatever. That's not right either. It's just as bad as asking them to marry except now you aren't asking, you're taking or assuming.

That's all I have to say about that. And I do agree witht he article btw and I am not a hypocrite.

Submitted by Erin from Grand Rapids MI USA
Date: Tue Jan 4 21:51:35 2000

I am so glad this kind of stuff is finally getting out to people. I, along with my friends, have thought many of the same thoughts (actually, exactly the same thoughts) on so many occasions. I was so glad to see others agreeing with all of this too.

At the last Boys concert my friends and I attented, we got there a little early and watched as fans rushed an ambulance. An ambulance. How ridiculous is this? That's correct, very. We could not believe it. We sat back in our car and watched - in awe - of some people. The way they want to treat those they hold so dearly to their hearts. By attacking them.

I have met the boys. They are truly very nice human beings. And I wouldn't trade that experience for the world. My friend and I were calm, laughing, joking and just having a good time. You know how they responded? With respect right back. We didn't scream, we didn't get out of hand, and AJ stood and had a conversation with us about all this weird stuff.

I'm not at all saying "don't try to meet they boys" and all that jazz - all I'm saying is that I have found that acting psycho gets you nowhere (not from personal experience, mind you...) - because God knows, my friends and I wanted to meet them and I still want to talk to them again one day. Maybe it'll happen, maybe it won't, but either way, I feel I got more accomplished by acting like myself and trying to get to know them a little bit.

I'm glad someone finally said something about this stuff, and gave me the opportunity too!

Erin :)

Submitted by Melissa from Pleasanton Nebraska U.S.A.
Date: Tue Jan 4 21:47:17 2000

I think that she is right. I mean they do tons of stuff for us and they hardly have any time for themselves. The thing is, when they do get some time off or whatever and we see them, we like pounce on them. No offense,but sometimes we, the fans, go to far sometimes. The boys are doing an absolute faboulous job and we don't want to scare them off. I'm sorry if you don't agree with me, but hey it's my opinion. Tell me what you think at! Thanks ya'll!

Love Ya,

Melissa O.

Submitted by Diana from santa Clara California U.S.A.
Date: Tue Jan 4 21:42:45 2000

I loved this article and thought it was perfect. I think sometimes girls can get a little excited at times though. I think if i was walking down the street ad i saw one of the BSB membersi might ask for an autograph. I would say hi and thank you, but i would want a momento from meeting the greatest person in my life. I love them and i think it would be great to meet them. I have always started off any letters written to them with thank you, and most the letter has been talking about why i have wanted to thank them for so long.


Diana C. C.


Submitted by KRYSTLE from ISSAQUAH USA
Date: Tue Jan 4 21:42:36 2000

I just wanted to say that i am so proud that someone had the courage to step up and give their view of "Backstreet Life". I agree wholly with this person, and i hope that they get a chance to read this because i just wanted to say thank you for mentioning what should be the obvious, yet it is not. I don't know how i would manage the life of being a "star". Some people think "well they should be greatful for their success and their fan base" i feel this way, but their thank you to us seems to be their songs. I dont know about other fans but every time i hear one of their songs i am totally pumped and ready to go. that is thanks enough for me. don't get me wrong- i would love to meet them, but remember that little song "larger than life", well that wasn't so little and should say it all to everyone. Anyone group who would write a song just for their fans is pretty phenomenal. So please just give the guys a break, if you see them don't try to jump them or something, just be polite and thank them. Thank you for your time and for listening to my opinion. I hope no one considered this whining or anything, i just wanted to voice my opinion. Thank you and KTBPA!

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