Being A Backstreet Boy

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Submitted by Outi from Klaukkala Finland
Date: Wed Jan 5 04:45:32 2000

Hi! I really want to thank you for writing such an illustrating article. I donīt know if you are the only person who has ever thought anything like that - probably youīre not. But Iīve never seen anyone taking his/her thoughts this far. You really went deep down and I personally think that everything you wrote was really worth saying. You said what we needed to hear. I consider myself a very laid-back fan - I canīt see myself breaking into their hotelrooms or tour bus. But: I CAN see myself cheering in their concerts and giving money to their charities. I wish that everyone would be smiling and having fun in their concerts except fainting and fighting about the best view to the stage. Well, I guess that that was everything I had to say about this issue... KTBPA

Submitted by Aimee from Hawthorne CA USA
Date: Wed Jan 5 03:03:10 2000

Ok so I liked your little thing but I do have somethings to say, I mean you have a good point and stuff, but one thing bothered me, see I meet many celebrities sometimes every week and I know that they are people, and you should talk to them as people, but why should that stop us from wanting to take a picture or get a signature? These guys don't mind taking photos, I havethe same tattoo that AJ has to show my love for him some may say it is immature, some say it is stupid,....soooooooo. I have a pic with him and you know what he totally wanted to take it, a picture takes like less than 10 seconds to take, and they don't mind it. Some people want to have photos and signatures because it is a memory and it lasts, it is also proof, I mean these days most people don't believe that you have met someone, you need proof and well I always get it. I think that it is a great way for

memories, and there is no problem with that. As for the "mature fan club" That is bull. I mean there should be no segregation on fans. Mature fans can be any age, and just because you are older, doesn't mean you are more mature, I have talked to MANY people on here and although they are 15, doesn't mean they are not mature. I am 20 and I do things that 15 year old girls can dream of, I mean I have done some crazy stuff, and like I am proud of it, so if you insist on having a club for "Mature fans" Personally I think that it is immature. That is my opinion and well some don't agree I don't care, but if you insist on "Fighting back" with words, then I would call that immature. That is all I have to say. Bye

Submitted by Meghan Lewis from Athens Georgia USA
Date: Wed Jan 5 02:35:33 2000

I just wanted to say that I totally agree with this article and it's about time someone spoke out about how some "fans" treat the Boys.

Submitted by Iwona from Wallington NJ USA
Date: Wed Jan 5 01:46:48 2000

Dear Lori and BSB fans...

In my opinion, I believe you are more than 100% correct. I, a 19 yr old BSB fan like you and many countless others, have dreamt of the day, the minute when I could be one of the lucky fans to meet/touch/speak with a Backstreet Boy. As we go on in our normal lives, day by day, we take what we have for granted. How would everyone feel if they couldn't go shopping in the city (I live near NYC), to go for a quiet walk in a park to just get away from everyone, or even to sit and watch that t.v. show every week, in which you are a devoted fan in watching. Well BSB fans, we do take what we have for granted. As Lori, I, and others have realized, the guys have no lives. Their lives are being run by what they love most. To perform and make us happy. Im gonna cut this short and spare everyone the elongated opinion, and just end with this....Like Lori said, if any of you happen to see them on the street, just say hello and keep on walking. I don't really see how a small autograph could hurt, but do think of not being able to go shopping, or have a quiet, peaceful walk, or not being able to watch that tv show, because for us, the fans, they gave up almost EVERYTHING.

Submitted by Cathy from Chinquapin North Carolina USA
Date: Wed Jan 5 00:55:21 2000

I totally agree with her article! It was dead-on and to the point! True, you may be a fan, but you've got to respect their privacy and allow them the time to just be themselves and to let them just be normal human beings! I personally admire them for the way that they've handled their fame from day one and the dedication that they've shown to their fans. I'm a big BSB fan, but that doesn't mean that I act like an immature person, like the examples that I've read. Sure, I'm an older fan (22 yrs. old) and I was a teenager once, this was back during the NKOTB era and I was a big NKOTB fan also, but I didn't act like some of the examples I've seen mentioned in the article. I understand how you feel because I've been there, but you've really got to put yourselves in their shoes. How would you like people ripping the clothes off your back and just basically being mobbed? I can bet you wouldn't like it much! So if you ever are lucky enough to meet them, please remember to treat them like normal people! That's the impression that you want to make, and not have them remember you as some screaming, hysterical person! Yeah, I know some might disagree with me, but I bet that the majority will agree. Thanks for the article and keep up the good work!

Submitted by Kristy from Houston Tx USA
Date: Wed Jan 5 00:52:48 2000

I agree with what Lori said one hundred, and ten percent. the guy's work very hard at what they do, and it's tuff. They do it for the love of music, and there fan, please what ever you do try not to be so hard on them. I know I wouldn't like to be yelled at at 5am in the morning hell I'm not even wake at 5am in the morning. I mean come on people steeling there closet etc is wrong maybe not to you. However to them, and to God it is. Beside don't you think you have you on cloest what do you want with there. As for taking thing like there necklaces etc. Some of those thing mean a lot to them, and i bet they had some of it for a long time. Please thing before you act. How would you like if someone care up to you, and took you stuff it not nice. i know i've had people steel things from me it doesn't feel good. And as for when you sneak into there hotel room, or tour bus yea it might be fun. But guess it's illegal you can go to jail for it. Not to mention what the guy's would think. I for one don't want to get arrested for that. And please when you met the guy's don't make them deaf. They have to hear i now it's hard but try. Just think how they would feel in this possion. And don't say you love them they know that i am sure they here it countless time. Tell them how proud of them you are, tell them thank you for all you music, and time you give to us the fan's. Just please think before you act the guy's will thank you for it.

Peace, Love, and Happness. Hug, Kiss'

Submitted by mongthu from denver CO USA
Date: Wed Jan 5 00:34:12 2000

I'm totally agree with this aricle and I think that all the fans should start acting like a real fan than being so out of control.Think,instead of screeming "I love you Nick" or " marry me" or whatever, you should've thank them for what they've done, it'll makes them appriciate the love from you(the fans, it's not that they don't). They are being so wounderful to their fans by producing "Larger than life", thanking us for being a fan. Please appiciate that and start acting like a real fan. Thank you,Lori for written this article.

Submitted by Laura from Charlotte NC USA
Date: Wed Jan 5 00:16:20 2000

I, personally, would like to thank Ms. Thompson for writing this. She makes several valid points. I'm 18 and at the prime age for BSB mania. I love the guys--not just because they are so cute and incredibly talented (although they undeniably are these things)--but also because they are very real people. From what I have seen, they never put on airs and that is the kind of person I want to support by buying their CDs, etc. I'm not going to support someone with my hard earned money if I think they're fake. These five guys are doing what they love. At first, it was for themselves, but now it is for all of US too. When I hear of people going to any lengths to meet the Boys, first I laugh because it's ridiculous. Not only will you probably NOT meet them, you might get thrown in jail as well. And, personally, as much as I love 'em, time in the slammer is not something I'm willing to put up with. I want to meet Nick, Brian, Kevin, Howie, and (especially) AJ as much or more than any of the rest of you reading this, but I have my limits. I know that I could not do what they do and be as gracious as they are. If I were them and had to deal with the hordes of people, I probably wouldn't have even produced a 2nd CD and dropped into oblivion, content to appear on "Where Are They Now?" in 20 years. But, as Ms. Thompson pointed out, these guys deserve our love, support, and our thanks. They give so much to us and a lot of the time, all we fans seem to do is take. Now, I'm not going to lie and say that if, given the chance, I wouldn't go to excessive lengths to speak with AJ or any of the other guys, but I do believe that, at 5am, after riding a bus all night just to perform AGAIN, the guys deserve a little time to themselves. Like I've tried to say, I'm not getting on any high horse, because I'm just as BSB-zealous as anyone else--maybe even more so. But, I'm also realistic and I know that treating these guys like objects put on earth purely for me is not going to get me any closer to them...but treating them like human beings, who sleep, bleed, and sweat like me, just might.

Submitted by nicole from mpls mn usa
Date: Wed Jan 5 00:12:47 2000

Two Words: RIGHT ON!!!!

Submitted by Amelie Moore from Chicago Illinois USA
Date: Wed Jan 5 00:07:27 2000

I agree with this article, and it is refreshing to see a mature, realistic opinion so eloquently stated. The author obviously respects the boys and their fans, and is being reasonable without insulting the more, um...vivacious fans. I, too, can't understand why some fans are so desperate to meet these people that they would sacrifice their dignity and the safety and well-being of the Backstreet Boys. I understand that, being a celebrity, these things come with the territory, and it is hard to control such a large volume of people. It seems to me that if fans would start to really look at the humanity of BSB, they would see that they are totally normal and want to be treated like a person, not a persona. I would much rather meet a person than a persona. This comment does not apply to many fans, and should not be percieved as a put down to anyone. I just think the article was right on in terms of realizing what actually goes into being a Backstreet Boy.

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