Being A Backstreet Boy

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Submitted by Anne-Mari Nieminen from Helsinki Finland
Date: Wed Jan 5 10:46:13 2000

I totally agree with her. What else can I say??

Submitted by ~Mimi~ from Doha Qatar
Date: Wed Jan 5 10:43:35 2000

I could have sworn that a lot of those exact words came out of my mouth when I noticed the increasing amount of pictures on fan sites of Kevin stumbling down the hallway of a hotel, struggling to keep his eyes open at 3am. Guys, if you love them, respect them. You can't do one or the other. It comes in a single package. If you see the Boys walking down the hallway, I'm not forcing you to lose the chance of a lifetime to get a picture of them, but I'm leaving it up to you to make the right decision. Is it really the right time to flash a camera in their eyes? Think about it.

For 5 years I've been waiting to see the Boys, meet them and go to a concert. It hasn't happened yet. But I'm thankful I didn't get the chance a few years back, because I know I would have made some foolish mistakes. Now I realize what's going on and I'll be sure that when I DO meet them, I'll be a FAN and not a screaming girl on the sidewalk.

Submitted by Ka Lo from Wausau WI US of A
Date: Wed Jan 5 09:10:40 2000

I haven't really thought about that...and I've never met or seen the Backstreet Boys in real life. Only on tv...but I do agree with you. I know that they work hard, and all...but I didn't know about all of that. I imagined myself in their shoes, and man, if school isn't hard enough, think about what the boys have to go through! I've always imagined myself going up to the Backstreet Boys and freaking out and everything...but I guess, that's what they expect, but they would never expect to be thanked by the fans. I guess it makes sense, that they thank us, but we never thank them for what they have given us...their charm, their music, their love, and everything else you guys can think of. If ever in the future, I actually get to meet them, or talk to them, I want to say thank you to them...they have done so much for us. If the Backstreet Boys ever read this, I want to say, THANK YOU! For all you have done and sacrificed for us. God bless.

Submitted by Stephanie from St. Louis Missouri USA
Date: Wed Jan 5 09:05:17 2000

I'm responding not as another MFC member (I would have agreed with her no matter what) but as a concerned fan. I found myself thinking about this very same thing a few months ago and this little guilty tweak keeps hitting me every time I watch the boys on TV, listen to any promo stuff, etc. I am being pulled in two directions because part of me wants to see all I can of the boys and the other wants them to be able to rest and revive so that they don't become burnt out on what they are doing. I know the boys say they love what they're doing but we have to realize that there are so many other factors that determine what the boys do and that they are not the ones who say yay or nay to various appearances etc (I'm sure they have some say and probably more than other artists at this time but there are still producers breathing down their necks making sure that they don't stray from the public eye in fear of the notorious New Kids "one day you're hot, the next you're not"). We all know Brian was asked to delay his heart surgery to finish the concert tour.. imagine what other things the boys are asked to give up or postpone... if something as serious as heart surgery can be delayed in the minds of their management what else? I just thank God that they found new managers and hope that they at least treat the boys as the artists they are and not as an entire marketing tool. The result of the lawsuit, which was an agreement of both parties stated something to the fact that the boys had to be more cooperative with production (I'm going from what I remember here).. I can't imagine what they boys were NOT doing... but I'm sure what ever made them not cooperate was something I would have said no to long ago. I enjoy the BSB as much as anyone but I know the price of fame can be rough.. I'm just thankful for having 5 wonderful role models to look up to. Every time I think I can't do something, I think of what they do day in and day out and realize I don't have it that bad. We all need to stick together and make sure our boys stay on top for years to come. I want to be able to laugh in the faces of their critics and peers who say they will only be around for another year, but what we need to remember is that we, the fans, may be the ones who cause the boys to call it quits.. not by not purchasing their albums because our tastes have changed but by making their lives so public that they stop making albums altogether to avoid the constant spotlight that is on them. This is the Y2KTBSPA!!

Submitted by jacqueline best from richlands nc usa
Date: Wed Jan 5 08:23:37 2000


Submitted by Jacqueline Best from Richlands NC usa
Date: Wed Jan 5 08:17:48 2000

Lori, I went to your fansite and I am very impressed.I have however one question to ask. May I please join ?It's so hard to find mature fans.

There is a problem though I won't be 25 until November 28 of this year! I havc no problem assisting in charity work I have helped with the Special Olimpics in my town for the last four years .

Its been really difficult for me to find people my age to talk to about the guys ( Kev is my favorite!) Some of my friends shake their heads in disbelief but I heard them humming the songs too.

I have approached you with total honesty about my age because lying only catches up with you one way or another and I think it would be a great insult to the guys and their work to do otherwise.

I would be greatly honored if you accept me into your club. Thank you and may God bless.

Submitted by Cola from Seminole FL USA
Date: Wed Jan 5 06:38:14 2000

I have to say that I agree with this article. I think it's wrong for fans to say that (insert Boy here) belongs to them or has to marry them, or whatever. Yes it's nice that they're there, and you like them, but still, they have a personal life and fans should respect that. I also think that fans shouldn't pick at the girlfriends unless there's a justifiable reason. I mean, it shouldn't be okay to be rude to them just because they're dating a Boy, that's just hypocrisy! If someone says, I want (insert Boy here) to date me, they shouldn't have a problem with him dating other people. It IS their life. They CAN have girlfriends. A justifiable reason to not like them might be if someone went up to them and tried to start a nice, human conversation (Hi, I'm so-and-so, nice to meet you, how are you doing? -Something like that) and they're rude in response. Even that might not be justifiable enough. I mean, they hear all sorts of crap from thousands of jealous fans. I know if I was dating a Boy, and all I heard from fans were insults, attempts to take my boyfriend, and so forth, I wouldn't necessarily be the nicest of people to talk to either.

On another note, I thought it was a bit rude for the writer of this article to say that it's wrong for fans, if they're lucky enough to see a Boy on the street, to not take a picture or ask for an autograph. Chances are, this will not happen again, and I think that I would want a physical memento of the event. Yes, it would be kind of rude to just go up and say, "Can I have your autograph?" while they're trying to do something, but on the same note, they probably aren't going to see me again, nor will they probably care. And as for the Mature Fan Club thing, I think it's wrong to separate from the rest of the fans. I'm only 14 (almost 15!! yeah!) but I'm respectful, mature, and supposedly intelligent. You don't have to be over 25 to be mature. But anyways, I'll stop babbling. KTBSPA!!!!!!


Submitted by Heike Bonhard from Europa Lindlar Germany
Date: Wed Jan 5 05:58:27 2000

Hi !

I´m a 25 years old Backstreet Boys fan and my fav. is Kevin. I read that long letter from Lori Thompson and she is so right. Everything she said is very very right and i think so too. So please give a little respect to the Backstreet Boys and thank them because they give us a lot ..... they give us their music and it is great music and i never wanna loose that feeling to relax and hear their music. I wouldn´t change with Kevin, AJ, Nick, Howie and Brian. Some people think i wanna have that money from the BSB.

I think they have enough money but i think they work enough ( to much ) for their money.

So please leave them alone in their little bit of private life.



Submitted by Cindy Jean Walters from Tallahassee Florida USA
Date: Wed Jan 5 05:14:32 2000

Wow! That was a fantastic Article. No one could have said it better. I am an older fan also (37). I don't know

how the guys do it. I could never listen to all the screaming of their adoring fans 24/7. Or all the "I wants" that fans

demand from them. I know I am not a morning person at all and I would feel bad for any fan that tried to get in

my face at 5 am. Kudo's to the guys for their patience. I don't have it.

And for heavens sake leave the girlfriends alone.

How would you feel if someone said horrible things to someone you love or threw things at them? I am sure you

would feel terrible. The guys need someone in their lives just like anyone else in this world. So lay off. I am sure these

are very good people or the guys would not be them. That is all I have to add. Thanks for such an eye opening article

and I hope it made people see themselves in your words. KTBSPA, Cindy

Submitted by KC from Nanaimo Canada
Date: Wed Jan 5 04:50:55 2000

BSB are all about having fun!! If fans wanna have thier fun by camping outside their hotel for a quick pic with their fave boy, making silly posters, or FINALLY telling Nick that they love him (even from 200 feet away) then SO BE IT!! I'm sure that SOME clubs may view these acts as immature, but I think THAT'S what makes us Larger than Life!! US showing THEM how much we love them!! =)

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