Being A Backstreet Boy

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Submitted by Michele from Clearwater FL USA
Date: Wed Jan 5 14:30:07 2000

I just wanted to say, that I agree with what Lori said. I am 27 and I am a big BSB fan. I witnessed some of this "fan" behavior at the Tampa show in December. I had second rwo floor seats and was very excited. As my sister and I sat in our seats we stared to talk to the girls around us. We all looked at the signs each of us had and talk about the guys. Yes, I did have a sign but it did not say "I Love (place name here) or anything like that, it simply read "Welcome Home Nick" Let me tell you, my sign was the one Nick smiled at. As a matter of fact, my sister and I got a lot of attention from all the guys. Maybe it was because we were there just to have fun. We were the only ones around us actually dancing. The others around us were too busy trying to hit the guys with stuffed animals or yelling "I love you (place name here). The girls around us started to get mad at us because Nick posed for my camera during "All I have to Give", and all the guys interacted with us some time during the show. After the concert, we left the venue on the side where the buses were. We had no intentions of looking for the buses but we just happened to be ushered out that door by the staff of the venue. We watched girls (young and old) jump in front of Nick's car and lift their shirts flashing both Nick and his girlfriend. These "fans" not only put themselves in danger, but they put Nick in danger too. This again happened as AJ and his girlfriend left. What was really sad was the way these "fans" disrespected the police who were there trying to keep the biys safe. I heard many rude and nasty remarks said to the officers such as "you need a blow job" (sorry about that but it was said). First of all, the police are there to do a job and that is to get the boys out of the venue safe, secondly, have some respect for yourselves. There were many people there who were just trying to catch a glimps of the guys and it was disrupted by theses "fans" who were disrepecting the boys, the police and themselves. We left before all the boys had gone because we realized that being there was not safe for the boy or for ourselves. I agree with lori when she said tell the boys Thank You or tell them Welcome Home or Welcome to (place town here). I bet the boys would really appriciate it.

Submitted by Crystal from Portland OR USA
Date: Wed Jan 5 14:28:27 2000

I totally and completely agree with everything that Lori Thompson has said. It is amazing to me how much not only the BSB but other artists do for their fans and all the things they put up with just to be in a business that they love. They are human just like everyone else and deserve the same respect and compasion that everyone else does. I honestly believe that there is a large devotion of Backstreet fans out there who are mature enough (regardless of age or stature) to realize what these five guys go through, and to treat them respectfully and give them what they deserve. Props to Lori for being able to stand up and say this and to speak her mind and let others know what needs to be known. It is fans like her that make me and mine strive to be a "better" fan. Thanx. ~Crystal~

Submitted by Amanda from Regina Saskatchewan Canada
Date: Wed Jan 5 14:26:41 2000

This was a fantastic article, but I think that it really isn't that realistic. I'm sorry, but if I were given the opportunity to take a picture with the guys, I don't think that I would give it up and neither would anybody else that I know. Though it may be frustrating for them to go through life this way, they accept that it was their choice and they knew they were going to have to give up some of their time. It's true that fans shouldn't mob them, or hide on their tourbus and they do deserve some time to themselves, but I reall think that if they go out and someone recognizes them, they have to admit that they knew it would most likely happen. The message in this article is clear, but I don't think that most people would even consider giving up a chance like that which doesn't make them less of a fan. Some people may want an autograph and may not have another chance to get it. I guess what I'm trying to say is that they knew it was bound o happen and I am not trying to deffend myself because I have

never done any of those things but that is what fame is

and I don't think anything will change that!

Thanks for your time & KTBSPA Always,


Submitted by Cláudia from Vila Nova de Gaia Porto Portugal
Date: Wed Jan 5 14:23:30 2000

I totally agree with everything that it's writen on the article and let's hope everybody will take the time to read it and think about it. It made me think.

Submitted by Renae from Waterloo, N.Y. USA
Date: Wed Jan 5 14:05:17 2000

Lori is soooo right about everything she said, and I respect The backstreet boys, their girlfriends, their band members, and everyone else who has helped BSB become famous, and helped them through their problems, etc;.. My best friend and I would do anything to meet the backstreet boys, but most of all we wouldn't mind meeting their band members, or their girlfriends, before meeting BSB, because they are awsome and deserve to have fans too, like bsb has fans...and my friend and i are big fans to anyone who knows the backstreet boys! My parents think that my best friend and i are way too obsessed with the backstreet boys and that they are bad influence, NNNNNOOOOOOOO...I DON'T THINK SOOO!!! We are true bsb fans! They are my idoles, if there was no BSB music, than i don't know where i would be or what i would be doing today!!!

Well GoTtA jEt........bYe!!!

Oh oNe more take Lori's advise....I do want to say something to the backstreet boys!!!(If they read these articles?).....Thanx all to pieces, your the best and i will always love you guys, til the day i die!!!

Ta! Ta!


Submitted by Cris from Phoenix AZ USA
Date: Wed Jan 5 13:55:31 2000

I agree 100% both on just how tough it must be to be a BSB, as well as what we as fans should so for them. I also think that it goes further than just giving respect and thanks to them, I think we need to help those that are not necessarily fans of BSB by showing just what they are all about, personally and professionally. I get very irritated when I hear VJ's and critics putting them down for making "pop music", as if that's a bad thing. That is the farthest thing from the truth, show me what other music genre out there can bring together so many generations of fans in such a positive way. I for one am greatful for the Boys, they have given my daughter and I a great reason for becoming best friends, we never go anywhere without "our" BSB CD's, we sit and read the magazines together, tape all their TV appearances so we can watch with her friends who are also BSB fans. The people who are not on the BSB bandwagon have never really sat down and carefully listened to their music. Instead of sending fan letters to the Boys, maybe we should start sending them Thank You cards instead, because they have probably given all of us one of the greatest gifts that we could ever get - the gift of beautiful music to last a lifetime ( as we all wish their careers will ).

Submitted by Lisa from Christ Church Barbados
Date: Wed Jan 5 13:52:13 2000

Thank you for the article.I agree completely with it.I never realized HOW MUCH the boys do for us.I really thankful for people like them and Lori.The poeple who make the world a better place and give us hope.God Bless.

Submitted by Kia from Atlanta Georgia United States
Date: Wed Jan 5 13:38:26 2000

I completely agree with the article that Lori wrote. These guys go through a lot yet they still remain humble, and have the upmost respect for their fans. Carson said on Donny & Marie one day, "Even if you don't like their music. You should respect them as artist's and individuals. These guys are truely the hardest working band out there. They constantly wanna please their fans". Now some groups will plainly tell their fans to kiss off if you interupt them in line at Mcdonalds. But do they do that?? No!!!

So it angers me when I hear about ppl stealing from them and injurying them. As tempting as it may seem ladies to run up to them while they're leaving or whatever, try not to run em' over. I've never met them before and probably never will, but from what Ive heard they are soooooo sweet to their fans, no matter how balistic the fan might become. Well gotta go....PEACE OUT! and dont forget to KTBSPA !!!!!

Submitted by Cait from HAMDEN CT USA
Date: Wed Jan 5 13:30:22 2000


Submitted by Andrea Luma from Hudson Michigan United States
Date: Wed Jan 5 13:29:14 2000

I read the story and i totally agree. You see it's kinda like "The Golden Rule" do unto others as you want them to do unto you. In other words, the guys heal our souls with their groovy dance moves and sweet singing. Now what we need to do is to just give them a simple thank-you. I'm sure that's all they would ask for, because i know they don't ask to get mobed. They are flattered but sometimes, and i think we (the fans) can also agree with them is sometimes there is a limit. Signs, autographs, stuffed animals, hugs and kisses (if you get the chance), that kinda stuff is okay. But to get your earrings ripped out when you try to say hello to a fan is just rude. I to have sat down and thought for hours at a time just to think what would the guys appreciate or not appreciate. I guess what i am trying to say is I agree with the article, because if we the fans mob the guys everytime they try to give to us we could totally turn them off with our actions. And since we love the BACKSTREET BOYS so much, we should respect them.

Thank-You for taking the time to read this and i hope i didn't tick anyone off.

Andrea Luma

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