Being A Backstreet Boy

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Submitted by Shawna from Oxford MS US
Date: Wed Jan 5 16:51:56 2000

All I have to say is "You go girl!!!". Thank you for giving some Backstreet Boys fans the reality-check that they needed. I agree that all of the boys deserve our respect for all they do for us, the fans who love them. They give up alot to do this and we should be grown-up enough to understand that they do need some space from us from time to time.

Submitted by Celina from Marshfield usa
Date: Wed Jan 5 16:40:44 2000

I totally agree. The boys deserve our love, but I bet they'd love to hear people screaming thanks. It's something they've never heard before. They totally deserve our thanks for all of their hard work. People should not be hurting others to get to close to them, especially should not be stealing or hurting the boys (unintentionally, I know). That's just wrong. They give us what we want, we should give them the thanks nad love they deserve. NOt try to hurt them or others. Enough said, I completely agree.

Submitted by Amanda from Halifax Canada
Date: Wed Jan 5 16:35:58 2000

Lori, I wanted to comment on your very intelligent and heartfelt article. You put much thought into it, and if the boys could read it, I believe, they would be thankful. You make us all realize what it is like, not to just be a Backstreet Boy, but a star. Many artists face the same problem of being someone's idol. I am also older, 31, and a great fan of the Backstreet Boys, not just for their music, but for their humanity. They have always been more to me then rock/pop stars. They are also great role models, I would like to add to your article, speaking to the fans, in saying how do "you" (the fan) think they would treat you if the situation were reversed and "you" (the fans) were the stars? Treat them as they would you, with respect. I appreciate your article Lori, and agree with you completely, and wish to thank you for taking the time to write it.



Submitted by Ash from Columbus USA
Date: Wed Jan 5 16:33:39 2000

I think your totally right i'm sooo sick of people thinking i'm a teeny bopper i dont want to marry them i just want to meet them. i also agree with what you said about the screaming and meeting them in the street i think if you just act calm they will pay more attention to you then if you were hyperventilating or screaming at the top of your lungs. thank you

Submitted by Kristin Moy from Quincy MA USA
Date: Wed Jan 5 16:30:06 2000

Hi hi,

i would just like to thank you and commend you for writing such a truthful and meaningful article for all. i, too also respect the boys and the rest of the music community for all their well spent hours of practice and performances they have given to all their fans. i agree with what you said so much that i am actually replying.. and i usually never reply to articles! :P thanks for writing that piece and i hope it helped make fans understand what the Backstreet Boys really do for us fans--after all they say that they have the greatest fans ever and i agree with that!

can u imagine what they have to put up with?? :P that's all i have to say... cuz i dont want to bore you with anymore of my chit-chat. i am also an older fan, i am 18 and have enjoyed BSB's music for about a year now, and i must say it's been a fun and exhilirating ride.

to thank them i am in the process of building my own site dedicated to the boys!

your pal,


Submitted by Sol@^KaOs^ from Shah Alam Malaysia
Date: Wed Jan 5 16:28:28 2000

I salute the author very much. Fans were supposed to be people who respect their artists, not people who injured their artists (e.g. pulling their jeweleries). Yes, fans now are CrAzY... but I'm grateful to see BSB fans have matured. I've seen so many fans respecting their girlfriends, priorities and private lives. Personally, it bothers me to see those guys working so much that they'd probably die because of it. But IF we, the fans, show some appreciation instead of demanding appreciation from them, they'd spend the rest of their lives loving what they're doing and never regret when they looked back at their career path. So if you want to be a part of the people who actually improves the BSB's lives, do it now and fast.

Submitted by Kendra Palmer from Lexington KY USA
Date: Wed Jan 5 16:15:43 2000

Amen Lori! Thank you for speaking out about the lives that the Backstreet Boys lead. Sometimes as fans I think we take all that they do for granted.They would love to be able to do the simple things in life that are mundane everyday chores to us. Yes, I realize that this is the price of fame, BUT- as true fans we should appreciate all the time and sacrifice that these men have put into making wonderful music and show our appreciation through charity support(if possible). And like Lori said, I am sure that more than anything they would like a simple "THANK YOU"!

Submitted by Shandi from Hinton WV usa
Date: Wed Jan 5 16:12:12 2000

I totally agree. I saw the BSB last year on July 8th, 1998 in Charlotte. I am a HUGE fan...but there are a lot of "teeny boppers" out there that scream "i love you!!" the WHOLE that no one can hear the concert. I paid to see them and hear them sing, yet I can't. I used to go out and buy EVERYTHING that had the BSB name attached onto it. ANd then I started to think::: do you think the backstreet boys really care if you buy that sticker, magazine, or hat?? I mean, its good to buy a shirt and wear it to show your devotion....but what good is a poster going to do you?? Oh get to look at it!!! Thats why I don't go out and spend 5 bucks for a magazine, or 5 bucks for a sticker. But I must admit, I still buy BSB stuff. Stuff that is actually worth all that money. Teeny Boppers give all of the fans a bad name. WHen people hear that I am a BSB fan, they automatically think that I am the girl standing outside the coliseum screaming every time the security guard goes by...because she thinks its the BSB...or when she realizes that she's seeing them....she screams to the top of her lungs!!! Some people need to just sit back and think....hey....they are real people too!!! I would hate to have people stealing my stuff, just because it belonged to me!! Or hearing "i love you" all the time. Yeah its nice to know you LOVE my music...but to think...can you actually love someone that you don't know as a person?? No, You love the idea of them. People think that they know it all about the BSB, and in fact, they know very little. I have so much to say...but I think that this is enough for now!! Bye!!

Submitted by Melody from Tampa FL USA
Date: Wed Jan 5 16:02:54 2000

It think that basically this girl is telling us to just give our money to their charaties and shouldn't do anything else. Well I think the boys would be pretty let down if we didn't scream our heads off at the concerts. And if we didn't buy the cd's up, then they wouldn't be in buisness. And I know if I were famous, I would like to meet some of my fans once in a while. I agree that sometimes we fans can go over the top, But I don't think that they would want us to totally stop!

Submitted by Maddie from Windber USA
Date: Wed Jan 5 16:01:13 2000

I definatly agree w/ that!! I never really thought about all the things they actually do for us!! (which is a bunch of stuff) and that shows how much they love us and that shows how much hard work and dedication they put into everything they do....if you really think about it they are almost the hardest working music group out there!!!

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