Being A Backstreet Boy

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Submitted by Naynay from Cleveland Ohio USA
Date: Wed Jan 5 19:30:26 2000

I thought that this article was so right. There are many fans that take what the guys do for granted, as if they owe it to us because we bought their cd. I completely agree, and i have thought about everything they do, evn though i haven't REALLY thought everything out. It must be extremely hard. I think we owe more to them than the could ever owe to us. What scares me is that most of their fans right now wil just lose interest, like so many have already done, in a year or so. They deserve more than that. The writer of that article is really makes you think.

Keep the Backstreet Pride Alive...


Submitted by Leanne from somewhere canada
Date: Wed Jan 5 19:24:23 2000

i really really really agree with this article!! we should respect the guys more, instead of asking them for autographs and stuff,

we should just say thanx for all the great music, thanx for writing thses songs, adn putting the time in to perfect them for us fans.'

tese guys do deserve respect, not just from us, but from the critics and stuff too. we ALL have to respect the guys, and we have to

do everything in our hearts to get other ppl to respect them.

please you guys, if you do, EVER meet these 5 talented young men, just thank them...


Submitted by Tiffany Willson from Newcastle Ontario Canada
Date: Wed Jan 5 19:17:23 2000

I stronly agree with lori. The guys put so much time into this that they don't get to see their loved ones, family, and friends every day like we do. They are dedicated to their fans and all we do is yell "we Love You", never a "Thank you" for everything they do from albums, to photo shots, to everything Lori has mentioned. it's time the fans give something back to the guys as a thank you for all their hard work. they deserve at least sometime off to get married, and be with family, friends, and loved ones.

So say thank you to the guys the next time you are at a concert.


Tiffany Willson

Age 16

Submitted by Taz from Madison USA
Date: Wed Jan 5 19:04:54 2000

I think that Lori's article was awesome. It's true that the boys should be treated with more respect from their fans. It really made me think about the way I would treat them if I were ever lucky enough to meet them. They're only human, they have a right to a love life,they also have a right to be treated with respect. I want to thank Lori for pointing out so many things that I had overlooked.

Submitted by Sarah from Edmonton Alberta Canada
Date: Wed Jan 5 18:53:12 2000

I totally agree! Honestly, I knew they worked hard, but I didn't think about all the stuff that was mentioned (by the way you forgot press confrences, and planning their tours). They work very hard and alot of people don't realize it. Thanx for bringing that to everyone's attention!

Sarah ( )

Submitted by Lauren from Rochester NY NY
Date: Wed Jan 5 18:47:03 2000

Hi, i read Lori's article, i totaly loved Lori's article! You are absalutley right! I met Nick Carter (my favorite BSB) Last April in FL...i went there just to meet him, you made me feel guilty at first i admit, but i did not scream that i loved him, i talked to him as i would to any of my friends, i told him thank you for coming to meet me...and i told him i have been a fan since the beginning, and then we just talked...and i dont belive in screaming for them, except for cheering at the concerts! (i cant help but cheer!!) =) i have also met the BSB in Kansas City...I didnt knwo it at the time but i was stayin at the same hotel as them! I agree with you that you do get alot more respect as treating them as regular people, i didnt take one pic of them at the hotel, i felt bad for them, i didnt ask for an autograph i said Hi and kept walking...and i went in the hotel, and none of the fans were aloud in...and so the BSB came in and they just started talking to me... =) well i wanted to share this with you to tell you that i completly agree with you on this and prove to you and everyone that you can get respect instead of acting like a crazed maniac!



Submitted by Kristine Miranda from Dearborn Heights Michigan USA
Date: Wed Jan 5 18:39:16 2000

I agree wholeheartedly with Lori. The Backstreet Boys deserved respect from us, the fans. I've been their fan since I was 19 years old, and Iam 22 years old now. They are the most hardworking people that I have ever known. I don't know how they do it, from concerts, promotions, tv appearances. They care for their fans so much. They just do everything to us. They get tired too, so don't get mad at them if they didn't get to have a concert in your city or state.

If I met them and get a chance to talk to them, I would give them a BIG THANK YOU for all the hardwork that they do, so the only thing that we can do is to give them respect, privacy, and our support. We didn't became a fan because of their good looks, but for their music, talent, down-to-earth personalities and the way they put their energy, time, effort, and most of all their heart and soul to everything that they do. To the 5 guys that made the Backstreet Boys: Nick Carter, AJ McLean, Brian Littrell, Howie Dorough, Kevin Richardson, Thank you so very much for everything that you do, for all your hardwork and talent. You deserve everything!!!!

If you agree with me, email me.


Iam so proud to be their fan!!

Nick, AJ, Brian, Howie, Kevin if you are reading this, Thank You So Very Much!!

Luv, Kristine :)~

Submitted by Jessica Downing from Bryant Arkansas USA
Date: Wed Jan 5 18:26:10 2000

I have to say, that this article is probably the best, and most well put together group of thoughts, thoughts that i share to a TEE, about "our" men. and i say "our" in such a way, because truly as much as we beleive they are no ones but God's creations to bring joy and happiness to us.

One thing imparticular, that i wanted to bring up though, you talk about if we see the guys on the street, that we should say thank you and walk on, i agree with this. TOTALLY, but when a fan conference is held, that is truly for the fans to ask questions, to say how much they have been "inspired" (which i personally think is CRAP), and how much they enjoy the music. BUT, a fan conference is about the music still, its not a chance for a few fans to ask personal questions that ask the guys to endulge in their own private lives. Example, The fan conference that was held in Vegas, this past year, a young girl, i don't know her name, asked AJ if he was still with his girlfriend, Amanda, which in its own right is too a personal question to me. Then, when an all-too nice AJ, who shouldn't have had to answer the question in the FIRST place said that no, he was not with Amanda. Then when the young lady should have sat her happy but down, instead asked "WHY?!" in such a manner that i lost complete and utter respect for anything she should say after that. It was NOT her buisness whether or not he was with her or not, mush less to know WHY they weren't together. Please, from me to everyone who reads this, have common sense, don't butt into their lives. If the guys have girlfriends, DEAL WITH IT. Because out of the 20 billion kazillion people who "are in love with" the Backstreet Boys, each one; Howard Dorough, Nickolas Carter, Kevin Richardson, Brian Littrell, and Alexander McLean, have ONE true love, ONE soul mate, and ten bucks says it is no one that will EVER read this little peice of my mind.

Thank you,


Submitted by kamie from dublin california USA
Date: Wed Jan 5 18:25:37 2000

in my opinion this is the best article i've seen about the Boys in a long time. Its about time someone stands up for them. They do call us larger than life and in that respect we need to live up to that! By living up to that I think we do need to stop stealing, and just respect the Guys.


Submitted by Amber Boyer from DeSoto Missouri USA
Date: Wed Jan 5 18:16:52 2000

I totally agree with her I think that if we "FANS" love these five guys so much that we should respect them as real people and that's all they are. Them performing and making CD's and everything else is there job! just like your parent or you going to there job everyday! and if you love them like you say you do you'd think of there welfare b/c that's what love is not just b/c there really hot or b/c they have great voices but b/c of there personality and what kind of people they are so stop worrying about trying to clobber them with everything calm down and don't hurt yourselves or them! any of you who are going to the BSB concert March 7 in St.Louis see you there!

Thank You

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