Being A Backstreet Boy

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Submitted by Karen from Grants Pass Oregon USA
Date: Wed Jan 5 20:04:33 2000

I agree. We really need to realize what the BSB gave up to do what they love. They gave up having a normal life! Us as fans, need to realize that and let them at least have their personal life. Don't be jealous of a BSB girlfriend!! That is so immature. Being a BSB does not mean they cannot be happy. Be very thankful that they all are not arrogant and egotistical. They are wonderful guys and we should thank them for making us happy with theur beautiful music by giving them space!

Submitted by Carly from Welland ON Canada
Date: Wed Jan 5 19:57:47 2000

I completely agree. Think about how they live their lives, they are always ine the spotlight. They can't be regular people when they have tons of fans trying to get closer to them, finding their phone numbers, tracking down their homes, following them. Plus, there are so many fans who think that they are destined to be Mrs Littrell, or Mrs Carter, and the second they find out that their fave BSB has a gilfriend, that girl is the enemy. She becomes the bad person, when all she did is meet a guy and start a relationship. How would you feel to be in her position? Being called names when you hold your boyfriends hand in public. And what about their families? Howies sister is trying to make a name for herself in the music business, and she will be called Howie D of the Backstreet Boys sister for the begining of her career.

I think we really do need to say thank you to them. THey do so much for us by just being famous. They make us happy through their music, save lives through their charity work, and set good examples fo the entire world by not loosing their cool under pressure.

Submitted by Meg from Wichita KS USA
Date: Wed Jan 5 19:51:13 2000

I do agree with the philosophy behind the article, but most of the technical stuff (writing songs, sound checks, finding a choreographer) is done for the Boys by professional song writers (c'mon, guys, we know they've only written a couple songs themselves to date), the BSB Band, and their management. Yes, it does take a great ammount of will power and true love of the profession to be a Backstreet Boy, but many of the things listed are actully not done by the Boys so that they CAN have time to themselves.

Peace, all.

Submitted by Dale from Damascus USA
Date: Wed Jan 5 19:49:05 2000

I totally agree with everything said in that article. If fans love the BSB so much, why do some of them treat them so poorly? You would think all fans would give them the utmost respect if they worship them so much, as they all say. Yes, it is hard to control yourself sometimes (believe me, I hear ya), but put yourself in their shoes and think about it. I give major props to them for still going on and on about how much they love their fans. I want the guys to love us for the love and support we show them, and not hate us for the stupid and sometimes harmful (while maybe unintentional) things some fans do to them.

Okay, anyways, that's just my opinion.


I love Brian!!!

The new vid rocks!!!


Submitted by Tracey from Pittsburgh Pennsylvania USA
Date: Wed Jan 5 19:47:45 2000

Hey to all the BSB fans! I totally agree with Lori! I think that deep down inside we new that we needed to respect them more, but we just fell in love with the BSB and when that happened we were exstatic. Well anyway as a News Years Resolution, as Lori said, lets all respect the BSB a little more! Well Luv Ya Guys! and if the BSB are reading this...We all love you we just get a little out of hand sometimes.

Luv ya!


Submitted by Nick'sTheOneForMe from BackstreetLand BSB BoackstreetWorld
Date: Wed Jan 5 19:43:55 2000

Look,guys. All of youmay be thinking that that was a totally well-written article and it was the best ever,but you forgot what this girl did NOT say about being a Backstreet Boy. It's a lot more than having the time of your life and singing and dancing and videos with all the free time in the world. If that's what you people think,then HEL-LO! REALITY CHECK PEOPLE! You people are forgetting the things that they have to accomplish on time,the things that they do for us outside of the spotlight. They devote every inch of their time to training and writing and putting their heart and soul into music that everyone can enjoy. So DONT EVEN GO THERE when you,whatever,Lori or whatever, say that we shouldnt scream or ask for their autograph or take pictures but just thank them and walk away. DONT EVEN GO THERE,because I know that if you just saw Nick Carter walking down the street that you would be asking for an auto. and screaming too,so don't even talk about us not acting appreciated for what they do for us,but just saying a little quirky "thanks" and walking away. DUH PEOPLE! They love the screaming because they know that people adore them for what they do and not just like them a little and say "thanks" and walk away. DUH,and you can say whatever you want about me posting this,but you think about what I have said before you go answering and saying bad things about me,because I know that this is how each of you feel,so don't say anything about me.

Submitted by Music from West Palm FL USA
Date: Wed Jan 5 19:43:44 2000

Good article! I agree with most of it. I just think it'd be work, work...more work and you'll never stop working. Double sword effect I guess! Well, I think you have to consider everything that goes on in the music industry before you sign that contract. They're doing really good so far. Wonder what it'd be like in the next year or two. No matter what they'd probably still be around on tv or the radio...either that or VH1's 'Where Are They Now' but hopefully everything turns out good for 'em.

Submitted by Nick'sTheOneForMe from BackstreetLand BSB BoackstreetWorld
Date: Wed Jan 5 19:43:08 2000

Look,guys. All of youmay be thinking that that was a totally well-written article and it was the best ever,but you forgot what this girl did NOT say about being a Backstreet Boy. It's a lot more than having the time of your life and singing and dancing and videos with all the free time in the world. If that's what you people think,then HEL-LO! REALITY CHECK PEOPLE! You people are forgetting the things that they have to accomplish on time,the things that they do for us outside of the spotlight. They devote every inch of their time to training and writing and putting their heart and soul into music that everyone can enjoy. So DONT EVEN GO THERE when you,whatever,Lori or whatever, say that we shouldnt scream or ask for their autograph or take pictures but just thank them and walk away. DONT EVEN GO THERE,because I know that if you just saw Nick Carter walking down the street that you would be asking for an auto. and screaming too,so don't even talk about us not acting appreciated for what they do for us,but just saying a little quirky "thanks" and walking away. DUH PEOPLE! They love the screaming because they know that people adore them for what they do and not just like them a little and say "thanks" and walk away. DUH,and you can say whatever you want about me posting this,but you think about what I have said before you go answering and saying bad things about me,because I know that this is how each of you feel,so don't say anything about me.

Submitted by Luanda from Bloomfield NJ USA
Date: Wed Jan 5 19:33:45 2000

I total agree with the article, we need to respect them more. We need to stop yelling so much when they r trying to talk or something. How would u feel having girls yelling in your ear 24-7? I know i wouldn't like it. All i'm saying is that we just need to show them aq little bit more respect. Because they r human just like everyone else and i think that is what we don't realize. They r just like us, and they deserve the respect that we would show anyone else.


Submitted by Christy from Spring HIll usa
Date: Wed Jan 5 19:32:30 2000

I agree 100% with Lori. She said it all! BSB are hott, but they are still PEOPLE! God bless u Lori! :)

If any of the BSB's are reading this: we love you, and if we get a LITTLE too over-zealous, it's because we love you a LITTLE TOO MUCH! ;^)

well, c-ya peeps. *PeAcE*



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