Being A Backstreet Boy

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Submitted by Katelynn Johnson from Lakeland Florida America
Date: Wed Jan 5 21:06:35 2000

I think that your letter is very, very true. Personally I would like to think you as well. It takes a strong minded postitive person to express stuff like that. Is there any kind of (MFC) for younger fans? I know it's mature but you can be young and mature. I'm intertsed in one if there is one. Again i would like to thank you for puting out there what so many of us want to say. From one BSB fan to another, Thanks! Katelynn

Submitted by Chiara Simmons from Cottage Grove Minnesota USA
Date: Wed Jan 5 21:06:31 2000

Hi I would just like to say that I agree with Lori. But I don't blame the fans that act in such a manner. I'm almost sure that they did not think they were doing anything wrong. So now maybe they can see what they did that may have hurt the Backstreet Boys at that point. I actually remember scanning through a magazine and A.J. (my baby) said that some fan had stolen his favorite Elvis Blanket. I thought that was way harsh for someone to that, and felt really bad that someone would have the ordasity to take a prize possesion from my baby. Well. anyway I'm done and really do agree with lori. Fans need to think before they take action and STOP thinking about theirselves all the time and what they can get.

Now and Forever

Chiara Jenee

Submitted by Katy from Richmond B.C. Canada
Date: Wed Jan 5 20:59:02 2000

I totally agree with this article, but I see that some people don't, but you should. The Backstreet Boys are just normal people just like each and everyone of us, and should be treated with respect and get the privacy they deserve.


Submitted by Melissa from Toronto Ontario Canada
Date: Wed Jan 5 20:45:04 2000

K, this is a response to Nick'sTheOneForMe, she says to Lori that she's sure that Lori would scream if she saw Nick on the street. I would just like to say that NOT EVERY FAN IS GOING TO SCREAM AT THE SIGHT OF THE BOYS! Maybe you will but not everyone is like that. And you say that the the boys like it when you scream well AJ said out of his own mouth that he doesn't like it when fans scream if they see him at a mall or something because it draws attention to him and then everyone comes up to him asking for an autograph and then his whole shopping day is ruined. He said that he would much rather you just go up to him and talk to him. I understand that you may not be able to control yourself but I just wanted to let you know that their are others that can. (*gasp*)But I agree with you when you said something about the autographs. I don't think if I saw AJ on the street I would just introduce myself, say thank you and then walk away. That's I admit I wouldn't do that. If I did I would kill myself later. I am definetely going to ask for an autograph or if I could take a picture. But if you ask nicely and you are sane I am sure they wouldn't mind. But I basically agree with the rest of Lori's article. To Nick'sTheOneForMe this isn't a hate response. I was just stating my opinion. ktbspa!


Melissa (My AJ site)

Submitted by Krista Carter from Nicktown Nickville NICKLAND
Date: Wed Jan 5 20:34:18 2000

hi. ok. thanks to whoever wrote this. its true that they do alot and ive always appreciated but i guess we should be reminded about what they do for us but we do a lot for them too, right?

1) buy their records

2) buy their books, posters, pins, buttons, notebooks, multimedia, overpriced tickets (NOT the boys's faults whatsoever!)

3) support whatever they do even if it includes a short black leather shrug...which looks good on aj if ya ask me

4) vote for them for awards

5)drive out of town at all times for a chance to see them

6)stay up super late just to see the new show me the meaning of being lonely video only to burst into tears while watching it

7) fending off any un wanted anti backstreet people

8) disagree with LOU PEARLMAN for being a slave driver becuase we want the best for our boys and he is a mean old man

9) support the backstreet boys and not the imitation groups. not to mention any names (NSYNC)

10) love them to death. all of them unconditionally

And thats what we do for them. pretty even if u ask me.



Submitted by Mark Connolly from Warren MI usa
Date: Wed Jan 5 20:15:35 2000

I agree, very well said!!!!!

Submitted by Jennifer from Calgary Alberta Canada
Date: Wed Jan 5 20:14:56 2000

Well I guess I am one of the few who didn't like Lori's article. It was well written, but that is about where my compliments to the writer end. Sure some fans go crazy for the boys, but I think that we have all forgotten that 75 % of bsb fans are 6-11 years old girls. Now I know when I was 6, or 7, or even 8 I did not act like the mature 17 year old that I am today, and no one expected me to! You can't tell me that when you were there age you didn't get over excited over the silliest of things. Even the older fans (12, 13, 14 year olds) get crazy, and I know that can get annoying, but if the boys had a real problem with it they would say something, god knows that they arn't ones for keeping their mouths shut on topics that they are concerned about. I agree that the constant screeming, and obsered posters get annoying, but they ahve every fright as BACKSTREET BOYS fans to do what they are doing. If the guys have taught us all one thing it is to appreciate the wonders in life that you enjoy, and to say what's on your mind, and that is waht thsoe fans are doing. So next time they get on your nerves, try and look the other way, for they are just showing their support and appretiation for their favorite music group, and you were once as crazy as them. If they didn't scream, and instead yelled thank you, wouldn't that get annoying after awhile? And which do you think the boys would rather hear? Screams that make you smile, even on your worst day, or day after day fans only saying one thing, thank you, at least the screams are creative!

Submitted by Audra from Antioch Ca. USA
Date: Wed Jan 5 20:12:22 2000

I just wanted to say I agree also. I mean these are 5 normal guys but then again they are not normal. They live in a world of chaos (no pun to nick.) How would you feel if you could not even walk out the door to go get a hamburger at your local Mc'y D's or go for a walk. I am sure they love it as they say they do but it has to be frustrating to have that follow you everyday. They contribute to so many assperation and insperations of our lives. Alot of people think they are destined to be the next Mrs. Backstreet Boy, but look at reality. Yes myabe one day someone ready this will be the next Mrs. Backstreet Boy but in essence relize why these men are making music the #1 reason cause they love to and they love to make people happy. As for the girlfriend asspect be happy for them. They are intitled to happiness as we are. The only reason I would be upset at a BSB girlfriend is if they where treating the badly or using them. They deserve the best and deserve to be treated right. I would get upset at if anyone was being treated like that even any of you who are reading this. Believe me I have put my self in the position of a Backstreet girlfriend (and that is easy to do) and it would hurt to be called many names and be treated wrongly because the man I feel in love with was famous. I respect these Backstreet Boys to the fullest as they are my insperation, which that is a huge job. I will never forget the happiness they have given me. I thank then everyday and give them full respect!!!

Submitted by Ashley from whydoihavetotellumycity MI USADUH
Date: Wed Jan 5 20:11:19 2000

Ok, well its a pretty good article. I mean its true that the BSB do TONS for us....but if everyone all of a sudden didn't scream that they loved them anymore, i think they'd be kinda alarmed LOL. I think they even like it, I know I would love it if guys all over the world screamed that they love me...but I agree that we probably shouldn't mob them cause people could get hurt, but it would be so hard to resist!

Submitted by Audra from Antioch Ca. USA
Date: Wed Jan 5 20:09:10 2000

I just wanted to say I agree also. I mean these are 5 normal guys but then again they are not normal. They live in a world of chaos (no pun to nick.) How would you feel if you could not even walk out the door to go get a hamburger at your local Mc'y D's or go for a walk. I am sure they love it as they say they do but it has to be frustrating to have that follow you everyday. They contribute to so many assperation and insperations of our lives. Alot of people think they are destined to be the next Mrs. Backstreet Boy, but look at reality. Yes myabe one day someone ready this will be the next Mrs. Backstreet Boy but in essence relize why these men are making music the #1 reason cause they love to and they love to make people happy. As for the girlfriend asspect be happy for them. They are intitled to happiness as we are. The only reason I would be upset at a BSB girlfriend is if they where treating the badly or using them. They deserve the best and deserve to be treated right. I would get upset at if anyone was being treated like that even any of you who are reading this. Believe me I have put my self in the position of a Backstreet girlfriend (and that is easy to do) and it would hurt to be called many names and be treated wrongly because the man I feel in love with was famous. I respect these Backstreet Boys to the fullest as they are my insperation, which that is a huge job. I will never forget the happiness they have given me. I thank then everyday and give them full respect!!!

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