Being A Backstreet Boy

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Submitted by Nicole from Winnipeg MB Canada
Date: Wed Jan 5 22:22:31 2000

Well I agree with her completely but I also think that teh Boys like hearing I LOVE YOU NICK and MARRY ME BRIAN, so maybe we should say both??? Thank them, and then scream your lungs out!!!!


Submitted by Sara from Richland WA USA
Date: Wed Jan 5 22:03:26 2000

I really agree with what Lori had to say. She is one of the fans the guys really want to know they have. I am 14 yars old and yes i argee that trying to steal there underwear and making them have to climb out of windows to escape fans is totally wroung.Although the Guys do understand that sometimes Teenage girls, well Hormons run wild and if you think a guy is hot all you wanna do is get close to him, and look at him and just be as close as possible. I have never tried to steal or held up signs that asked them to marry me, but i do believe alot of fans only think of themselves and that they want the guys and there bodys more then what type of person they really are. If you really think about how much they do for there fans,it is amazing and they love us all, but we do have to love them enoungh to leave them along. They deserve as much down time as is possible, i Really have so much Respect for them as human beings, I don't know how they find the time to do all the things they do, and still have enough time by themselves and there loved ones, that they can still be SANE and HAPPY! I comend all the things they do for us and how they use there money for good causes and are all high and mighty, they desevere all the love and repsect that we need to show, in the only way i can think of, is a Mature way! We have to care enough about them to control ourselves and to just THANK them for all they do for us. I am so Happy someone finally brought this subject up, and we really do need to think about them before we start shouting Marriage Proposels and throwing our BRAS on stage. and to all the girls out there who call there Girlfriends bad names and swear at them or chant obessinides at them when you see them, that is just plain RUDE!!!!!!!!! what if someone walk down the street and called you an awful name, and you had no idea why, how would that make you feel, and it was only because you were dating someone that person wanted to go out with. I find that incredillbly Imature and in other words REALLY STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!! the guys have the right to a love life!!!!!!!!! SO respect them enough to keep your thoughts to your self

and be happy for them because a TRUE FAN would be happy for them Because they are HAPPY! I am a True Fan and i want everyone to know

i treat them with the utmost respect!!!!!!!!! I love you Guys, and i thank you for making music that lifts you up when you are down, and how much your music

has affected my life. Personally it helped me get over personal problems i had been having, there music helped me find closeure and i just want to thank them so much for how

there music has changed my life. for this i send a heart felt THANK YOU to all the guys: Nick, Brian, Kevin, AJ, and Howie! you guys desevere all the love and support we can give, I

try my best and i want everyone and you guys to know that!



all of you who

Submitted by elita from ann abor mi usa
Date: Wed Jan 5 21:52:28 2000

to lori , i don't know what possed you to think that we should back off at there concert , or when we see them at an public appearence . don't you think they would be shocked if we did not scream with all or heart ? i understand that we should not yell or scream if we see them if walking down the street but at their concerts it is expected by them . that would why a.j. say at the beging " i want all of you to scream as loud as you can " maybe you don't understand because you are thirity it would look crazy if you ran after them but to all us who are in ours teens we can . and being obssed with makes life a lot easier for all of us still in high school , unlike you we still have to deal with every day life being a teenager in the year 2000

all of you younger fans keep screamin' as loud as you can and keep the backstreet pride alive in 2000!!

Submitted by Liz from Kokomo Indiana U.S.A.
Date: Wed Jan 5 21:37:25 2000

This article is so right. I fully support everything that was said. For the longest time I have wanted to meet BSB. Not just to say I've met them, but to thank them for all they've done and in particularly what they've meant in my life. They awakened my love for singing as well as writing. The least I could do is thank them and not intrude into their lives any further, no matter how fine I think AJ and Brian are! ;)

Submitted by Lindsey from Battle Ground USA
Date: Wed Jan 5 21:35:59 2000

Hey all!

I just want to say this:

I totally agree with all of what i read. I mean i'm sick of hearing how much people want to get in bed with one of the bsb, but the KIDS are only like 12. I have always said that if i met the boys i would just want to say hi, recieve a hug from Nick(and the others), and tell them how much i love what they do. Some people don't believe me but they don't really know me. I mean what i say...i don't want to get in bed with a bsb and live happily ever after...well that would be nice but it won't happen. I just say live life one day at a time and whatever happens happens. If anyone meets who they love just think for a moment then thank GOD... HE is the one that does everything. Respect everyone and you will hopefully be respected back. I love you all.


love + respect = happiness!!!!!



*(for many reasons)*

Submitted by Abby from Spokane WA USA
Date: Wed Jan 5 21:22:18 2000

I just wanted to agree somewhat with Lori's article, though I do find some flaws in her "mature" thinking. Sure, at her age (she's 30) I can see why she wouldn't neccesarily want to run screaming after the Boys if she saw them on the street, but she needs to put herself into the younger fans's shoes. For myself personally, the Backstreet Boys seem sooo untouchable, literally larger than life. They are beyond reality to me. When I saw them in concert, I could not believe that those five guys on stage were actually the same boys plastered all over my room, locked inside my stereo, and emblazoned all over my television on MTV, awards shows, VH1, and tons of other channels. My point is that they are BIG, they're practically worshipped by millions of fans all over the world, and if I EVER got lucky enough to come into contact with any of them (on the street, in the mall, or wherever) I would most definitely take full advantage of that opportunity and get something like an autograph or a quick picture to remember it by. What's wrong with that? What is "fame", anyway, if it's not to be easily recognized and known the by the whole country? If they didn't want to be famous in the first place, then why on earth did they even get started in the music business? Just to make music? I doubt it. They worked their butts off for years to build popularity and now that they have it, you're telling me we should back off and leave them alone? For us fans, all we want is the opportunity to meet them, let them know how much they mean to us, and not do anything to harm them. I know I would never chase them down, scream at them, break into their rooms, or steal any of their belongings----that's just not cool, and I wouldn't want to do anything that might upset my fave guys. And yes, they should be thanked by us, but don't we thank them in a million other ways? We buy their CDs, their merchandise, we vote for them for awards, we sell out their concerts....and believe me, this is all the thanks they need. They know how much we love them just by our actions, we don't need to personally track them down and verbally thank each one. That could never happen! And I agree that they need and deserve their privacy (who doesn't?) but fame comes with a certain price, and if they don't want to pay that price then they are in the wrong business. WE support them, we keep them going, we would do anything for them, and they know it. They also have to expect that some fans are going to be a little more overzealous than others, it just comes with the territory. But to say that we should all step back and give them space, privacy, and silent acknowledgement----ha! I doubt any of those Boys would truly want all of their fans to cease their excitement and calm down. How boring would their concerts be! And much as they may get annoyed with the constant requests for autographs, they surely think it's flattering and they have proven in the past that they are totally approachable, polite, and obliged to give their fans what they want whenever they can.

So, Lori, you have a point, but for all of us younger fans who are just having some fun with our love of the Backstreet Boys, let us continue to show our support in every reasonable, respectful way that we can. And until Nick, Brian, Kevin, Howie, and AJ personally ask their fans to start backing off, I am going to assume that they don't have as much of a problem with this as you seem to have.

Thank you for letting me say this and please don't let this article make you think that our Boys are sick of their fans, because I know they think just as highly of us as we think of them.

PS--No, I am not delusional. I don't think I will be the next Mrs. Nick Carter (though I wouldn't really mind!). I am just having some fun in my otherwise tedious, stressful life by loving the Backstreet Boys and their music...and if that's so wrong, then I don't care if I'm right!!!


Submitted by Jennifer Castillo from San José Costa Rica
Date: Wed Jan 5 21:18:16 2000

Believe me Lori, I couldnīt agree with you more, you're absolutely right! You just wrote a really honest article, and said the truth; we have to think twice and take their place before we do something crazy. No one can deny that they are very handsome and talented, but that donīt mean they arenīt human beings, and if I were one of them, I'd be tired of answering unappropiate questions about my personal life a thousand times; but they are so respectful to us that they just do that. We should understand them, and if they have girlfriends, we should be respectful because it's their life,I mean, they have the right of being like any other normal guy in the world. And as Lori said, we MUST thank THEM for being so patient. Thank u Lori, u just said the right thing!

Submitted by Kathy Steventon from Toronto Ontario Canada
Date: Wed Jan 5 21:14:09 2000

Hello fellow MFCers

I agree completly with what has been said. These young men need that pesonal time for themselves and their family. If U really feel U need to visit them when on topur a quick Thank U is sufficient or if U are able perhaps offer to lend a hand. No not to the fellows themselves but what about the others? They are involved and far from home perhaps some would like a quick tour of the city or even a hand with their luggage(not stealing it) but offering to help.

Thank U for this time to voice my opinion

A Fan and Friend of BSB Ivy_Plant Katie-S

Submitted by ERIN from brea usa
Date: Wed Jan 5 21:13:12 2000

I think they message that was written couldn't have been said any better. I'll agree, I hadn't thought much about what the Boys do, until I read that. Another thing I thought that was left out was the fact that people get so upset when they say they have girlfriends. I mean sure it's upsetting to hear that your #1 crush has someone else other than you but if you really cared about them you'd be happy for them cause you know that they're happy. Respect them as humans and you'll see that there is more to the Backstreet Boys than meets the eye. That's all I wanted to say and I hope someone out there agree's with me. (and by the way I'm 14 for any one who cares.)

ktbspa ppl!!

love always,


Submitted by krystle from issaquah usa
Date: Wed Jan 5 21:09:18 2000

Okay this is going to be a little off topic....

I was looking through what other people had to say about Lori's article and dont get me wrong i agree all the way. (ive already written my comments earlier) but as i was reading through peoples opinions, something struck me... probably 20-30% of them had vulgur language or !@#$%^ swearing. I thought that was very very unrespectful to the writer. I believe in freedom of speech and everything but, this is a backstreet site and we dont want to have a bad reputation do we? If you don't agree then you should nicely critize the article. Im sorry if i have offended anyone but, that language offended me. thank you for your time KTBPA

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