Being A Backstreet Boy

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Submitted by Shaina from Vancouver B.C. Canada
Date: Thu Jan 6 01:30:03 2000

I strongly second that and understand how true it is. The life of the Backstreet Boys is never a peaceful one. I've always wondered though, I know that behind all the screaming and yelling of professions of undying love or marriage proposals that we truly respect them, I think it's time we showed it. But in all and honest truth if you see Brain, Nick, AJ, Howie or Kev walkin in the mall it is kinda hard to contain yourself isn't it? But don't start screaming, heck I know I would but I've never seen them before in the mall. I guess we should just take a deep breath go up to them and tell them what outstanding things they've done for us.

Hopefully by now they know that we love them (A LOT)and that we will always stand by them now we gotta thank them. Actually that's what fanmail is for but is that enough? The only thing that comes to mind is if we could just respect their privacy a bit more. It's all about respect.

Submitted by TDawn from Winnipeg Canada
Date: Thu Jan 6 01:08:04 2000

A thought .... BSB could not just walk thru Walmart without mass hysteria.

Submitted by Leslie Rockers from Spring Hill KS USA
Date: Thu Jan 6 00:47:33 2000

I thought that you were very correct in your article. They do need to be treated as people as do all celebrities. They do put alot of time in for us and themselves as well. They do love what they are doing and I think that they love the attention that they get, but they also enjoy the down-time that they get. It takes alot of hard work to be dedicated to something like that and I give them props for what they do and what they did to get started. Thank you for your article and I hope that many more people get to read your words of encouragement and even though I think of them as people I still got another reality check of what they really do and I hope others will feel the same. Thank you. Leslie

Submitted by Melissa from Tickfaw LA USA
Date: Thu Jan 6 00:04:44 2000

I agree with you a 100%. We need to treat them right. Don't get me wrong, they appreciate everything we do, but if we want them to stay around for years to come we need to thank them more often. They will appreicate that even more.

Submitted by Kristen from San Jose, USA
Date: Wed Jan 5 23:07:15 2000

Mixed feelings arose when I read this woman's opinion. Many good points were made, but also some that I don't agree with. Note as you read this that I am a younger fan still in high school, but I don't consider myself a teenybopper, and I don't dream about marrying them. I do idolize them and admire and respect them for their endless work, and it is a HUGE responsibility on their part, and probably a burden sometimes, to have millions of people looking up to them. I am in awe also on how they can possibly juggle all the parts of their lives. Stealing mail, ripping off clothes, that is going beyond what is right, and is not something they SHOULD deal with. But they came into the business, and it is part of what they have to deal with. They could have made the choice that they couldn't handle it, and quit. They made the choice to pursue success as a vocal group, and they continue to make the choice (thankfully) to stay in the business. After a long bus ride, they might not want to have to please the fans at 5 in the morning. But if I were them, it would give me a huge boost of confidence, and I think I would appreciate it. I think people should donate to their charities if they have the means to. Luckily I am not in the category, but many fans may not be able to afford to donate or give the boys anything but their shouts and shrieks of encouragement if they see them on the street. Saying you love them might not have the staying power as a thank you, but if a person honestly feels that way about them, why shouldn't they be allowed to say it? Maybe people should say they love the music. Unless you know them personally, it is impossible to truly love THEM. I also think asking for an autograph is ok if you see them on the street. Yes, say thanks, move on quickly, don't talk to them for 5 minutes saying all you know about them, trying to impress them, but I don't think anything is wrong with an autograph. Larger Than Life was written to the fans as a thank you song. I think that it is a big deal to cheer, buy their music and support it. It is hard for me to imagine, but I know that they are ordinary people in extraodinary circumstances. To me, they are larger than life, and saying I love them isn't disrespecting them.

Submitted by Maggie Finley and Jen Kesler from Richland WA USA
Date: Wed Jan 5 23:00:10 2000

We totally agree with you. I'm 17 and my friend, Jen, is 19. We previously went to a BSB concert in Tacoma (10-26-99) and were startled, disgusted, and shocked at how most of the girls were acting.We were behind the Tacoma dome in hopes that maybe one of the boys would come out to sign. At first it was cool but then girls started chanting for the boys and screaming things toward them. Some girls were even using obcene language (i.e.-"I'll lay down beside you all night long A.J.!!") keepin13. It was very frustrating to see how some of the girls were dressed. In short, tight dresses. How are the boys supposed to see these girls when thery're trying to concentrate on the concert? My friends and I were all dressed in tee shirts and pajama bottoms with slippers as shoes. How do you think the boys would have reacted to these young teeny boppers dressed like this. How 'bout some fashion ladies? I'm sure the boys like to see us dressed in our comfort and enjoing the concert and not having to worry about wheter I'm going to pop out if I jump too high! When Howie came out to sign before the concert, we just stood back and enjoyed looking at Howie. He's so sweet to take the time out of his busy schedule to sign stuff. I guess that's how he got his nickname. We now have a greater appreciation for all that they do. Not too long after Howie left, I noticed a couple of people who looked familiar. One was Leighanne, and one of the dancers. I turn to Jen and asked (to make sure) if that was Leighanne. Some girls heard me and started calling Leighanne slut, skank, ect. Too many names that I don't want to say. I was so upset cause I like Leighanne. I think she's cool and she has got to be one strong woman to put up with all that she does. I was going to call her over for an autograph but I decided to be on the safe side and not do it after all the names that they were calling her. It had to be the most frustrating thing for me that happended before the concert. I think that I respect the boys knowing the fact that they have girlfriends. Sure it's something that we don't like, but I respect the fact that they are open and honest with us. Anyway, they're cute how could they not have girlfriends? After the concert, we went down to where we were earlier. I guess hoping to see another boy and get an autograph. Well, Nick came out first, and everyone started screaming and shoving. He held up his hand for us to be quiet, but no one listened. So he backed off. Then Kevin came out, walked by and the turned around to start signing. Kevin, who happens to be my favorite(Jen), looked extremly tired started signing. I watched him as he signed. He was so slow. People were shoving, it was very uncomfortable. I tried to block people so Maggie could get up there, but there was no hope. After about 5-10 minutes, he left. I was actually quite relieved that he left. Then we tried to push our way out. Well, we all agreed we would never try that one again. We are totally happy with our pictures and all that we have from the concert. We did get Dennis GAllo's autograph which is as good as getting one of the boys's. We don't need their autographs to remember the time that we had. All we need to do is look at the pictures. They do enough for us. I never really thought how much time they take out of their lives to please us. The least we can do is have a greater respect for their privacy and try not to know every little detail about them. There is a fine line between love/respect and complete obsession.

Submitted by Manda from The middle of nowhere some state US of A
Date: Wed Jan 5 22:46:00 2000

YOU GO GIRL! I totally agree with Lori. Todays teens (that like BSB) think they are possessions and I think the boys, actually men, should be thought of as human beings. They need a personal life as does everyone else, and they can't do that if they are always having to be careful that someone might be watching them or stocking them 24/7. I also have to say Im 16 and I like the BSB but not to the point where I'd start yelling so and so will you marry me.

So I congratulate Lori for speaking out to all those crazy teenagers who do anything for getting a glimpse of a Backstreet boy!


Peace out!

Submitted by Christy from Burlington USA
Date: Wed Jan 5 22:42:35 2000

I have to agree with everything that you said. (It was very well said, by the way!) This is their "job", of sorts, & they are doing it very well & deserve as much, or more, respect for doing it & having to put up with all the extras that come along with what they do.

Submitted by Megan Billings from Reading PA USA
Date: Wed Jan 5 22:27:38 2000

I totally agree with this and thank you for writing what needed to be said. It was a great article and the complete truth. I hope it makes a difference, they deserve it.

Submitted by Carla Burns from Batesville Arksansas USA
Date: Wed Jan 5 22:24:15 2000

It's so refreshing to hear that someone understands just what the Boys give up to entertain us! Of course they love it, or they would'nt do it! But yes, everyday they make personal sacrifices. I've always tried to put myself in their places. There is NO way I could get on a stage in front of thousands of people without having a panic attack. They do it nearly everyday! All those dances they have to learn and ALL those lyrics to ALL those songs. It is mind-boggling! Myself, I have had days when I did'nt want to talk to ANYONE. I just wanted to sit home and not do anything. Unfortunately, if you're a member of the BSB you don't have this luxury. The courtesy and politeness they show their fans is well-known. They have to face total strangers everyday, and ALWAYS treat them in a thoughtful way. I could'nt imagine having to be that way all the time. Yes, they are reaping benefits that go with their status, but they pay the price, and they pay it for us, their fans. Is it any wonder these guys continue to earn the respect and admiration of an ever-growing number of fans? We cannot even fathom the responsiblity that lies on their shoulders. It's my hope that the BSB will never tire of what they do. I personally want to see and hear them for many more years. Long live the BSB!!! Peace and Love!

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