Being A Backstreet Boy

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Submitted by SARAH from Atlanta GA USA
Date: Thu Jan 6 21:58:19 2000

I would just like to say that I totally agree. I have met Brian (my favorite BSB) and when I did I didn't just go up to him and scream in his face. I just very politely went up to Brian and told him hi and told him how much I enjoyed their music. I also told him my name and never once did I tell him I LOVED HIM (even though i do) or ask him to marry me. And I didn't even ask for his autograph or picture. He told me that not many fans do that and autographed a piece of paper he had in his pocket. All I have to say is if I, a 14 year old BSB fan, can do that so can everyone else.

Submitted by Tracy D. from Fair Haven MI US
Date: Thu Jan 6 21:55:29 2000

Here goes...Not only do I agree with Lori, but I'd like to add my own spin on this. Just imagine being filled with such creative talent that you are *compelled* to express yourself. It isn't easy to NOT do what you were made/born to do. If you are gifted at taking care of the terminally ill, teaching deaf children, performing miracle'd be wasting your life and talent by not doing so. Whatever you are blessed with you must use and use the best way possible. It isn't that the boys can't do anything else, but likely not anything that would reach so many people. Look at the example they set. Are they not obligated to use the talent and opportunity they've been given? Do you think that Brian would be making more of a difference in the world if he'd fullfilled his first anbition of becoming a youth minister...or does he reach more people this way?

So because they have "chosen" this way of life do you nay-sayers of Lori's article believe they owe more than what they already give? That because they do what they do that they should just "take it" because it is part of being a celebrity? Give me a break! This country has made a mockery of what the celebrity is supposed to be. They are not Gods. They are human beings. They are supposed to be entertainment and sometimes do good for social causes...they are NOT there for us to harrass...under no uncertain terms can you justify bothering them on the street (if you were so lucky to bump into them) for any reason that has to do with getting something for yourself (ie: autograph etc...) Do YOU owe anyone that privalidge? Why are they not entitled to their privacy, even out in public?

We pay them, of course! They have the nice cars and nice houses because WE make it possible...sure! BUT we do not buy the right to invade their privacy...we buy the right to listen to their music and watch them perform. That is all. How is that hard to understand and why is that a debate? Is it because we are so warped? Is it any different than blaming a car jacking victim for getting their car stolen because they knowingly drove through a bad neighborhood? I think not! How is that a sane way to think? Serves them right for putting themselves out there? Is that the attitude here? They should have known what they were in for? I mean, really, can anyone be prepared for not being able to walk into a store without calling out the guard? And are you saying that if they didn't like it they shouldn't have asked for it? Or if they don't that they should just get out of the business? What if your chosen life had these repercussions...would you just bale on it because of other's ignorance...or would you try to help people understand what you are about and why you are there?

How would you feel if everywhere you went you had people hounding you? And why isn't a GOOD thing that they and those that love them speak out about how this invasion is wrong? Because you buy the sick notion that if you chose (and I use that losely as I stated above) to be a performer that you give up your rights? Come on people! I don't care if you are 12 or know better and you know we all deserve to walk freely on this earth without fear. But because of people like those that accuse them of "asking for it" they will always have to worry. All because they do what they were born to do.

Probably the best way to get one to understand and empathize is to put yourself in their shoes. What if it were you and you were given this incredible talent? What if one of them was your lover, brother or friend? What do you think they *really* deserve from their fans?

Submitted by Tracy D. from Fair Haven MI US
Date: Thu Jan 6 21:48:53 2000

Here goes...Not only do I agree with Lori, but I'd like to add my own spin on this. Just imagine being filled with such creative talent that you are *compelled* to express yourself. It isn't easy to NOT do what you were made/born to do. If you are gifted at taking care of the terminally ill, teaching deaf children, performing miracle'd be wasting your life and talent by not doing so. Whatever you are blessed with you must use and use the best way possible. It isn't that the boys can't do anything else, but likely not anything that would reach so many people. Look at the example they set. Are they not obligated to use the talent and opportunity they've been given? Do you think that Brian would be making more of a difference in the world if he'd fullfilled his first anbition of becoming a youth minister...or does he reach more people this way?

So because they have "chosen" this way of life do you nay-sayers of Lori's article believe they owe more than what they already give? That because they do what they do that they should just "take it" because it is part of being a celebrity? Give me a break! This country has made a mockery of what the celebrity is supposed to be. They are not Gods. They are human beings. They are supposed to be entertainment and sometimes do good for social causes...they are NOT there for us to harrass...under no uncertain terms can you justify bothering them on the street (if you were so lucky to bump into them) for any reason that has to do with getting something for yourself (ie: autograph etc...) Do YOU owe anyone that privalidge? Why are they not entitled to their privacy, even out in public?

We pay them, of course! They have the nice cars and nice houses because WE make it possible...sure! BUT we do not buy the right to invade their privacy...we buy the right to listen to their music and watch them perform. That is all. How is that hard to understand and why is that a debate? Is it because we are so warped? Is it any different than blaming a car jacking victim for getting their car stolen because they knowingly drove through a bad neighborhood? I think not! How is that a sane way to think? Serves them right for putting themselves out there? Is that the attitude here? They should have known what they were in for? I mean, really, can anyone be prepared for not being able to walk into a store without calling out the guard? And are you saying that if they didn't like it they shouldn't have asked for it? Or if they don't that they should just get out of the business? What if your chosen life had these repercussions...would you just bale on it because of other's ignorance...or would you try to help people understand what you are about and why you are there?

How would you feel if everywhere you went you had people hounding you? And why isn't a GOOD thing that they and those that love them speak out about how this invasion is wrong? Because you buy the sick notion that if you chose (and I use that losely as I stated above) to be a performer that you give up your rights? Come on people! I don't care if you are 12 or know better and you know we all deserve to walk freely on this earth without fear. But because of people like those that accuse them of "asking for it" they will always have to worry. All because they do what they were born to do.

Probably the best way to get one to understand and empathize is to put yourself in their shoes. What if it were you and you were given this incredible talent? What if one of them was your lover, brother or friend? What do you think they *really* deserve from their fans?

Submitted by Jenji from Darien USA
Date: Thu Jan 6 21:27:15 2000

Hey y'all. I read the article, and I definitely have to agree. I have sat down before and thought of the consuming hours they must take, because they talk about the hours in interveiws and stuff. But it has never hit me what they DO in those hours. When I saw that list, and I was like omigod they have GOT to be exhausted! AND also, how do they get personal time?!It's mind-baffling. I already respected them and didn't like the fans that jumped and screamed in their ear and all that stuff. Okay I screamed but only at concerts and at home. I've never met them, but I swear the first thing I'm gona say to them is THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUV"E DONE FOR ME AND THE REST OF THE WORLD! etc etc. Cause they've done so much!I'm not gonna scream MARRY ME BRIAN or anything like that. Cause I don't see them like boyfriends. I see them as humans that want to have a good life. Ya know? Well, I'm just babbling on and on but she does have a point! LISTEN and consider doing what she says to do. Maybe they'll remember you by your name because you said thank you instead of callin you " oh you mean the girl in the blue shirt that screamed in Howie's ear?" yeah ya know what i mean? Well, think about it. see ya!

Submitted by NicksTheOneForMe from Backstreet BSBLand BackstreetWorld
Date: Thu Jan 6 21:15:27 2000

Look peoples,especially you,who responded to my article. I didn't say that they loved the screaming in their ears every single minute,did I? NO! Look,all I wanted to get across to you people is that they said that they love the screaming at the concerts and at the meet and greets and public events. And no,Lori,none of us would just thank them and walk away DUH! We are gonna ask for an auto. and talk to them,maybe even take a picture if we see them. WE might not scream,but at public events when they are meant to be noticed,you're darn right I'm gonna scream cause they love it and it gets them pumped for a show. So don't just go and talk about Lori's article being like so totally awesome and everything without thinking about what you would actually do if you saw them in real life. I've made my point. THANK YOU!And no,I'm not being annoying or a very mean person I'm in reality a very nice and soft-spoken girl but right now this is a time when action is appropriate and i'm telling you the difference between reality and dream. In a dream you might just walk up to them and say thanks if you saw them in the street because that is the "polite" way to do it,but in reality you would be all excited and ask for an autograph and a picture. Thanks,I rest my case.

Submitted by Audrey from Middlebury USA
Date: Thu Jan 6 20:53:14 2000

I think that it is only natural to want to be close to someone you admire. Only i totally agree that there is a more responsible way of doing this rather than screaming their names and invading their privacy, space, and (GASP!) hurting them physically. I totally agree with the article because we as fans say we respect and admire the boys, when in reality, we are showing total lack of that. Say thank you instead of "MARRY ME!" i am sure it is flattering at first, but put yourself in their shoes. How would you feel if an 8 year old randomly asked you to marry them. Cute at first, but really old after a while. I know we are great fans, we buy their crap and listen to their music, but lets think of them as people too. Maybe then we can live up to the title LARGER THAN LIFE.

Submitted by Narissa from Heathrow FL USA
Date: Thu Jan 6 20:31:15 2000

R Wrote:

> Hello!! Do we forget that they also get paid for this >stuff. Although they do have a love for music, they do not >do all of this "just for the fans'' They're doing what >they've always wanted to do and making millions. They're >life can't be that much tougher than the rest of ours.

They do not get paid to put on a concert or paid to make an album!! Artists don't do what they do strictly for green paper with value. The Backstreet Boys have made millions because they spent time making good music that was received with welcoming hand from the public. They receive profits from the sales...and they do not get a "deposit" in the beginning. They make millions because the public has spent millions. If it wasn't from the public, then Backstreet Boys MIGHT have been getting paid to play a gig at a small venue. But because the public is around and seems to accept their music, the Backstreet Boys do what they do, and happen to make profit off of their success.

Submitted by Michelle from Los Angeles U.S.
Date: Thu Jan 6 20:28:37 2000

Hey everyone, I read the article and it seemed like the author read my exact thoughts. From the previous entry by J, yes it's true that they are paid to perform music; they aren't paid for allowing invasion into their private lives. Simply because they voluntarily CHOOSE to become singers, does not mean that we, as their fans, are allowed to encourage the media to inspect every single aspect of their private lives including their GIRLFRIENDS. And about the girlfriend issue, if they choose to date or have girlfriends, then that's their own personal private decision. If you placed yourselves as their girlfriends, how would you feel if you were constantly insulted by people who don't even really know you simply because you are going out with their idol? The Backstreet girlfriends must be really special girls to the Bacstreet Boys for them to have chosen them to go out with. About their privacy, if you really love the Boys, then do you really have to know what they wear to bed or what they eat for breakfast? You are simply encouraging the media to encroach upon their private lives, whatever they have left of their little privacy. Sure maybe this way, you feel like you know them but there are boundaries to everything. They are paid to be music ARTISTS not tabloid SUBJECTS.



Submitted by Lindsey(FRACK) from Battle Ground USA
Date: Thu Jan 6 20:20:39 2000

i already responded but i have some more to say today! Some fans have taken it upon themselves to do whatever they can to get to the guys. They harass and i have seen a real fight break out over which girl should get the guy. I can't stand all of this anymore. I want to start a club for mature fans of all ages. Meaning you have to respect the guys and not want to be the next girl in bed so you could have his baby. I think that that is the reason for all this nonsense. I hear some 12 and 11 year olds talking about wanting to have sex with the guys. Don't get me wrong every girl in her teens wants to have sex at one time but it should be for the right reasons. Yes it would be great to be in bed CUDDLING(not having sex) with one of the guys, but that won't happen for me. I live out in the middle of no where and the guys will never come here at all. I have no chance of ever meeting them but it will always be a dream of mine to meet them and tell them how much i respect them and love their music. It really touches my heart that they can write and sing songs as well as they do. Sex is something that you have when you are ready and in love. Not something you do because you just want a baby with a really hot singer or movie star. Just for once think of what your doing. Just stop and think "What if they where her watching me? Would they aprove? would they be doing this?" they are older and have the right to drink and do other things. Stop getting into their lives. They don't go around stealling our things and getting into our lives. If the guys read this thank you for the great music that touches my heart and so many others. Oh i'm a 16 yearold(Well on January 12th) and i know what it's like to be in love and what you feel for the guys is not love it is OBSESSION and you need to get with guys your own age and with people around you. Sorry this has been so long. I have a lot on my mind. School started yesterday and i saw the guy i really love today. The thing is he doesn't love me the way i do. Sorry many more times.



Submitted by Sylla from Seixal Lisbon Portugal
Date: Thu Jan 6 20:10:58 2000

Well, what can I say?! I guess i never really tought about this and it's all right!! Maybe deep within our hearts we all know this to be true but sometimes we forget they're only human!!!

I hope every fan get a chance to read this letter... i'm proud of the FAN that wrote this letter and I hope I all you agree with me.

Love always,

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