Being A Backstreet Boy

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Submitted by Felicity from Cudahy Wisconsin United States
Date: Fri Jan 7 01:29:27 2000

I think this articles deserves props! She's totally right about everything. Hell, when I get up at 5am I don't look like I've been hit by a bus I look dead! Also, the whole writing their names on your face thing to get them to fall in love with you is a bit unrealistic. I mean, look at it in reverse. Some guy comes running down the street towards you with your name etched on his face in eye liner and a poster with your picture on it and he's screaming "(your name here) have my baby!" Wouldn't you be a little..oh..I don't know.....freaked out of your mind?! Treat them like entertainers and human beings. Basically, if we could all revert back to the age old "treat people the way you would like to be treated" and not scream until they go deaf everything would be peachy keen. I'm not saying it's not cool to go get psyched over the fact they appeared pantless on the cover of Rolling Stone (heck, I bought 2 issues!) but be civil! Well, that's it from me. Thanks for the time it took to read!:)


Submitted by Katie Brown from Calgary ALberta Canada
Date: Fri Jan 7 00:20:55 2000

I would just like to say THANK GOD someone finally has the same view as I do. It makes me so mad when people think that they have a right to say the Backstreet Boys are selfish, and they do not care abou their fans. Everything they do, they do it for the fans and because of the fans. They know that if it wasn't for the fans then they wouiln't be successful at all. I really think that people just need to back off the BSB, and let them work their magic, because obviosly it has been working so far!



Submitted by Ashley from Bucyrus Ohio USA
Date: Thu Jan 6 23:58:40 2000

I definately agree with what Lori said. The Backstreet Boys are 5 regular guys with voices like gifts from God and they are just trying to persue their dream career. Accidents happen when fans try to rip clothing or jewelery from the guys. Don't you remember when A.J had a earring ripped out of his ear? Or when a fan threw a banana with a pair of sunglasses on it and him A.J. right in know. Anyway, fans should cheer them on and be grateful becuase to them, we are what keeps them alive. We are effecting their reality and all of our time spent buying every that has the BSB logo on it does keep them alive and strong, but fans, can't we handle it maturly? I know it's hard to realize, but all the fans have about a 1 in a million chance on marrying your fav BSB and I relaized this after I kept writing Ashley Carter all over my diary. I realized, I'm living a fantasy. I shouldn't trash their gf's and try to cause them pain, I should be respectful and grateful cause to me, their music keeps me alive. Please be mature at a concert or if you do meet them. We don't want them to think all their fans are crazy and want to get out of music. We want them to keep making us happy. Just think about it, A.J, Brian, and Nick gave up high school to be a BSB and they all gave up seeing their families and girlfriend's daily, just to be a Backstreet Boy. I certainly am 100% grateful and respectful towards Nick Carter, Brian Littrell, A.J. McLean, Kevin Richardson, and Howie D. Without them, we wouldn't have too much inspiration.


Submitted by bridget from somewhere over the rainbow somwhere usa
Date: Thu Jan 6 23:44:25 2000

I really do agree with this a lot!i mean they do do alot for us and this is what ive been trying to say for bout 3 years to crazy obsessed fans(sorry).And i did act mature when nick looked at me for the last hour of the show but yes i did flirt alot but i would never ever mob him.lori you are so right thanx for such a wonderful letter.


Submitted by Niki from Toronto Ontario Canada
Date: Thu Jan 6 23:39:42 2000

I agree on what Lori said. I think it's great you think that the Backstreet Boys are human and they deserve a lot more than they have already and I'm sure every fan would agree with ur thoughts. But not only should us fans be obligated to give them the respect they deserve. But the critics and all those Backstreet Bashers. Although this has nuthing to do with the topic, I feel very strongly bout ppl saying that they don't belong in the industry. I think they have every right to be here. They have talent and everything else that comes with it. They do all this without being influenced by drugs and all the drama in being a "rock" star. WEll that's my opinion...


Submitted by Leslie from BC Michigan USA
Date: Thu Jan 6 23:15:07 2000

I agree with Lori. The backstreet boys is only human. They should be treated like normal people. Let me ask this would you like to go out with your friends to the mall or something and you was famous. And have people come up and scream in your ear? I sure would not like it. All the bsb want from fans is to treat them like normal people. And that is all what they want from us. I think we can do that for them. The bsb does alot of things for us to make us happy. I think we should do the same. And say thank you.

Submitted by Jessica from backstreet backstreet
Date: Thu Jan 6 22:49:41 2000

I just have to say that I do agree with SOME of the things she is saying, but I mean come on!! dont ask for an autograph? thats going a little bit too far. Its like on the song Larger Than LIfe where Brian says " but let me tell you now there are prices to fame." and i think signing autographs and stuff like that is just the prices they have to pay for being apart of the group. I read this one girls opinion and she said that its like this lady is telling us what to do and that is kind of what she is doing. I totally agree with things like not invading thier privacy and not stealing. and i do respect them but if i seen them i would ask for an autograph, im sorry. anyway gotta go.

Submitted by Tracy D. from Fair Haven MI US
Date: Thu Jan 6 22:07:59 2000

OOPS! Sorry about the repeat posts. I clicked on "refresh" and the thing got posted too many times. *sheepish grin*

Submitted by Christie from Chesterfield USA
Date: Thu Jan 6 22:07:19 2000

WOW, you really got to me... I never thought of that! You are an amazing speaker and writer! I really respect them, more than ever now! Thank YOU for showing me how I should really react towards them!

Submitted by Tracy D. from Fair Haven MI US
Date: Thu Jan 6 22:00:10 2000

Here goes...Not only do I agree with Lori, but I'd like to add my own spin on this. Just imagine being filled with such creative talent that you are *compelled* to express yourself. It isn't easy to NOT do what you were made/born to do. If you are gifted at taking care of the terminally ill, teaching deaf children, performing miracle'd be wasting your life and talent by not doing so. Whatever you are blessed with you must use and use the best way possible. It isn't that the boys can't do anything else, but likely not anything that would reach so many people. Look at the example they set. Are they not obligated to use the talent and opportunity they've been given? Do you think that Brian would be making more of a difference in the world if he'd fullfilled his first anbition of becoming a youth minister...or does he reach more people this way?

So because they have "chosen" this way of life do you nay-sayers of Lori's article believe they owe more than what they already give? That because they do what they do that they should just "take it" because it is part of being a celebrity? Give me a break! This country has made a mockery of what the celebrity is supposed to be. They are not Gods. They are human beings. They are supposed to be entertainment and sometimes do good for social causes...they are NOT there for us to harrass...under no uncertain terms can you justify bothering them on the street (if you were so lucky to bump into them) for any reason that has to do with getting something for yourself (ie: autograph etc...) Do YOU owe anyone that privalidge? Why are they not entitled to their privacy, even out in public?

We pay them, of course! They have the nice cars and nice houses because WE make it possible...sure! BUT we do not buy the right to invade their privacy...we buy the right to listen to their music and watch them perform. That is all. How is that hard to understand and why is that a debate? Is it because we are so warped? Is it any different than blaming a car jacking victim for getting their car stolen because they knowingly drove through a bad neighborhood? I think not! How is that a sane way to think? Serves them right for putting themselves out there? Is that the attitude here? They should have known what they were in for? I mean, really, can anyone be prepared for not being able to walk into a store without calling out the guard? And are you saying that if they didn't like it they shouldn't have asked for it? Or if they don't that they should just get out of the business? What if your chosen life had these repercussions...would you just bale on it because of other's ignorance...or would you try to help people understand what you are about and why you are there?

How would you feel if everywhere you went you had people hounding you? And why isn't a GOOD thing that they and those that love them speak out about how this invasion is wrong? Because you buy the sick notion that if you chose (and I use that losely as I stated above) to be a performer that you give up your rights? Come on people! I don't care if you are 12 or know better and you know we all deserve to walk freely on this earth without fear. But because of people like those that accuse them of "asking for it" they will always have to worry. All because they do what they were born to do.

Probably the best way to get one to understand and empathize is to put yourself in their shoes. What if it were you and you were given this incredible talent? What if one of them was your lover, brother or friend? What do you think they *really* deserve from their fans?

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