Being A Backstreet Boy

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Submitted by Morninstar from Notre Dame IN USA
Date: Fri Jan 7 14:21:01 2000

Okay okay...Lori I hope you didn't have too much on your mind there. I think the stop to freaking out, attacking, painting faces and such has to do with being mature. Considering you are 30 it is easier said then done. I agree totally with you! You(the fans) are only making a fool out of yourself when you act that way. My little sister is a perfect example!LOL I don't think they mind signing autographs besides isn't this what they have always wanted? Like somebody said earlier one of them pulled out a piece of paper just so the girl could have an autograph. Nice guys! Being a Backstreet Boys' girlfriend would take alot of strength and maturity. Name calling is something the girlfriends would just have to cope with. Besides THEY are with a backstreet boy! I completely agree with being normal when you see them. Don't freak out! Say hey and walk on by(yeah right!!!) Control yourself they are just like you and me:)

Submitted by saskia nivard from hoorn noordholland holland
Date: Fri Jan 7 14:18:17 2000

My name is saskia and im 16 and from holland.I agree on some points ,but absolutely not on everything.Last summer I followed the guys on teir tour.I saw how tired they were, I saw them leaving the hotel at 2 in the morning.My respect for the guys is enormeous.I have never stolen anything of the guys,I have only asked them for a picture and autograph.I said thank you to the guys everytime they gave me something.I think the fact that anyone wants to go on the pix with them is a honor for them.It was also my way of saying thank you to them.I must say I found your repport a insult.Please e mail me.

Keep da bsb pride alive.

Submitted by Karen from Terre Haute IN USA
Date: Fri Jan 7 14:05:14 2000

This is all totally true. I really did not think about this type of thing happening. The way some of the fans act is very dangerous. One of the interviews with Howie-he was saying how one fan grabbed his backpack while they(BSB) were running to their bus and he fell and busted his arm open. I was really astounded! We should all think about our actions before there is a bad re-action. I don't think any fan would want to see the BSB injured because of something we did. I bet that girl was mortified seeing Howie fall and get hurt like that. Let's all use a little restraint. It's easy to get excited around them. I haven't had the opportunity yet!(but I can imagine!) Thanks for listening.

Submitted by lauren from florida tampa united states
Date: Fri Jan 7 12:47:08 2000

i would like to say that i agree because it is true we shouldn't abuse them by stealing in everything.... but if you wanna show you love say hi hug them and say u love them!! then thats giving them respect for there music respect for themselfs and respect for people:

ok bye


love :ME

Submitted by Taryn from Weston CT USA
Date: Fri Jan 7 12:04:35 2000

I want to say that I totally agree with everything you say, I just think that maybe you should have presented it in another way. No offense but you sounded a bit like you thought you were a better fan than everyone else! Even though I've never done any of the things you mentioned, I've never mobbed them, I've never stolen from them and I'bve never asked any of them to marry me. What I have done is talked to them (well Howie and AJ). I actually spoke to them about what you're talking about, and I told them I was almost scared of approaching them because although they say that they don't mind giving autographs etc. there are some times they would prefer to be left alone (And I have no problems understanding that)! What they told me was, we should never be afraid of coming over to say hello, they all know what it's like being a fan of someone.

I don't know where I going with this actually! I just wanted you all to know what they told me, and that they are really great guys (like you didn't know that!!), and like you said, they respect us as fans and we should definitely respect them and their privacy as well. I just didn't feel comfortable with the way you presented what you wanted to say, no offense..!

Sorry this was a little long. KTBSPA everybody! :o)

Submitted by Chryssee from montreal quebec canada
Date: Fri Jan 7 11:54:00 2000

Now that I have taken a few moments to actualy breath and think I can write this objectively....

Like many poeple hw have probably ready this I started off reading what Lori so eloquantly put on paper and went through the obvious ractions. First I was a little curious and then as I read on I found myself getting alittle tense and then I automaticaly get on the defensive (even more so when Lori mentioned the poeple how were getting defensive reading this :) )....

after a while I finaly calmed down and thought about everything Ive done in the past for years inregards to the BSB's and I was shocked that my conduct had been terrible.... I must admit that I am rather ashamed of my actions now and I will try in the futur to simply calm it down a notch... The only probem is that it is terribly hard to do so.

Submitted by maja from warnsveld holland
Date: Fri Jan 7 10:04:33 2000

I agree with some things that lori has written,she's right that we should respect the boys and thank them for every thing that they do for us.i would never mob a backstreet boy or something like that.I am a younger fan,i'm 14, and i do understand why all those fans want to go to their hotels,i mean;who doesn't want to see them so close or even meet them?and if their's nobody around the hotels,how would the boys feal then?

I think that we should respect that they want to have privacy and leave their girlfriends alone.i think that it's okay to wait infront of the hotels,but it's not okay when you go up to their romes or calling them at their romes,if they wanna see their fans they will come down.


Submitted by Ocean from Fuzhou Fujian CHINA
Date: Fri Jan 7 04:57:25 2000

I really agree with her. I am a younger fan and just in a high school,too. Once again,I've never thought of marry them,really. I remembered that my brother went to see a Japanese singer called ASKA's concert. My brother likes his music very much. He went to Tokyo which is the capital of JAPAN to see his concert. At last,ASKA who lives in London ended the concert and went back to the hotel. When he came out the hall,a lot of the fans rushed against each other to get close to ASKA. So did my brother. And everybody there cried"I love you ASKA" or "Marry me ASKA",and so on. But my brother did not do so. When ASKA came across him,he just said "Arigato gonzaimastu,ASKA san"----that means "thank you very much,Mr.ASKA". To his great joy,ASKA stopped and looked at him for a while. And then he said,"thank you,too." That was the most wonderful day in my brother's life that he has ever had. So I think that artists needs fans' wishes and thanx most. They need them to hold up their energy and saved all the things that they had. That is just my opinion,but I think many persons will agree with me. Backstreet Boys is a singing group,not other things.

And thanks the writer. Thanks for reading my comment.


Submitted by Molls from Maplewood MN USA
Date: Fri Jan 7 03:49:53 2000

I would just like to say "kudos" to you! I agree with you completely, only I've never known how to express it without going over the line. Good job! I, along with two of my girlfriends, were among the few lucky ones who have had the prestigious honor of "hangin' with the BSB". How did this happen you ask? A few of the guys walked by us at a club (after the concert), we said "hey, nice show guys, shouldn't you be back at the hotel sleeping? You must be wiped out!" That struck up great conversation, and we've been friends ever since, we've been invited and have traveled to other cities to meet up with them. It's great, we get to be fans, but we're so laid back about it that it doesn't scare them off. Sure as soon as we leave them we completely freak out, but you just gotta save that for later. Being their age does help, we have a lot in common, and I think it keeps them humble. They love being able to have a normal conversation with people their own age. So, I agree completley with Lori, if you see them, treat them like you would want to be treated. I mean, how scared would you be if someone came running up to you screaming at the top of their lungs right in your face? I don't know about you but I'd be a little frightened! With the autograph thing, what would you rather have, a piece of paper with their name on it, or a lifetime of memories of having an actual conversation with the people you admire most in the world? I'll take the latter, thank you. Don't get me wrong, I adore these five talented beautiful people just as much as the next gal, but hey, take it easy, they'll love us all for it in the long run. I hope I got across my point without sounding like a condescending priss. Its just that my experience proves that if you treat them normally that'll get their attention the most. Thanks and KTBSPA!!

Submitted by Me again.... from Cudahy Wisconsin United States
Date: Fri Jan 7 01:33:03 2000

It's Felicity again, I forgot one important topic, if we could please lay off their girlfriends? Yes, you may not like them, but see if from their POV. If you were dating one of the sweetest, hottest, most talented (yes, I'm a die hard fan thanks much! lol) guys in show business you wouldn't want people calling you a ho just 'cuz you came with him to an awards show or something. Yet again, it's the things your mom taught you we have to go back to! Ok, Peace out for real!

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