Being A Backstreet Boy

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Submitted by Emily from Hilliard OH USA
Date: Fri Jan 7 22:50:33 2000

I read this article and it put things in a new light for me I am 13 years old and in love (or i used to think)with Kevin Richardson .For christmas I got an autographed picture from him (off ebay) if I ever see him or meet him (I seriously doubt that will happen) I would like to give it back to him and say "I'm sorry. Sorry for taking away thoose few pretious seconds of your spare time and I would like to Thank You for everything you do for me and all your other fans so thank you" -Emily

Submitted by Deanna from Granby MA USA
Date: Fri Jan 7 22:28:57 2000

I totally agree with everything that Lori said. I'm an older fan as well, 30, but I remember what it was like to be a teen-ager and in love with an idol. I would NEVER disrespect them, though. If fans truly love them as they say they do, give them the respect and privacy that they deserve, we all deserve. I would love to thank the fellas for giving me some of the most enjoyable, dance around my house like a maniac singing my heart out music that I've ever experienced. Thanks, guys! Peace out.

Submitted by *bianca* from some small city ontario canada
Date: Fri Jan 7 22:01:33 2000

Kay,my form got screwed up so here I go again,quicker:

don't yell stuff at their girlfriends,they love them,face it!

don't steal their stuff all you're gonna do is freak out poor nicky boy with the fact you have is underwear

feel free to ask for an autograph(they don't mind,trust me)

say you love them,'course you do,look at all they've done for us.

just remember,respect their feelings rights & privacy

but also remember the sog goes "...and that makes you larger than life"


Submitted by Bianca from St.Thomas ont. Canada
Date: Fri Jan 7 21:43:13 2000

I agree with most of what you said,don't yell things at their girlfriends, saying you hate them.They have girl

friends,they love them,deal with it.'Cause trust me, Brian

(or any of them)defenatly isn't gonna like you too much when he finds out you've said some not so nice things 'bout the

women he loves.

Don't break into their hotel rooms or steal their things.

Personaly I'd be very freaked if I found out someone had

stolen my underwear and trust me Nick(or whoever) will be too.

But in my opinion,feel free to ask for an autograph.I mean have you ever seen an interview,press conference, whatever,

where they haven't said they're more than happy to sign autographs,they're so flattered people ask them,blah,blah.

And say you love them if you want.Of course you love them

look at all they've done for us, & let's

face it,they've done it well.So basically just respect their

rights, privacy & feelings trust me, they deserve it.But remember the song goes"...and that makes you larger than li

Submitted by Andrea from Dallas Texas USA
Date: Fri Jan 7 20:14:00 2000

Thank you for writing this article that from the replys that I have read everyone agrees to what you said or mentioned in your article. I got tired just by reading all of the things that you had listed as to what the boys do in their everyday lives. I have thought about this many times and just keep on asking myself how do they do it? They are amazing and talented and need to be respected and treated normally. I mean who wouldn't just like to meet and greet and see those cuties up close and personal but there are limits. Once again thank you for the article that I also hope the BSB themsleves will read one of these days for themselves. K.T.B.S.B.P.A. HUGS & KISSES


Submitted by Julie from ames Iowa Usa
Date: Fri Jan 7 19:45:11 2000

I totally agree! I heared a story where a girl tried to get brian's cross neckless and she ended up ripping deep cuts in his chest! I don't know if this is true but I wouldn't doubt it! I really don't like it when people say all this mean stuff about their girlfriends! I'm not saying I wasn't a little heart broken when my best friend told me brian had a girl friend! but if she loves him for who he is inside and isn't just after a backstreet boy or money than I am extreamly happy for him and he should have all our support and love! I hope what this article says will affect people so they will start treating the backstreet boys like humans and not be so phsycho about it!!!! bubye!!!! K.T.B.S.P.A!!!!!!!!!

Submitted by Debora from Rio de Janeiro RJ Brazil
Date: Fri Jan 7 19:38:40 2000

I don't have much to say, but one thing is right: I completely agree with this!

I know I'll probably never meet any of them, but if one day this happen (nothing is impossible), I would treat them like normal people. Because they are! They sing because they love to sing. They dance because they love to dance. Not because they'll be treaten like gods! I like to sing myself, and I would have a band if I could; but that doens't mean I want to make it big! That means I like it...

I hope that everybody who's reading this think the same way...



Submitted by Laura from ... Ontario Canada
Date: Fri Jan 7 18:48:21 2000

I fully agree with this. I've tried for so long to make people see that they're just five guys who sing, and they fortunatly have got good looks. They're human beings with talent. Talent that they want to share with the world. We should just cheer them on and support them, repect them and if we get the chance, to say "Thanks" to them. I'm with Lori on the "Larger Than Life" bit. Are we really larger than life for stealing from and hurting them? I think not. And who would be so desperate and immature to "steal" a few blades of grass from Nick's lawn? I mean, come on. They're just people. Everyday people like you and me. They just have a talent that they wish to share with others. And I think that they deserve respect and privacy. Thank you, Backstreet Boys. YOU are the ones who are Larger Than Life. Not us.

Submitted by Carlisa from Los Angeles CA USA
Date: Fri Jan 7 17:36:16 2000

i totally agreed with what she had to say but i don't quite like when she typed "fan". That whole thing of putting fan in quotations is not right to me.When someone does that i feel like they are trying to say that there is a true fan and then there is just a fake one. I don't like this because i see it this way if one professes to be a fan then let that one carry the title but I nor anyone besides the Backstreet Boys, and I'm not to sure about home much say they have, are able to say who is a fan of them. To me being a fan is having concern and care for the boys and along with that buying the CDs and unbelieable amount of merchandise. That's just my personal opinion well K.T.B.P.A. Music is love. Love is music, and music is my life and I love my life thank you and goodnight.

Submitted by Kathleen LaBrecque from Houston Texas U.S.A
Date: Fri Jan 7 14:32:32 2000

This article really hits the target. Everyone should realize that 1) the biys are only human. 2) They deserve alot of credit for sticking around this long.

and 3) They also deserve a little love in their lives. I cannot picture the reaction if say that Brian wants to marry Leighanne (I do have to say that she

is the best thing that has ever happened to him besides BSB). And now the pressure to still be on top in spite of the other boy bands. I have been a long time

supporter of the Backstreet Boys (since 1995) and this may sound harsh but this is my opinion, if they do break up because of the pressure, the critics are going to

say; I wish that I was a little nicer to them. So everyone keep in mind that the boys are only human and give the guys a break if you see them and they are doing

something like eating their dinner, or with their families or loved ones, LET THEM BE!! I am pretty sure that if you were famous you would want a little privacy too!

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