Being A Backstreet Boy

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Submitted by Mary Kate from Buffalo NY USA
Date: Sat Jan 8 16:12:20 2000

I think that we (the fans) should give the boys a little privacy because they work so hard to put on a great show in appreciation to their fans and we should do something in return for that. they are always in the spotlight and I really think how they feel about it. You know being mobbed my the press and screaming fans. I mean they are people too and we have to respect their rights to have some privacy and stay out of their lives a little bit. But we can still scream when we see them!

Submitted by Vonda from Louisville KY USA
Date: Sat Jan 8 15:17:09 2000

Hello! Well,I agree with a lot of you. As long as the BSB

are making music and performing,I am happy. Who cares if

they have girlfriends?! If they have girlfriends,they are

apart of their private lives,which I believe should STAY

PRIVATE! Like Ada said,it is none of our business who they

are dating! I agree with that. I go their concerts and buy

their CD's for the Backstreet Boys' music. That is what it is all about.

But like Jerry Springer once said in a final


"If we all told everything about ourselves,there would be no self left. Our private lives are something that others should respect,and that we should keep private. Having a private life that will be soon exposed is just the price of being an individual."

Well said! I mean...hello! Basically,I would get an autograph,but I would get it where i am supposed to get it like at a concert,a meet and greet and etc. But I think that fans shouldn't be stealing their stuff. Luckily,they haven't given up on us yet. Like someone said:

"A fan may not own the star,but the fan made the star and can break the star."

That's another thing. This "(fill in the name of your fav bsb) is mine" and this teenybopperish behavior is getting old quick. I am 13 years old and I am very mature,and I do not like being stereotyped a teenybopper just because some of the things my peers say and do. But don't you all know that all our actions,everything that we say and do will affect the VJ's,critics,and anti-fans opnions on the whole entire population of BSB fans?! It is the truth! Forget about the image,forget about the hype and the rumors. It's about the music. Music first,music last,and music always. :o)


Vonda. e-mail me at backstreetgal69@webtv if you agree or not.

Submitted by Samantha from Colts Neck New Jersey United States
Date: Sat Jan 8 14:57:56 2000

I think that this woman is so right. We should all think of what those five, fabulous men go through all for their fans. They are the best!

Submitted by vanco pavlevski from berovo macedonia Macedonia
Date: Sat Jan 8 14:23:59 2000 bsb bigest faner.i love bsb berovo bsb are

greatest group in berovo and in macedonia.thats all of me.bue

Submitted by Jessica from Strongsville OH U.S.A.
Date: Sat Jan 8 12:27:47 2000

My name is Jessica and I am a huge BSB fanatic! I just wanted to thank you, Lori, for your article! I know this sounds crazy but it made me cry. You are so right! I totally agree with what you said about respecting the guys! I would never do anything to disrespect them or to hurt them physically or mentally. I know that others do hurt them, unintentially of course. I am only 18 years old right now, so that means Nick, AJ, Brian (at least for another month!), and myself will have to wait a few more years before we are eligible for your mature fan club, but I just wanted to say that what you are doing for our boys is amazing! I have dreamed about meeting AJ, Brian, Howie, Kevin, and Nick many times, and I was never exactly sure what my first words would be to them. Thanks to your article if I ever do get the honor of meeting them, I know exactly the first words that will come out of my mouth, and those words are, Thank You! I want to thank you Lori for being such a good fan, and hopefully with fans like us we will KTBSPA for many, many years to come! KTBSPA!!!

Submitted by Mary from buffalo NY USA
Date: Sat Jan 8 11:34:39 2000

"I think that they boys have a really busy life doing all those things just to make us (the fans) happy. I also think that there is something that the fans can do since we owe the boys something. We can stay out of their private lives a little and the press should stop hounding them where ever they go. They are people too you know. They need a little privacy. I know that they are the biggest group now but at least know that they have lives to lead too."

Submitted by Hollie from Orlando FL USA
Date: Sat Jan 8 11:14:45 2000

I very much appreciated the article you wrote. You expressed my exact thoughts. I truly hope that your article at least gets though to some of the people that read it, I've seem some crazy fan activity and felt so useless cause at the time there is nothing you can do. For instance. I was fortunate enough to meet Aj. I was with one friend at a mall and we were in line together when we realized Aj was standing in front of us. I simply tapped him on the shoulder and expressed how much there songs have effected my life. We chatted freindlylike untill rudely interrupted by shreiking fans who noticed him. He had to then leave. Thankyou for your words.

Submitted by Erin Barone from Wayland New York United States
Date: Sat Jan 8 09:12:12 2000

I just read the article and I agree. I mean put yourself in their shoes would you want a fan calling you up at night when you are trying to sleep or someone saying "I love you" everywhere you go. Treat them the way that they treat you, with respect. People shouldn't steel their things ethier. You wouldn't like it if someone was taking your stuff from you would you? Another thing why do people(not everyone does this but some people do)say bad things about their girlfriends. Just because they have a girlfriend and it is not you doesn't mean that you have to go around and say mean things about them. I think people should thank them for what they have done for us and not scream at them. I know I would if I got a chance to meet them because their music has helped me do a lot of things that I didn't do before. Instead of me just going around with my head in a book all the time I am making more friends and trying out for things at school and I used to think that people were better than me or when people would call me names or something I would believe them. They have showed me that I am just as good as anybody else and that I shouldn't care what anyone thinks of me.


Submitted by Hannah from London England
Date: Sat Jan 8 06:43:57 2000

Finally someone has sat down and written what, I'm sure, hundreds of thousands of fans have been thinking for a long time and I would like to thank YOU Lori, for taking the time to do that.

I have been a fan of the Backstreet Boys since 1996 and I have followed their progress (particulaly as they broke the United Kingdom and the States) from being unknown and classified as 'just another manufactured boyband' through to their present day success. I admire them and I'm sure I'm not the only fan who has been inspired by them - whether it be to write our own songs and music, take up dancing, or something else that they have made us think....'yeah, I can do that'.

I'm not saying I haven't done the odd obsessive thing and I do claim to know a lot about them - but only the things they have actually said in public. I refuse to believe everything written in Newspapers and Magazines about them and feel sympathy for them when ex-girlfriends and people from their past, try to make a small fortune by elaborating their stories of time they have spent with the Backstreet Boys.

I'm sorry if I have offended anyone by what I have written -what I am basically trying to say is that I think the Backstreet Boys deserve the respect that they give to us returned - come on, they wrote a song about us AND REALEASED IT. That must make every fan across the world think 'hey, they HAVEN'T forgotten about us - they still care'. The Backstreet Boys haven't forgotten how they got where they are today and who played a massive part in getting them there.

Now, all I can ask from every fan across the world, is that they are treated as human beings - just because they may portray themselves in videos as people who don't let obsessive fans bother them doesn't mean that it is ok to do so.

I may only be 15 but I admire the Backtreet Boys and everything they have achieved in the time they have been together. I would love for the Backstreet Boys to carry on making music that appeals to such a wide audience and I would HATE for us, the fans, to drive them to the state that they can't take the constant attention anymore. How would each and everyone of you feel if the Backstreet Boys split up because of us? I know this may not apply to everyone but I'm positive it applies to a LOT of people.

The Backstreet Boys have grown up, they are no longer boys -they are men; that is how they deserve to be treated. So come on, let's give the Backstreet Boys all the support we can whilst they carry on doing everything they can to please the public...let's keep the Backstreet Pride ALIVE.

Lastly, I agree that we should thank them - they have given something special to each and everyone of their fans and anyone who can do that deserves to be thanked.

C yA!

Keep Smiling :o)




Submitted by Naomi Smith from Huntington IN USA
Date: Sat Jan 8 03:14:17 2000

I believe the greatest thing we can do for the BSB is pray for them. Not just for right now, but for their futures. They have many big decisions ahead of them. I pray they can make the right choices; and they will be happy and content.

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