Being A Backstreet Boy

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Submitted by Stephanie from Toronto Ontario Canada
Date: Sat Jan 8 20:47:27 2000

I agree with everything she said. There are way to many fans that cry and faint when they see them? Why? what is the point? I mean I love them as much as the next person does, but people need to draw the line. and to all the people who think that for some reason that they are the only one who is perfect for what-ever backstreet boy they like and get all pissed off at them when they have a girlfriend,you need a life. If you can't except the fact they have girlfriends then how can you call your self "there number 1" fan? Some fans need to wake up and relize that the boys have hormones just as much as any other guy does.There only "normal" guys they just have a diffrent job the most people do.So the next time you see them don't cry over them or don't get all pissed off when the have girl friends. Just think they are normal people who love doing what they do.

Submitted by Stephanie from Toronto Ontario Canada
Date: Sat Jan 8 20:45:46 2000

I agree with everything she said. There are way to many fans that cry and faint when they see them? Why? what is the point? I mean I love them as much as the next person does, but people need to draw the line. and to all the people who think that for some reason that they are the only one who is perfect for what-ever backstreet boy they like and get all pissed off at them when they have a girlfriend,you need a life. If you can't except the fact they have girlfriends then how can you call your self "there number 1" fan? Some fans need to wake up and relize that the boys have hormones just as much as any other guy does.There only "normal" guys they just have a diffrent job the most people do.So the next time you see them don't cry over them or don't get all pissed off when the have girl friends. Just think they are normal people who love doing what they do.

Submitted by Kate from Dallas U.S.A.
Date: Sat Jan 8 20:37:48 2000

Being famouse consumes your life. It takes about three hours just to record one song for only one person in the studio, and about five hours if you have multiple people because they all mess up at different times. I know, I've done it. And they won't ever have real lives. Bimbo women and obbsessed fans will smother any chance of them ever being left alone in peace. There's a famouse quote by Fred Allen, "A celebrity is someone who works hard all his life to be known, then wears dark glasses to avoid being recognized."

Submitted by Rushda Human from Cape Town South Africa
Date: Sat Jan 8 19:12:00 2000

As a major fan of BSB, I have to agree with the article because as hot and talented as they are, they are also people. I mean they've sacrificed their time to make us the fans happy and in my opinion, that's the hardest thing for any human being to do - practically giving up your freedom.

Sure, most of you will sat that they knew pretty well what the consequences would be when they signed the dotted line, but cut them some slack, if they didn't do it, we wouldn't have known anything about the ultra-hot BSB.

Every time I hear the song, 'Don't Want You Back', it's as if I can hear the sadness of a BSB upon finding out that the girl he has been dating dated him solely due to the fact that he is a BSB and maybe it has happened before.

Imagine being too afraid to walk down a street because you know the minute you do, a mob of people each wanting to get a piece of you? Doesn't sound great at all, hey?

If you all really loved them as you're forever claiming, sit down and think for everything that they have done for their fans, is it worth going hysterical when you see them in the flesh? I don't think so!

Why is it every time the g/f issue comes up, it's constantly being critiqued? I think some fans are more interested in who's dating which BSB than their music. I mean, would anyone care who Nick dated if BSB didn't exist? Would you date him??

Most of you would probably say in an instant, but let me remind you that although he's SOOOO HOT, he's also a human being with flaws. Would you put up with his flaws if there wasn't a thing as BSB?

So, my dear fellow BSB lovers, instead of planning your dream future with your dream BSB, rather thank them for their great music and appreciate and RESPECT each for the person behind the all the fame and glory.


Hugs, kisses, and Backstreet



Submitted by Pather from Madison Wisconsin USA
Date: Sat Jan 8 18:32:31 2000

Hello! There is no one in the music industry who loves their fans more than the Backstreet Boys and their are no other fans in the world who love their idols as much as Backstreet's fans. I know the Boys love us for all our love and devotion, but that article was very true. Some of us would KILL to meet the Boys. I'm as hard-core of fan as any of you, and there's barely anything I wouldn't do to meet them, but I also realize that the Boys need their space and privacy.

Critics are always saying that the Boys aren't gonna last. I believe that may be true, but not because they're not good singers or anything like that, but because emotionally, it'll get too hard for them. Imagine having millions of girls screaming and grabbing and running for you everywhere you go, all the time. They have virtually no privacy and for a long time, they've had to hide their relationships. Whenever I read articles where they talk about their privacy and how hard their super stardom celebrity statuses have taken it's toll on thier love lives, I can just hear the sighs and sadness in their voices. All in all, you guys, when it comes down to it, they really are just normal guys and they have to have a life too.

I always told myself that if I ever met the Boys and could only tell them one thing, it'd be, "Thank You." It's only two words, but it says a million. So, when their tour came to my city, I thought, "Here's my chance." So I made a little sign that simply said THANK YOU on it and held it up during the concert. It was a little sign (8x10) but I was in the second row and when Howie saw it, he winked at me. Kevin waved when he saw it. Both of them were singing when they did that so they couldn't say anything. But the best part came at the end when they were doing their bows. Brian was standing right in front of me and he saw it and he said, "You're welcome," to me, twice! He talked, just to me out of the thousands of other girls there! I'd like to think that that sign made more of a difference to him than all the other ones that said, I LOVE YOU, or all the boxes of macaroni thrown up on stage. So the moral of that story is, I think the Boys already know we all love them and want to marry them. But they need to hear that we appreciate them and that we're grateful to have them in our lives more than anything else right now. We have to let them know that. I'm not saying, stop the screaming or anything.......just tone it down. Know when to stop and when to start. They'll love us even more then, I'm sure.

Submitted by Sarah Donahue from WestHamlin WV USA
Date: Sat Jan 8 17:48:53 2000

I would love to ask them how they feel when they hear they have a day off! I mean for the BIGGEST majority of the time they are stuck being a Backstreet Boy and in case you haven't noticed but they are actual real normal people. NOT just a Backstreet Boy!! I would also like to know how they spend their day off!!

Submitted by amber from orlando florida usa
Date: Sat Jan 8 17:48:22 2000

hey there all you peeps. look all i have to say is that you guys got it all right. thats about what there schedual looks like. hey but you forgot their 2 1/2 hours of sleep they get almost everyday. can't forget that


Submitted by Jen from Port Angeles USA
Date: Sat Jan 8 16:54:44 2000

I do agree with this article in that the boys are 5 extrordinary people who have a lot to deal with but i do not agree with the author's portrail of the fans. I Buy the merchandise and scream at their concerts to give back to them for what they have done for me by filling my life with such wonderful music. I have heard them say that hearing the sceaming fans is rewarding. "Every time we're down you can make it right"... does that sound like they think of the fans as a burdon or that they want us to stop doing what we do? The words "All of your time spent keeps us alive" just makes me want to spend more time so that they will stay "alive"! Sure there is such thing as oversteping the boundaries as a fan and invading thier personal life. A fan should not show up at the boy's door step on Christmas or take chunks of grass out of thier yard, but i as a fan am not about to do anything like that so i dont see anything wrong with continuing to do what i do. After all, "all of your time spen keeps us alive"

Being a devoted fan is what Keping The Backstreet Pride Alive is all about! so as long as you are not harming them KTBSPA!


Submitted by Heather Simpson from Ridgeville South Carolina USA
Date: Sat Jan 8 16:45:17 2000

O.M.G. I so Agree with her. I mean the Backstreet Boys deserve to be treated with respect. I mean they respect us. They write their songs they have their apperances (can't spell) their fan confrences, everything and what do some of the fans do? The steal from them, they jump all over them, ... just everything. I'm on of those fans who respects them for what they do and who they are. But one thing she didn't mention was fans know all about them. Every sqare foot of the personal lives. Now i can't say I don't, but I don't know everything about them...on purpose too. Becuase i think they should have some privacy. I mean how would you like someone you don't even know come up to you and say "Hey(what-ever your name is)are you still dateing (who-ever)?" No I don't think you'd like that!!And if you would ther's something the matter with you!!! Anyway please lets just try to have some respect for the guys. And I'm not saying don't say they're hot because they ARE!!!! bye bye ya'll!!!!

Submitted by Veronica from Buffalo New York USA
Date: Sat Jan 8 16:29:58 2000

Well, first off let me say this...ITS ABOUT TIME. I'm only 13 years old, and I've been thinking about how much time that they actully put into being 'the Backstreet Boys' and it's wrong that alot of fans don't give THEM any thanks. She is right, we don't thank them enough for all the time they put into being perfect, and when I do meet them, I'm gonna say, "Hi, my name's Veronica, thank you so much for spending so much time being the BSB." But, me being a teenybopper, I'll have to get their autograph!!--hey, what do you expect me to do??

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