Being A Backstreet Boy

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Submitted by MicheLLe from Alvarado Tx USA
Date: Thu Jan 13 20:02:47 2000

I totally Agree!!!~~ The Backstreet Boys go through so much

to keep their fans happy. and people take tis for granted

by stalking them, throwing things, and ripping articles of

their clothing off. I know u think hey a souveneir is

pretty cool, but think is it worth it?? IS ripping their

clothes worth that much to u???IF so, thats pretty sad The

Backstreet Boys go through alot like u said. Being a fan of

theirs is truly an honor. Ive been a fan for three or four

years, and i feel they deserve our respect and i totally

agree with the screaming part, whats the point of screaming

during the whole concert??? Obviuosly they know ur a fan

when ur at their why scream???I know they must

get tired of it...after all, their normal people just like

us how would u like it if every where u went someone was

constantly screaming in your ears??? I appreciate letting

me express my opinion...thanx!!

Submitted by Naomi from Whitinsville MA America
Date: Thu Jan 13 18:36:43 2000

I must say that I have alway's thought about how I would treat them if I've were ever to meet them. I would treat them like a human. I mean, that's who thet are, right? I agree that fans need to thank the boy's. After all they do for us, they need to know that we are thankful for it. Yes, they tell us that they love us, but they also wrote us a thank you song. Now you tell me who needs to be thanked now! We all need to stand up to them and say " Thank You" I know that I have already so many times. Now what about you?

Submitted by Sarah from Montreal Canada
Date: Thu Jan 13 18:00:31 2000

I think that is a very true and it should make all the "teenyboppers" out there think. I recently read the article on this page about the fan who was complaining b/c she was too far away at their concert and they didn't pay attention to her... something like that. N-E ways, I hope she's kicking herself now and she doesn't think that way anymore. KTBSPA!

Submitted by Lacey from Jacksonville Florida USA
Date: Thu Jan 13 16:57:35 2000

The article is so right on! I totally agree on everything you wrote.Us as fans needed the reality check that you gave so beautifully.

They are real people,with real feelings,and real lives.They need our utmost respect.Thank you for inspiring us as fans to remember to say thank you.

And,it's really great to hear that there are older fans like myself.Thanks again.


Submitted by Sonaley Cerro Mendez from Maracaibo Zulia Venezuela (SouthAmerica)
Date: Thu Jan 13 15:32:54 2000

Hi everybody:

First I wanna thanks so much to Lori for the very good article, even fans like me already know about it, there are fans out there that don't, and they really need it b/c of the love we all feel for BSB.

Second I need your permission to translate the article and make it go inside the net on Spanish in order to reach to more fans all over the world, and make them notice about it.

Thanks for remember to us, the fans, that the only thing that really matters is not just our stuff, the things we need.

Please send me your answer 'bout the translation thing, your credit is secure, so don't worry. See ya.


Submitted by Sabrina from A Galaxy Far, Far Away
Date: Thu Jan 13 00:58:22 2000

Like I said before, these guys are Energizer bunnies! Everyone goes "awwww how cute" when they see them and they work soooooo hard! (see any similarities???) I took a couple dance lessons a few months ago & I dropped out of the class because it was too hard! And I can't even imagine performing in front of thousands of people every night! I mean, for crying out loud I freak out if I even have to get up in front of the class to give a presentation! If I could do anything in the world it would be to thank them for all of their hard work and devotion! Their music has made me feel better in bad times & made the good times even better! If I wrote them a letter that said thank you a thousand times, it wouldn't be enough!

One thing I would like to say about this article though, is that when I say somethin' like "I love the BSB" I mean I love them as much as you could love somebody you've never met. In a way, it's kinda like when people say that they love chocolate, ya know? Maybe it's just me, I dunno...

Peace, luv, and multi-colored flower-shaped sprinkles 4 ever,


Submitted by Rachel from Jacksonville FL USA
Date: Wed Jan 12 23:05:44 2000

Dear Lori, thank you SO much for writing this article! I strongly agree with everything you said. I have been thinking about that lately too -- what really goes into the business aspect of all they do, behind the glitz and the spotlights. We truthfully know so little of how much of a job it really is,...and even above and beyond... They really do work their butts off....and primarily for us, the fans, most of whom they will never meet. I can't even imagine so willingly sacrificing so much and giving so much of my time, energy, resources, being away from my family and friends so much, and all for people I might never even meet in person...

Do they love what they're doing? I'm sure they do,...I know they love the music aspect of things anyways. And I know they certainly don't begrudge their fans one iota of all that they do for us. But you're right, they do deserve respect and gratitude, and definitely privacy!!!

Thank you for helping to spread the message to remind us all of how much the Boys really do for us, and how we can give back to them in return. I hope everyone reads this article and really takes it to heart!

God bless.

Rachel : )

Submitted by Jessica from Courtice Ontario CANADA
Date: Wed Jan 12 21:22:05 2000

I think that being a Backstreet Boy is tough. With all that goes on in their lives, I don't know how they can manage to do it and have a life at the same time. They are touring all the time, taking pictures, doing promotional stuff, etc. I bet that they rarely spend time with their families. But, I can see that the Backstreet Boys dont look at that kind off stuff. They do what they do because they love it and because they want to make people happy. Well, the Backstreet Boys have definitely made me happy! If I ever get the chance to meet them, I will thank them 1 million times for giving everyone a chance to hear their amazing music. The Backstreet Boys really do "GOT IT GOIN' ON!!!" And "NO ONE ELSE WILL EVER COME CLOSE!!!" Because the Backstreet Boys are "LARGER THAN LIFE!!!" Let us all remember one thing...KTBSPA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Luv yaz! Peace out...

BSB fan 4-life,


Submitted by Audrey from Cleveland Ohio USA
Date: Wed Jan 12 21:05:58 2000

i agree to a certain point but be honest, if u saw BSB walikn down the street wouldn't u want an autograph or a picture with them b/c i don't know any BSB fan that would introduce themselves and "just keep walking". but i agree with not doing somthin stupid like trying to break into their room or stealing something from them.but get real, do u really think that if a BSB fan and saw them walking down the street u would not ask for an autograph or a i'm not saying that u should attack them but walk up to them and ask them politely if u could have an autograph or a picture so then u have proof that u met BSB and could show off to all ur friends. that is what u should do and thats my story and i'm stickin to it!=)

Submitted by Carmel Williams from Hamilton waikato New Zeland
Date: Wed Jan 12 20:50:17 2000


I Agree With you, I think there are quite a few overbearing fans out there and they just need to step back and look at what

they are doing. Talking about there personel lives we should leave them alone think how hard it would be to keep a relationship

going with there fame and popularity, next time you think wrongly about there girlfriends just think how it would make you fell

If it were you!

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