Name The New Album 2002
Submitted by Debra from USA
I think the New Album should be called "GLORY" Because all 5 of them are Christians and they have God to thank for their talent so therefore their praising Glory for their SUCCESS!
Submitted by Eugenia from Riga LV Latvia
Here are my ideas:
Submitted by paulina from panama panama Panama
well well... i really think that the name of the album doesnt really matter.... umm.... i hope they have time enough to write and make very very good songs... and be happy, enjoy it, win lots of money.... and whatever...
Submitted by steff from Philly PA USA
I think the album will have something to do with their hardships and stuff, and maybe it might have a song about sept. 11th on it. that would be nice. but, i was reading other peoples ideas and i htough the one about critized was good, but i dont think its a good album name, it would make a good song though. ok, byes
Submitted by Fabiana from Valinhos SP Brazil
I think it should be called GLORY, because this word defines exactly their career and suggest that they'll be around for a looong time. Besides, their the biggest band in the world, and that's what we call GLORY!!!!
Submitted by Laura from Hialeah Florida USA
I think that THE BACKSTREET BOYS new album should be called " CrItIcIzEd "....why?? Well theres like always rumors bout the boys breaking up....and they are always being criticized about wut they luv to do....they have always been criticized for being a boy band...but you know wut?? they've survived thru all of it,...and they still b at the top!!! Backstreet LuVa FoReVa!!!
Submitted by Laura from Canada
I think that a cool name would be "United We've Stood"
Submitted by Me from NC USA
LMAO it should be called "We are LOVAS of Keri"
Submitted by frickfrack from USA
I don't care what its called. Whatever they call it it'll be a great album anyway.But I do like the idea of "A New Beginning" Bye and ktbpa
Submitted by Pattie carter from New York ny USA
well, it doesn't really matter WHAT they call the album, as long as they have a new one in the next year i kno we'll all be totally happy, but, since we're on the subject, "KTBSPA" would be cool, since it's kinda an "inside thing" for bsb fans, but it doesn't really make sense. some more ideas are: "It's just begun," "overcoming obstacles," "LIFE," "hope," and "LOVE." hahaz...i kno, realll original...but if i were to be original, i'll say: "u can do all u want, but u'll neva be as good as us, or have as many fans as us." newayzzzz.....KTBSPA!
Submitted by Ioana from Bucharest Romania
The new album should be called... "Mistery", "Desire" or "Always Together"... how does it sound like?
Submitted by *~~Jen~~* from Chicago Illinois USA
"we are stronger than yesterday now it's nothing but our way.."...nvm... why someone had to say stronger? lol...
Submitted by Boo from Germany
I think it should be called
Submitted by Mariana from Brazil
I think their new album should be called ¨New album¨! So when you go to get it in the store you´ll ask for their ´new album´! hahahahahahahaha!! I think it´s funny and original! hahahahahah!
Submitted by Amalia from Portsmouth Ohio USA
Changed my mined it should be:
Submitted by *~~Jen~~* from Chicago Illinois USA
um..what about "We Rule oh yeah oh yeah we rule.." jk... um..should be "Purple and Red"? or maybe "Green and Yellow"? "Black & White"... or any other 2 colors... i don't know...or what about ..."Hi we are the Backstreet Boys...we started back in'93..." i think i should shut up...i will...later though....or "Hi, I'm Kevin, I'm Brian's cousin" jk i love Kev..don't don't say crap liek that i don't like him that's why said that, or "Hi, I'm AJ, that was a wet one" *hides* "Hi, i'm Nick i'm from NY..but blah blah" or "I love my Nintendo" or Howie.."*wink wink*" ...Brian..."Kevin called me on my history class..." ... um..last one..."Justin stop stalking us"...or maybe "Justin your new fave CD".....oh well......
Submitted by hahaha from India
it should be---
Submitted by Amalia from Portsmouth Ohio USA
I think it should be: What ever they put on it, cause it is going to kick ass! anyway!
Submitted by Ashton from Chattanooga Tennessee USA
I think the album should be named "For the Love of Jen" she's so great! And I wasn't crying...poo poo head *sniffle*. Or we should call it Behold the Power of Country Hicks, in honor of my friend Cheese. Love ya cuzin *see ya tonight* wink wink. Well, I'm out y'all.....Buh Bye!
Submitted by Megan from O-Town NC USA
I think it should be called "Chapter 2: A New Beginning" to mark the starting of the second half of their careers.
Submitted by Sirene from USA
I think it should be called "orange and yellow"...what the hell they might as well continue the trend.
Submitted by *~~Jen~~* from CHicago Illinois USA
oops...and "Ashhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" one of the "regulars" he was crying so i had to type his name too...jk
Submitted by *~~Jen~~* from Chicago Illinois USA
um..i think it should be"We are better than you are""Jen, COncert, DJ, CHeese, Orange, ...and the rest of the "regulars" this is for you!" --this is an inside "joke" so don't even bother to think who those ppl are....I don't know "Chatmaster Sucks"?um...nvm..."Backstreet's Back Again, Yay!" that was retarded i know...i have no idea...
Submitted by Ariana from San Francisco California USA
Hey okay well first off it should either be something like "For The Fans" or liek "Thanks To Fans" or something or should be like "Over coming fears and obsticles" or "were standing strong" or "Were back and were not going anywhere" or "BSB" or like "The pain and the love of being pop stars" or something like that anyways byee
Submitted by Strawberry from Canada
I Think the new album should be called Triumph. They beat all the critics, all the obstacles. They outlasted that "boybamd phase" They are the Kings of pop and we all no it. They own the entertainment buisiness, and that s what they always wanted. They are triumphant. Go BSB! We love you!!!
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