What's your favorite BSB video?

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Submitted by Jennifer from sacramento CA USA
Date: Fri Dec 28 17:08:42 2001

"Shape of my Heart". I dunno why... I just love it and I can watch it over and over again :-)


Submitted by Blackwargreymon from Netherlands
Date: Tue Dec 25 20:42:50 2001

I WANT IT THAT WAY is the best bsb video to date, without a doubt. that video established them as the number one boy-band in the world, back in may 1999. since then it's gradually been a decline, coz the following album B & B was pretty awful and BSB haven't won anything lately in the big awards eg.Billboard,Grammy's,MTV etc
I hope they can return as to what they were in 1999 and be clearly the top, but it's un-likely.

Submitted by Jennifer MacInnis from Halifax Nova Scotia Canada
Date: Sat Dec 22 21:49:46 2001

That question should not even be asked, my favorite video is ALL OF THEM. The "Boys" are amazing and this turned out to be one of the hardest years of their career!! So I love every video they have ever done I am damn sure I will love all the ones they do from know on too!!!!

Submitted by Heather from Mississippi USA
Date: Mon Dec 17 01:47:29 2001

Larger Than Life, it was a very creative video. Even the guys I know liked the video(even though they may not like BSB). But I also liked "Everybody" and "The Call"

Submitted by KrazyB*ROK from los angeles ca USA
Date: Thu Dec 13 22:51:14 2001

personally my fave video has to be "as long as you love me" because B*Rok looked sooooooo beautiful in that video. i love the part where he's sitting in the table and has the remote control and places his hand on his chest. omg, omg OMG!!! i love that part. his baby blues looked amazing in that video too! i love me some B*Rok! :D

i love backstreet boys forever and a day!!!

Submitted by Donna Nuszer from Wantagh New York USA
Date: Wed Dec 5 00:24:46 2001

I love watching all BSB videos, but at the moment, I love "Drowning". The song is amazing and so are they. They just put so much feeling into the song and the words just are so powerful.

Submitted by suzanne carter from wormer nh Netherlands
Date: Tue Dec 4 07:42:00 2001

I really love the I want it that way video a lot. i don't know exactely why, i just love it. they all look so great! particularly nick of cours!!!
I'll love him forever!!!!
x suzanne

Submitted by Elizabeth from USA
Date: Sun Dec 2 21:14:23 2001

My fav. bsb video is "Show Me the Meaning" 'cos its all about the difficult times of bsb and every time I see it,it makes me become more confident of bsb being so strong. I love u BSB!!

Submitted by Megan from Tulsa Ok USA
Date: Sun Nov 25 18:01:56 2001

The best BSB video is "I'll Never Break Your Heart". The coloring is great and the guys look fabulous!

Submitted by Kelly Danes from L A California USA
Date: Fri Nov 23 05:07:19 2001

I love everybody(backstreet`s back)
THE CALL(the best one is the call `couse it was
like a movy}
SHOW ME THE MEANING OF BEING LONLY{I love it `couse it talks about BSB sad times I was cring
when I knew it}

Submitted by abigail from Montreal Quebec Canada
Date: Tue Nov 20 18:20:25 2001

My favorites are:
As long as you love me
Show me the meaning of beig lonely
The one
Shape of my heart
The call

Submitted by All 4 One from Australia
Date: Sat Nov 17 12:35:21 2001

U stupid little girls-- "Quit playing games" is the best video!

Submitted by Shut up Bitch! from USA
Date: Thu Nov 15 17:51:58 2001

God jessica, do you know how damn annoying you are? Quit coming here... I would think you are that grade seven slut at my school. The big blond gang with their tight little shitty outfits. Your little friend Ashley and that other slut Brittany. Now just get the hell outta here. Anyways, all of BSB's videos are awesome and I love them all!

Submitted by Marrice from Philippines
Date: Mon Nov 12 23:50:55 2001

I love drowning. They're all adorable. But my ultimate favorite are "everybody (98 VMA)" and "Larger Than Life". I find vid very cool. the choreography is great!! I love dancing that's why i love those vid. i choreograph steps also.

Submitted by Regina unruh from ridley park pa USA
Date: Sun Nov 11 03:13:12 2001

i just want to say that the drowing vid ia cool
also howie i love ya!!!!

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