What's your favorite BSB video?

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Submitted by Sarah-Jane from Pompano Beach Florida USA
Date: Fri Mar 1 21:13:53 2002

I LOVE "WE'VE GO IT GOIN ON" Cause they get it goin on and I love Nick in that vid.

Submitted by Amber from Kansas USA
Date: Thu Feb 28 19:06:48 2002

My favorite video is As Long as you love Me! I think it is because I love the song a lot and I . Everybody and the Call rock too! Does any one know if Nick has a girlfriend I heard he did!

Submitted by Monica from Dallas Texas USA
Date: Wed Feb 27 19:44:17 2002

I love all of the BSB videos, but if I had to chose one I will chose "Drowning" and "More Than That". But I love all of the Backstreet Boys' videos. I love BSB 4-ever & 4-Life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Submitted by Jennifer from Indiana USA
Date: Tue Feb 19 11:38:56 2002

I REALLY love the "The One" video. They look soo cute! It's funny when Nick kisses AJ on the cheek! Lmao.

Submitted by Kevin from Detroit mi USA
Date: Mon Feb 18 17:41:47 2002

I like most of the videos that they have done which include the call, shape of my heart, the one, its true, get another boyfriend, more than that, drowning, show me the meaning of being lonely, larger than life, and Everybody. I like the way they do their music and what they are trying to point out to fans all over the world. I think we can all relate to their music in some way or another. i know i do.... I've been listening to them since the first time I heard them on the radio... I think that they are the best musicgroup out right now. Everytime i hear a song from them it turns out to be a # 1 hit. they have more good music then bad. I just love to listen to good music and that is what their music does for me!! Keep up the Good Work BackStreet Boys!!! You Guys Rock!! Kevin....

Submitted by Wendy from United Kingdom
Date: Mon Feb 4 13:23:45 2002

My favourite video has 2 be Quit Playing Games With my Heart cos it shows their mighty fine bodies,Everybody cos its so cool, larger That Life cos its wicked, AS Long AS u love me cos they r so gorgeous there and the one cos it shows all of them doing different stuff which is sooo cool.

Submitted by Patricia from Santos - SP Brazil
Date: Tue Jan 29 16:06:01 2002

I LOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVEEEEEE alll the backstrett's video!!!!!!!!!
and u ask me why??
cuz they're the best forever and ever!!!!!!!

I LOVE BSB!!!!!!!

Submitted by michelle from Canada
Date: Mon Jan 28 10:19:51 2002

i totally agree with u vania! shape of my heart n drowning r so simple, but yet so good, n amazin! but as i said my best clip is n will always me "the one"!
micha xoxo

Submitted by vania from lisbon Portugal
Date: Sun Jan 27 18:51:33 2002

Hey!!How are you?
My favorite videos would have to be:"Anywhere for you","Everybody","As long as you love me", "The One" and "The Call".It doesn't necessarily match my favorite songs, but in terms of videos, I believe they all are very well done and they are the best to me.I also like the simpler and more intimistic ones like "Shape of my heart" and "Drowning".

Submitted by Lindsay from Canada
Date: Sun Jan 27 12:23:09 2002

I love Love LOVE The Call.

I think it was well done. For once they had a video with a plot, though the others weren't that bad on the eyes either. All of our men looked execptionally hot, and while Ed The Sock on Muchmusic may have dissed it I thought it was good. The song is so catchy and the video is excellent!

Submitted by katie carter from Union City CA USA
Date: Sat Jan 26 19:54:46 2002

My favorite BSB vid has to be "The One". I mean a) it features the fans! b) its a really great, catchy song and c) it shows our guys performing and having so fun! Also there is that clip from the Rolling Stone shoot when they drop their pants! KtBsPa!

Submitted by Jeanie_nova from Norway
Date: Sat Jan 26 15:59:04 2002

I think Show Me The Meaning of Being Lonely is the best video!! It's so incredible good, and the way they express their sorrows and fears is incredible! One of my other favourite is Everybody! It's cool!
God Luck guys, please stay being you, don't care what ugly things people say!

Submitted by micha_luvs_bsb from montreal canada Canada
Date: Mon Jan 21 17:13:16 2002

o.k. my #1 fav clip of bsb whole wide world is.......... (drums doin the drumrole.......) "the one". now o.k it wasn't really a clip, but it showed all concerts they did n behind the scenes n stuff like that. so thats why it is my #1 fav clip n will always be. they all look absolutely gorgeous in it!!
micha xoxoxo

Submitted by marina from buenos aires Argentina
Date: Sat Jan 19 23:58:03 2002

My fave video: Nunca te haré llorar, As long as you love me, show me the meaning and Drowning.

Submitted by girl_in_hijab from :) :) USA
Date: Sat Jan 19 22:38:31 2002

I really like the BK For the Fans vid. I like when they are singing All I have to Give and AJ goes, "Cause I love You and you and you and you and you..."
My fave vid I'll Never Break Your Heart (European Version) because Brian uses Leighanne in it and those two are sooooooooooo cute together, Masha'Allah.

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