What's your favorite BSB video?

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Submitted by Jessica from Tampa florida USA
Date: Sun May 27 21:30:39 2001

yo yo yo!
dis is jess jess richardson here that wants ta tell ya dat my fav bsb
vids are: more than that and da call baby!!!!! woo hoo... any way, chill out
see ya! da jess

(All caps detected. Message converted to lowercase)

Submitted by Justin Timberlake from the ghetto of memphis yo tennesse USA
Date: Sun May 27 18:14:04 2001

Yo what be up Backstreet fans? Dis Be JuJu Timberlake. My fav video of my idols the bsb is baby one more time...oops i did it again i mean I'm crazy...Get down. Cuz shiny stuff be like turnin me on. I really like disco balls. So does Britney. Me thinks Nick looks hot in dis video. Me also thinks dis video would be down if like...My Britney was in it. so like peace out bye bye bye
buy my cd No brains located so me and britney can have kids and reproduce more ugly children with bad hair.

Submitted by Sarah from wouldn't u like to know Canada
Date: Sun May 27 17:59:36 2001

I LOVE MORE THAN THAT!!!!!! it rules...hell they all do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KTBSPA!!!!!!!!!!

Submitted by Ashley from Texas USA
Date: Sun May 27 16:17:30 2001

My fav BSB video is ALL I HAVE TO GIVE. MORN THAN THAT i like a lot because they all look so good in it.Nick looks so good it.KTBSPA

Submitted by Karen from Van Nuys California USA
Date: Sun May 27 14:46:06 2001

My all-time favorite BSB video would have to be their most recent, More Than That.
It's just so great, Kevin you look so HOTTTTTTTT, Nick you also look very HOTTTTT. The rest of
the guys look so cute, and the video itself, it's just so great, the song is absolutely beautiful. The guys
do a great job in this video. The Backstreet Boys RULEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!
Kevin and Nick you guys are HOTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!

Submitted by Jessie from USA
Date: Sun May 27 11:48:23 2001

Bsb Fans,
My favorite video is the call. I love it when Nick and Howie are in the car and it is likea movie!!I was thinking about how much the BSB do for us the fans...they take time off so they can work on the tour..write 2 songs about us..what have we done for them? Well I have a great idea! I am going to the show in Boston on July 9. I have 7th row on the floor and I know a way we can thank them. Everyone of us has probably sent them fan mail..and just hope and pray they write back. I think that we should all come together and make a book for them! Send me mail at AngelQt1031@hotmail.com In the e-mail, address it to your FAVORITE member. If you don't have a favorite one write them to the group or write one to all of them. But don't address it to me..adress it to the BSB you want to read it. THen I will put everything together in a book and during the concert I will put it on stage or give it to someone to give to them. Please hurry up and send me the mail. I need to put the book together. Do this for them and let them know how much you love them. *Jessie*

Ps. If you want to give them your phone # or address you can because what you write will be confidental. ALso if you don't have a fovorite member address it to the group or write each one a letter.

Submitted by nathalie carter from tampa FL USA
Date: Sun May 27 10:41:15 2001

i like very much of the "i want it that way"
but my favorite video, is...""the one"", because it's like they were died and...i don't know, i cry every time that i see this video.
i like everyone, but epecial is the one.

Submitted by Jenny from Germany
Date: Sun May 27 06:19:37 2001

My favourite video is still "the one". The Millenium tour was great (I hope the Black and Blue tour will be as well). The video is fast and there is lots of action in it. I like that. I like the video to MTT, too. But i think the next video should be an action-video again.


Submitted by darkchild from Toronto Ontario Canada
Date: Sun May 27 01:06:05 2001

I would have to say More Than That and Show Me the Meaning have the best videos.
There is no pretense anymore in their videos...no girls pretending to be girlfriends, no acting, no forced sex appeal..just them. That's what music is all about!
Although, they have to get new wardrobe people. Who told Kevin that hat was cool?!!

Submitted by Chloe from Canada
Date: Sun May 27 00:01:55 2001

"Show me the meaning of being lonely" i am a very emotional and deep person, that basically says why i like it the most. i like seeing other people like bsb emotional and deep too.

Submitted by Suzanne Heinrich from Puyallup WA USA
Date: Sat May 26 23:25:29 2001

My favorite video would have to be more than that. I like that one because it shows their true sides and does not have a lot of acting and dancing. I luv you AJ!

Submitted by Amadna from Jacksonville Florida USA
Date: Sat May 26 23:16:34 2001

I would have to say my fav video would have to be either, More Than That, I Want it That Way, or Show me the Meaning of Being Lonely. Each of them have such beautiful photography. The visuals, besides the guys, is really good. The Lighting, and everything adds so much to the videos. These three are simply beautiful.

Submitted by Brian's Girl from USA
Date: Sat May 26 20:50:14 2001

My fave video has to be either More Than That or I Want It That Way. Both are
the bomb, B-Rok's hot in both, the songs are sweet, and the videoes are sexy!
Did I mention Brian's hot?!?!?!?

Submitted by cleo from florida USA
Date: Sat May 26 19:34:26 2001

my favorite videos are: larger than life,quit playing games with my heart - a.j looks really good when hes wet :)
and my all-time favorite ill never break your heart - that tunnel thing was off da chain!
peaceout yall!

Submitted by Christine from Colorado USA
Date: Sat May 26 17:08:54 2001

It's really hard to pick just one. For me it's a tie between "The Call," "Larger Than Life," and "Everybody." They are all exciting awesome and they show a new side of BSB every time. Also, every backstreet boy looks soo incredibly amazing in these vids (in every vid actually).

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