What's your favorite BSB video?

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Submitted by Ellen from USA
Date: Thu May 31 17:04:30 2001

I love all of the videos!!! I don't have a favorite, but if I had to choose, I'd choose, ummmmmmmmmm.................................. drum role please, thu thu thu thu thuuuuuuuu, Larger than Life. But I always get excited when BSB release a new video!!!! GO BACKSTREET, WWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Submitted by Summer from NJ USA
Date: Thu May 31 16:49:20 2001

My favorite bsb video is as long as you love me..the guys look HOTTTTTTTT in it and it reminds me of my old BSB days.

Submitted by Kayre (lovin AJ in JA) from Kingston Jamaica
Date: Thu May 31 01:48:37 2001

I think that "I want it that way" is the best BSB video. The song is great, the whole airport theme is cool, and i love it when they do the little slow motion and speeding up things. Plus all the guys look so nice in this one! =)

Submitted by Holly Littrell from Lou Kentucky USA
Date: Thu May 31 01:06:15 2001

My favorite Backstreet Boys video is "I'll never break your heart" because it is the one line every girl wants to here from her boyfriend. I love the idea that they each had there own room in the video, not all together singing to the camra. They each sang alone some times to a person. When i would sing the song along with them i used to pretend i was singing to Brian telling him I would never break his heart. It's one of the few songs to be done in spanish also.

Submitted by Jennifer from Houston TX USA
Date: Wed May 30 22:51:26 2001

Ok, my favorite BSB video has got to be INBYH, because they all look so good and so cute and Brian looks simply GORGEOUS. He's got that cute little smile and those cute little clothes and Leighanne is SO VERY LUCKY to have a guy like him. I hope they're very happy together!!!!

Love all you Boys! KTBSPA!

Submitted by Elisa from USA
Date: Wed May 30 21:55:08 2001

Please go and read what I have to say about TRL in Fan Bits when it's updated or go read it WHAT DID YOU THINK OF MTT section. In fan Bits, it's entitled #2. I think you know what it is I mean, but go read it anyway, please? THANKS. KTBSPA!!!!!

Submitted by Nicole Littrell from USA
Date: Wed May 30 21:23:07 2001

My favorite video has to be show me the meaning of being lonely its just the best. Brian looks the best in it and its just such a good song. I cried watching it the first time watching Brian in the hospital it was sad but its a very good song and video. Brian Thomas Littrell you rock and I love you from the bottom of my heart always and forever. Leighanne you better not hurt that boy you dont relaize how luck you are you have the greatest guy in the whole world. BRIAN I LOVE YOU

Submitted by melissa from new minas nova scoita Canada
Date: Wed May 30 19:04:53 2001

i love the video for more than that but i also love the call
those are the best of all backstreer videos

Submitted by Jenn from Kenmore NY USA
Date: Wed May 30 18:07:28 2001

Though I love all the Backstreet Boys' videos my favorite has to be " Show Me The Meaning of Being Lonely". This video truly showed that our boys are so much more than a "boy band". It actually had a plot and was so meaningful. It broke away from the typical dance here sing here scenery here video.

Submitted by Edlena from Tucson AZ USA
Date: Wed May 30 15:09:34 2001

My fav BSB video is "More Than That " because it had shown my Navajo reservation in their video and it was so great coming from them. I love you howie

Submitted by sunita sharma from OAKLAND CALIFORNIA USA
Date: Wed May 30 12:18:40 2001

my favorite bsb video is more than that and i will never break your heart. brian is so hot in both of the videos. i love you b-rok baby yeah

(All caps detected. Message converted to lowercase)

Submitted by Britney Spears from USA
Date: Wed May 30 09:02:30 2001

Justy!!! Get away from my message!!!

Submitted by Britney Spears *He He* from Louisiana USA
Date: Wed May 30 08:59:59 2001

Like Hi Girlies!!! Has anybody seen my little baby Nickay? I can't like find him! What if hes locked himself in a closet again!!! That would be horrible!!! Shhh Don't tell Justy but....I like Nick Better. He has more money and he is like totally cuter. Is that a word? Cuter? Well my fav bsb video is like totally the one were there all crazy and like locked in a mental institution. Oh wait thats Nsync. Ummmmm mmmmm mmmmm mmmmm GOSH THIS THINKING THING IS LIKE SO HARD!!!!Uh........

*3 months, 3 weeks, 22 hours, 45 mins later*

Uh....I guess my fav is like....Get Down cuz it has shiny stuff and I love shiny stuff.

Well gotta go!

Yo what be up Backstreet fans? Dis Be JuJu Timberlake. My fav video of my idols the bsb is baby one more time...oops i did it again i mean I'm crazy...Get down. Cuz shiny stuff be like turnin me on. I really like disco balls. So does Britney. Me thinks Nick looks hot in dis video. Me also thinks dis video would be down if like...My Britney was in it. so like peace out bye bye bye
buy my cd No brains located so me and britney can have kids and reproduce more ugly children with bad hair.

Submitted by Amanda from Mannheim Badenwürtenberg Germany
Date: Wed May 30 07:34:54 2001

My fave vidio is all i have to give!!!!!

i love this song and this vidio

German Backstreet Babes Rules

Amanda the and only from germany grins*

Submitted by Melissa Littrell from BSB town Washington USA
Date: Tue May 29 20:48:24 2001

I can't choose a favorite video. I love each on for a reason. But if i was forced by gun point to save their lives i'd probably pick...*thinking long and hard*

5 minutes later-

"SMTMOBL"- Come on it's just the cutest ans Brian is hot


"LTL"- SWEATY BACKSTREET BOYS!!! I like the computer animation and the dance moves and i think Brian has the coolest scene with the
air board thingys!!!!

But I G2G More Than That is on the television


Melissa Littrell

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