What's your favorite BSB video?

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Submitted by Taylor Thompson from Marquette Michigan USA
Date: Wed Jun 13 09:59:09 2001

My favrite BSB videos are
Larger Then Life
More Than That
Quit Playing Games With My Heart and
Show Me The Meaning of Being Lonly but I love all their videos!!!!!!!!!!!

Submitted by kidnicky from Decatur Ga. USA
Date: Mon Jun 4 16:30:58 2001

My favorite video is probably between "I'll Never Break Your heart" and "All I Have To Give," because they were both some great videos. In "I'll Never Break Your Heart" I like all the rooms and the colors they had. I especially like what Nick was wearing and how is room looked (I want that bubble gun). Anyway I like A.J. mirror in that video how it was broken into peieces and stuff. In "All I Have To Give" I like the bright colors and how they was leaning on the wall and I like when they are dancin in the white and Nick twirls the hat in his hand. I also like at the end of the video when they are all running and to me it seems like Nick is waitng on Brian to catch up or something. I dunno but, those are my favorite BSB videos.


Submitted by BSB#1 from USA
Date: Mon Jun 4 16:12:39 2001

Fave BSB vid? Lemme think...I love ALL the vids! But if I had to pick, I'll pick: Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely. It's really meaningfull and reflects on my life(I've had 2 brothers die and now I'm an only child). Anyways, ALL BSB videos are AWESOME and THE BEST(It's just my opinion), and beats out(in my opinion) all other music artists'. KTBSPA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Submitted by Jenn from Highland IN USA
Date: Mon Jun 4 14:25:00 2001

My favorite BSB videos are:
I Want it That Way
Larger than Life
Show Me the Meaning of Being Lonely
Shape of My Heart
All I Have to Give
More Than That
Everybody (Backstreet's Back)
As Long as You Love Me

All in all, I love every BSB song because it's just fun music to dance to and songs that relate to what's going on in your life. I love BSB forever and I always will!

Submitted by christina from newyork USA
Date: Mon Jun 4 11:35:56 2001

Ooh my god.Ok.First:I want to tell you b.s.b that
i love you so so so much.I love you more than myself.you will kill me.(I LOVE YOU).
SECOND:It's verey hard to choose one of them.Everything from B.S.B is verey cooooooooool.
I can't choose one.(LARGER THAN LIFE or I'LL NEVER
AS YOU LOVE ME or EVEREYBODY or THE ONE or THE CALL or or or or........).Evereything is cool.But
i really loved (show me the meaninh)becouse it
makes me cry.And i loved (Evereybody)And(Larger than life)And(The call)And.....ooooh ok.i loved
evereything you did.And i will love evereything you will do my love backstreet.
And i want to say(i loooooove you Nick_A.J_Hawi_
Brian_And Kiven).
Now.Good bey evereyone.I hope to see you soon.

Submitted by ghazal from tehran Iran
Date: Mon Jun 4 10:49:31 2001

It's hard to choose one of them.It's so hard.All of them are meaningful.At first you might think they don't have any meaning,or there isn't any relationship between the song and the video but they all have meaning and I love all of them,but for me"I'll never break your heart"is somethin' special coz I used to think why Kev acts in this way.That girl is only an actress but now I know who she really is.Their first wedding anniversary is comin' and I wanna congratulate it to both of them!

Submitted by Margaret Barendse from Mississauga Ontario Canada
Date: Mon Jun 4 10:41:49 2001

I would have to say that "More than that" because it has so many memories for me and that it makes me cry everytime that I see that video. Also "The One" because I never been to one of their concerts before and seeing that video takes me backstage with the guys. I LOVE THEM ALL!!!!!

Submitted by Kelly from Newcastle NSW Australia
Date: Mon Jun 4 07:22:28 2001

I really liked the Show Me The Meaning of Being Lonely video because it was so personal for them and they shared it with all of us, their fans!!

Submitted by Chelsea from USA
Date: Sun Jun 3 22:18:27 2001

Although all the Boys' videos are absolutely wonderful, and I could go on with reasons why, the BEST video is for "The One". If you've been to a concert, that video is very meaningful. All the cute little looks, the awesome dancing, and everything else makes it the best video. Even if your concert wasn't shown, you can't help but smile at how fantastic the Boys are. It's sort of a recap of the whole year, and I don't know about other people, but I either want to smile or cry every time I see it. It's so sincere in showing how much our Boys love us fans!
KTBSPA ~ Chelsea
"I want to be crazy forever; even when I'm 80." ~ Nick

Date: Sun Jun 3 21:10:07 2001

my fave video by bsb is "larger than life" cause i love there moves in the video and i love the space thing about it. and they all look really hot!!! ~*~*~*

(All caps detected. Message converted to lowercase)

Submitted by Brisa Christina McLean Dorough from Săo Paulo SP Brazil
Date: Sun Jun 3 20:06:27 2001

My fave video is "As long as you love me". I don`t know why, but I really think it`s so cute!
ma second favorite is "The one", `cause of the images of the shows!

Submitted by nathalie braz carter from recife PE Brazil
Date: Sun Jun 3 17:10:10 2001

eu amo os backstreet boys mais que todas voces
olha, o meu video favorito e simplesmente i want that way, mas o que mais me emociona e o the one.
eu gosto de quase todos, menos aqueles que lembram o passado negro deles, como get down, ill never break your heart...
mas meus amore (bsb) nao se preocupem, porque eu os amo, e voces sabem disso nao e?

bsbeijos and nickisses

Submitted by Kariis from Los Angeles California USA
Date: Sun Jun 3 13:00:31 2001

My fave BSB video would definetly be "The One" because it shows the Millenium tour and it shows how much BSB loves thier fans and it's great at times it makes you wanna laugh and cry or say awww! I love it and I love them always and forever!

Submitted by moran levy from holon Israel
Date: Sun Jun 3 06:10:50 2001

hi everybody!!! :-)
well, my fave bsb video is "Anywhere For You"
and i love it.
brian has a shot without his shirt on in this video and he is my fave bsboy and he is soooooo sexy + the song is gre8!!
so that is why i love this video.
Bye Bye!!!

Submitted by Kristina from Göteborg Sweden
Date: Sun Jun 3 05:53:17 2001

My favorite video from the bsb is absolutly The One!!! Becuse all the great memories from their wonderful concerts cames back.
Don't forget to Keep the Backstreet pride alive!!!

Love Kicki

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