What's your favorite BSB video?

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Submitted by Jessica Kinney from Millinocket ME USA
Date: Fri Jun 15 23:16:09 2001

My favorite video is More Than That. It's just an an awesome video and they all look hot in it!! It's just a really cool video. I love all their videos, but this one tops them all.

Submitted by Carly Carter from USA
Date: Fri Jun 15 18:55:09 2001

All of us know all the BSB videos are great and very entertaining. My favorite most recent video from Black and Blue is "The Call" because that just shows everyone how great they can act and sing at the same time, very talented and hott!From Millenium my favorite video was "I Want IT That Way" because they looked very sexy while they sang and danced, it was an original but great video and it's easy to watch over and over. From the first album they had I really enjoyed "Backstreet's Back" because that also showed you how they knew how to act, sing and dance very well, it was like watching a BSB movie and it's great! That song was the best and most energetic video, ever!I really love all their videos though,it's hard to favor anyone of them they totally rock!!!

Submitted by Jodie from HarborCreek PA USA
Date: Fri Jun 15 18:45:38 2001

My favorite video of all time by the Backstreet Boys is I Want It That Way. Because all the guys look really good in it and I love it when they show that close-up of Nick when he says the word "to". It's just so cute how he does it. If I had to pick any video that I could be in it would be that video because I would get to see all the guys at once!!!!! Keep the BSB pride alive!!!!!

Submitted by Tatiane Klein Carter from Sao Paulo Brazil
Date: Fri Jun 15 18:37:21 2001

My fave video currently is "More Than That", but I love every backstreet video!!!
Basicly all the videos!ha,ha,ha,ha,ha!!!
I love Backstreet Boys!
Good job guys!!! Your videos are an inspiration to my life!
Thanx, kisses for Nick!!!

Tatty Carter

Submitted by Alisha Long from Mechanicsburg PA USA
Date: Fri Jun 15 14:53:24 2001

Well the backstreet boys have gone through so many videos and they have all changed their looks but from BLACK and BLUE I like "the Call" that video was great! From Millenium I like " I Want It That Way" and my all time favorite was from the first CD and it was " Quit Playin Games with my Heart" Come on people they are wet and have their shirts off!!! They all look so fine and the song is awesome.

Submitted by Ashley from USA
Date: Fri Jun 15 09:32:38 2001

Okay,I love alot of BSB videos,all of them to be exact,but I cant just choose one.My favorite funny video is "Everybody(backstreets Back)" because Brian makes a hot werewolf.My favorite serious video is"Show me the meaning of being lonly" because its so orignol and it makes me cry because those things happened to them in real life like Brians surgery,bless you Brian.My favorite song and video though has got to be "As Long As You Love Me"because it was the first song I fell in love with and I can never get it out of my head,but why did leighanne wallace get to be in it and not me?What does she have that I dont,Brian Littrell:(

Submitted by MELTEM from Turkey
Date: Thu Jun 14 14:49:41 2001

heeyyyyyy! it is really hard to choose their best video.... but my fave is the MORE THAN THAT video... cause they r all themselfs and we can see that they are not boysssssssss......... we can see that they have grown up and they can tell us everything without dancing or having a video like a cinema.... we can see their feelings and their thoughts in their eyes...


Submitted by Yara from turin Italy
Date: Thu Jun 14 14:15:21 2001

Well, ok... it's veryyyyyy haaaard!!!!!!!!!! you can't ask me this!All the bsb's videos are sooo coooolllll!!!!!! But, I must admite that I want it that way is really, really a good video! No, excuse me: it's a WONDERFUL VIDEO!!!! All the boys are very handsome, and Nick look in the video soooo hooot!!!!!!!!! He's sooo sweeeet!!! And A.J is very cool, Kevin is a true gentleman, Brian's voice is very sweet and romantic, Howie is... well, I don't like him very much!!! (I'm just kidding! poor little!)
The only thing I hate in that video are the fans!!! Why are everybody kissing MY NICK!!!!!!!???? AAARRRRGGGHHH!!!! :) Yar@
Ps= this msg is 4 nick:please come here in italy!!!!!!!! I need to see u!!! 'cause I love you so much! I love you more than myself!!!! :(

Submitted by Mandi from Newnan GA USA
Date: Thu Jun 14 12:39:29 2001

Ok, I love all the Backstreet Boys videos. But the one that got me hooked on BSB was the first video that came out in Germany..."Get Down (You're the One for Me)" I saw that video in February of '94, and I have been hooked ever since. Don't get me wrong, all the videos are GREAT!! But I gotta stick with the one that got me hooked.

Submitted by Teresa from Tampa Florida USA
Date: Thu Jun 14 12:14:43 2001

My fav BSB vid! It's sssoooo hard! They're all sssoooo good! Well I'll make it easy! I pick all of em! From "We've got it goin on" to "More Than That",and everything in between, they're all awesome! Plus, every vid they make in the future,will be my fav too! And all you BSB fans out there...remember you have to

KTBSPA!!!!!!!! ~Teresa!:)

Submitted by Jovanna from Miami FL USA
Date: Thu Jun 14 02:32:00 2001

Hands Down!!!! Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely!!!! It is their most mature video to date and a lot of non-pop viewers related to it. KTBSPA!!!!

Submitted by Amber from Jacksonville FL USA
Date: Wed Jun 13 22:06:40 2001

My fav video is, 'Get Down', 'Everybody', 'All I have Give' and Larger that ife and IWITW and actually all of em'!

Submitted by Dawn from USA
Date: Wed Jun 13 17:34:50 2001

My all time fav BSB videos are "Larger Than Life", "All I Have To Give", and "More Than That", but my fav retired video is "Larger Than Life".
They worked really hard on that video and it came out totally awesome. I cried when it was retired off of TRL. I didn't want to see it go because I knew I'd never see it again and so far that's held true.
"All I Have To Give" is another of my favs because it was very colorful and Nick looked so hot in that video!
"More Than That" is another fav because I mean, BSB, the desert...how can a vid get any hotter?
Email me if ya want. K?
Peace out!

Submitted by Katie from USA
Date: Wed Jun 13 14:36:40 2001

If I had to pick the best BSB video, I would have to say it's "Backstreet's Back." I love all of their videos, but this one shows that our boys can dance, act, and sing. I love the parts that they play!

Submitted by amisha from chicago il USA
Date: Wed Jun 13 11:21:23 2001

That is a hard question!!!! I love all of their vids! Its so hard to pick!!!! But if I had to pick just one it would HAVE to be I Want It That Way!!!!

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