What's your favorite BSB video?

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Submitted by Jessica from Timmins ON Canada
Date: Tue Jun 19 18:25:59 2001

I love them all but if I had to pic one it would have to be MORE THAN THAT because well it's my fav. song on the album and they look awesome in it and A.J. kills me in that video I love A.J. so much but ya Ilove that video

Submitted by Brenda Place from Aurora Colorado USA
Date: Tue Jun 19 16:22:49 2001

I only get to choose one?! I'll say "Everybody(Backstreet's Back)" and "The Call."

Submitted by Chelsea Carter from B.C. Canada
Date: Mon Jun 18 22:35:42 2001

My favorite video is AS LONG AS YOU LOVE ME and THE ONE
they all look so good in both of the videos
In other words

Submitted by Teresa S. from Santa Ana CA USA
Date: Mon Jun 18 21:30:08 2001

My favorite BSB videos are "I Want It That Way" because I think it's soo cool how they got real fans to be in it at the end...and "All I Have To Give" because all of them look sooo FINE in it, and I LOVE the part when Nick smiles while he sings "but I'll be there to make you smile"...*melt*

Submitted by Tiffany from OH USA
Date: Mon Jun 18 20:59:00 2001

Either the Everybody video, because it wasn't your usual music video, or The Call.

Submitted by Janna from USA
Date: Mon Jun 18 18:55:29 2001

My fav BSB videos are:

1)"I Want It That Way", because I absolutly never get tired of seeing it or hearing it. It's one of those videos that you can watch a million times and see something totally different each time.

2)"Show Me The Meaning of Being Lonely", because it showed how much the guys have matured in the past couple of years. It's a amazingly beautiful song, and the video made it 10 times better.

3) "Everybody", because it's a video that you absolutley CAN NOT sit still throughout. Trust me, I've tried, but I always end up dancing around my room whenever I see it. Also, their makeup as the monsters was very creative, and maybe it's just me, but at sometimes a little too real looking.

Submitted by Alex from Killeen TX USA
Date: Mon Jun 18 18:20:05 2001

I Want It That Way, i never ever get tired of it. I can watch it a millon times and never get sick of it. Nick looks sooooooo cute. I fell in love w/ them after that video.

Submitted by Sheila Christina Lima from guarapuava Paraná Brazil
Date: Mon Jun 18 15:11:16 2001

OK...let me see...
BackStreet Boys - Quit playin' games
BackStreet's Back - All I have to give
Millennium - I want it that way
Black & Blue - More than that

Submitted by NAN from USA
Date: Mon Jun 18 10:48:18 2001

Well, its hard to pick a favorite video. I love them all, but if I had to pick it would be I want it that way. I miss their old look. Another one is the call. That was great, and I was at that concert!! But can you really choose?

Submitted by Vero from Puerto Rico
Date: Sun Jun 17 19:55:47 2001

My Favorite Backstreet video is absolutly Show me the meaning .Because is soooo beutiful and real.

Submitted by Liz from turtle creek Pa USA
Date: Sun Jun 17 19:00:32 2001

My favorite Backstreet Boys vidoe are all of them!!! But if I have to pick one I would have to say "I Want It That Way" because thats the boys I love to see but they still look good now but I miss there old look!!! Nick looks so good in that video

Submitted by Ayman from Khartoom - Sudan
Date: Sun Jun 17 02:58:02 2001

More than that is actually an excellent video, but if there was a word that is better than excellent it MUST be The Call. The Call is not only a video like any other video, Its full of life and the suits were amazing and even thought there was no dancing but the moves were smartly put instead of dancing and that was an unusual and brilliant idea! Please not that the Backstreet Boys are better than Nsuck coz Bacstreet boys simply rules. Love ya lots guyz and keep up the fantastic work!

Submitted by Julie Pendell from Sault Ste. Marie Michigan USA
Date: Sun Jun 17 01:06:45 2001

My favorite video would have to be a tie between "The Call", "Shape of My Heart" and I Want it That Way. I love the call beacuse it is like a movie and Nick looks so fine it is unreal. I love "Shape of My Heart" beacuse it is so sincere and again, Nick looks so fine. I love "I Want it That Way" Beacuse Nick and the boys look so angelic in there white shining suits and the dance steps are awsome.

Submitted by Kayla from Tuxedo NY USA
Date: Sat Jun 16 09:53:54 2001

I love all the bsb videos. They are unique in there own special way. Thes chase in "The Call", the space set in "Larger than Life", etc. All i knoe is that they are sooooo much better than Nsync..oops sorry, Nstink. I love all therir videos becaus ei LOVE them.

Submitted by sam from london - United Kingdom
Date: Sat Jun 16 05:31:32 2001

they have great videos, i'd have to choose..
backstreet boys-quit playin games(they look gorgeous!!!
backstreets back- as long as you love me
millennium-show me the meaning
black and blue- more than that

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