What's your favorite BSB video?

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Submitted by Mrs. Carter from Marathon Florida USA
Date: Wed Jun 20 21:31:52 2001

It's nearly impossible to pick one, but I'll say...it's a tie between "All I Have to Give" and "I Want it That Way" because in A.I.H.T.G, I love it when Nick messes up on the lyrics. Then, when he's singing in the first part, he smiles ever-so-sweetly, and for I.W.I.T.W, all the guys a rockin' and I love everything about that video. I wish I could've been one of those fans in the video, but I'm satisfied with Nick for a husband.

Submitted by Lana from Saskatchewan Canada
Date: Wed Jun 20 21:13:56 2001

Although all of their videos are awesome, my favorites are "All I Have To Give" I love AJ in all those different hats, and "Quit Playing Games" who doesn't love the boys dancing around wet not to mention AJ without a shirt on!

Submitted by *Pri* from São Paulo Brazil
Date: Wed Jun 20 19:02:36 2001

I would say: I'll Never Break Your Heart and As long as you love me.
I like the new ones but the old ones were BETTER !!


Submitted by Malika from Pittsburgh PA USA
Date: Wed Jun 20 18:41:02 2001

Without a doubt, my favorite Backstreet video was "All I Have To Give". That video not only started my Backstreet love affair, but it was the first time I laid eyes on my baby Nick!!

Submitted by megan from haverhill massachusetts USA
Date: Wed Jun 20 17:45:01 2001

i must say that "i will love you more than that" is the best video so far on the "black & blue" cd (not like all the others are not great) because it is just soo beautiful because all of the guys look good in the video what ever they do and you can't pick the video apart.the music is not to fast, not to slow, its just wright .

Submitted by Kara from Canada
Date: Wed Jun 20 17:25:35 2001

I think that Quit Playing Games was the best video. It was outside of a school & they were playing basketball which states that they are normal guys. Also when it started raining well it just goes to show that well NICK LOOKS SEXY WET!

Submitted by Sasha from toledo ohio USA
Date: Wed Jun 20 13:51:23 2001

i luv the call it was really cool definetly their best hopefully they make more videos like that.

Submitted by Jamie Andrews from USA
Date: Wed Jun 20 12:59:34 2001

Mine would have to be either I Want It That Way or Shape Of My Heart. But if I think about Nick splashing water on his face, it's gotta be The Call :-)

Submitted by Karoliina from Nokia Finland
Date: Wed Jun 20 12:35:23 2001

My favourite BSB vid is AS LONG AS YOU LOVE ME. When I hear as long as you love me I can just close my eyes and see the vid in my mind ...and I can't stop smilling! KTBSPA!!!

Submitted by Claudia from Apollo Beach Florida USA
Date: Wed Jun 20 12:04:15 2001

The best videos are...
From "Backstreet Boys" -Quit playin' games
From "Backstreet's Back" -All I have to give
From "Millennium" -Show me the meaning of being
From "Black & Blue" -More than that

Submitted by rochelle from USA
Date: Wed Jun 20 05:53:05 2001

I love all their videos but I think The Call is the best, I love all the action, it's more like a movie than a video they don't sing one word in it

Submitted by melinda from wisconsin USA
Date: Wed Jun 20 00:18:55 2001

I really LOVE all of the videos. Theyre all so good so it's hard to choose. They all rock and theyre all really good songs, so I just love them all!
K.T.B.P.A. forever!

Submitted by Kim from Sugar Hill GA USA
Date: Tue Jun 19 22:31:06 2001

Al the Backstreet Boys videos are really good. They ahve grown with time and with their music. I love all the videos!!! KTBSPA, KTSGPA, Love 'em 4ever!

Submitted by CaSeY from Michigan USA
Date: Tue Jun 19 22:14:52 2001

My all time fave. has to be their first...We've Got It Goin' On...for sure! I mean, c'mon, you've got the leather, water, motorcycles, hot cars and of course nick and bri playin' some ball. And let's not forget A.J.'s got his original 'do...and of course those circley sunglasses he used to ALWAYS wear...c'mon ladies, you gotta love their younger years! :)

Submitted by Kay Baker from indianapolis indiana USA
Date: Tue Jun 19 19:22:58 2001

its very hard to pick a favorite, so im gonna do something very hard, try to name them all and rate them, lets see if i can do this: 1:QPGWMH 2:IWITW 3:SMTMOBL 4:THE CALL 5:INBYH(NEW) 6:LARGER THAN LIFE 7:WGIGN 8:AIHTG 9:ALAYLM 10:EVERYBODY 11:MORE THAN THAT 12:GET DOWN 13:INBYH (OLD) 14:THE ONE 15:ANYWHERE 4 U 16:SOMH 17:INBYH (SPANISH) WHEW! now that was tough, 17 videos, and ive seen them all. now thats amazing

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