What's your favorite BSB video?

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Submitted by Britney from Houston Texas USA
Date: Fri Jun 22 09:22:29 2001

I'd have to say all of thier video's are cool but I think " Quit Playing Games..." and "More Then That " are the best .

Submitted by norma from n. hollywood ca USA
Date: Fri Jun 22 01:24:33 2001

This is a tough choice. With "Quit Playing Games",I fell in LOVE with them.I think ALL of their videos are great. They are talented and creative musicians. But the video that stands out the most is "The One". I love it because it shows them in concert,pictures,backstage and just being themselves. Personally, I want to be in the entertainment business,that's why it stands out the most. I love to see what goes on backstage.

Submitted by Jennifer from Chesapeake Virginia USA
Date: Thu Jun 21 23:57:13 2001

theres so many good ones to choose from but my fave bsb videos are "Anywhere For You" "As Long As You Love Me" "Quit Playing Games" both versions of "I'll Never Break Your Heart" and "More Than That"

Submitted by Steph from Calgary Alberta Canada
Date: Thu Jun 21 23:10:35 2001

I have to say, that we are all fans and everyone can stop with the number one fan shit. The fact of the matter is the BSB rock! and always will! with their fan base they will continue to rock! they are the original and I will ALWAYS love ALL of em! I accept the fact that I'm not going to get married to them, and I accept the fact that they have gf's and for Brian and Kevin are married. I am a true fan and will support them with whatever they do! My fav. music video (on exception os all of them) is As Long As You Love Me and I Want It That Way! As Long As You Love Me because that song is sweet, and it shows them when they were becoming xtremely popular. Second is I want It That Wat because that song simply rocks! adn I love how they have fans in it :)

Submitted by theresa from vancouver b.c Canada
Date: Thu Jun 21 23:06:59 2001

my favorite video is definetly well, there's 2, anywhere for you, and all i have to give

Submitted by tracie from alberta Canada
Date: Thu Jun 21 23:03:15 2001

hey, uh, ya, i was just reading some of the entries about your fave videos, well, i was thinking, how many of you are actually saying your their number 1 fan!!!!???? ok, then, seen as no one seems to know what that means, my fave vid is DUH!! ALL OF THEM!!!!!!!! they r my boys, and yes, i AM the number 1 fan, so, uh, next time you think about or say i'm the number 1 fan, think again, if you were the number 1 fan, you can't narrow down your fave vid, thank you very much, bwah bye 4 now....!!!!!!!!

luvin the boys always


Submitted by Laurisa Fuller from Delaware Oh USA
Date: Thu Jun 21 23:01:54 2001

I think my favorite BSB video is Larger than Life because they have awsome effects and my baby Kevin looks so good in it Keep the backstreet pride alive!!!

Submitted by Diamond Lopez from Tampa Floridia USA
Date: Thu Jun 21 22:45:26 2001

My fav BSB video would definly have to be
*Backstreet's Back* cause it's a classic and
all of them look good(my A.J)!! The dance sequence
is hott!!!

Submitted by Nicole from St. Louis Missouri USA
Date: Thu Jun 21 22:33:53 2001

My favorite BSB video would have to be "All I Have To Give". I love the that video so much, it has great colors in it and the guys look so good in it. Not to mention the puppy dog look Nick gives durning the one part, omg he's so gorgeous. I really love the video.

Submitted by Vicky from Canada
Date: Thu Jun 21 20:00:41 2001

My fave BSB video would have to be the first version of I'll Never Break Your Heart. Probably because Kristin is in it and I support the BSB wives/gf 100%. And I just totally love the lyrics to the song.

Submitted by Melina from Fortaleza ceará Brazil
Date: Thu Jun 21 12:51:47 2001

Hi, my favorite video it's Quit playing games, bacause they are very sexy showing their body, oh my God, and More than that, that video there's something special...
Bya kisses from Brazil

Submitted by Tara y from Nassau N.Y. USA
Date: Thu Jun 21 10:24:33 2001

My favorite Backstreet boys videos are
"More Than That" from Black and blue album
Because they are so sexy in their cowboy hats
especially Howie ( he is my favorite bsb)

My other favoite video is " The call"
by the one and only Backstreet boys because they
are very creative making that video.It is like
watching a mini movie with the hottest and shiny
stars like the backstreet boys.

Submitted by debbie from Mayaguez PR USA
Date: Thu Jun 21 00:55:31 2001

Well all bsb videos are great but my favorites are "Everybody" and "The call". But i keep saying that i love all the videos.


Submitted by Diana from Minnesota USA
Date: Wed Jun 20 23:12:34 2001

My fave. video, actually I have three are: As Long As You Love Me, I Want It That Way, and The One. I can't choose, those are all great ones!!! All I Have To Give is pretty good too and also I'll Never Break Your Heart, ahh! It's so hard to choose. But those top 3 ones are my faves!

Submitted by BSBFAN6 from USA
Date: Wed Jun 20 23:10:48 2001

Y'all, please go to www.mtv.com , and vote for MORE than that on TRL between 3 and 3:30 eastern time, ATLEAST for a couple of days, so NSYNC can be #2, and they won't break BSB's record for most days at #1 with Shape of my heart. Everyone thinks that Backstreet Boys are losing fans, and that's not true. I think that a lot of the fans are just growing, and are busy with college that they can no longer sit on the net, and vote on TRL. Let's keep the Backstreet Pride alive. Pass it on to everyone you know.

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