What's your favorite BSB video?

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Submitted by Dani from Memphis TN USA
Date: Sun Jun 24 23:08:10 2001

My fave would have to be Everbody. I love that video and Brian looks so cool and kick butt as a werewolf!!!!!!! I also love Larger Than Life because it is so cool and kicks butt!!!!!Brian looks so hot in it,too.

(Brian if you are reading this I LOVE U BABY!!!!!!)

Date: Sun Jun 24 20:18:17 2001

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Submitted by Christine Littrell from Bawston, Massachusetts USA
Date: Sun Jun 24 20:10:33 2001


In my opinion, the best BSB videos are "Everybody (Backstreet's Back)", "Larger Than Life", and "Shape Of My Heart". "Everybody" is just the kind of video that you can watch a million times and discover something new each time! Plus, my BSB friends and I dressed up as them for the past 3 years for Halloween! (I'm Brian [warewolf] of course).

"Larger Than Life" is the best made video. It has an extraordinary concept and its about the fans. They're trying to get the idea that there is more to our lives than our planet, and that compared to the entire universe, the polanet is a speck of dust. In fact, after doing some research, the phrase "Larger Than Life" (yes, it DID exist before the BSB song) reffers to black holes in outer space. If you think about it hard enough, it makes a lot of sense. They are about the size of this period (.) but they can destroy whole planets. Relating to the theme of the song, the fans are preventing the boys from being sucked into the *black hole* (metaphorically) and being killed, which makes them 'larger than life'.

"Shape Of My Heart" has a wonderful concept as well. First, the song is saying that the man has not been giving his girl the attention and respect that she deserved. He was simply trying to *ACT* and go with the flow, then realized that that was the wrong thing to do. So instead of having a full and normal shaped heart, his heart is broken (get it, the shape changed)! The video relates to that because the boys are on a stage and acting. (the two actor/actress complete the concept) Plus, the scripts with the lyrics to the song add to the concept. And it is black and blue because of the album name (if you couldn't figure that out, i'd seek some help!)

well, that's my opinion. I love all of the videos, these just shine above all of the others!

love, me

(Brian if you are reading this, I love you more than anyone on this whole entire sight does!!)

Submitted by Erika from NF Canada
Date: Sun Jun 24 18:26:50 2001

I love all of the bsb videos because each and everyone shows a different side to the guys that makes me love them more and more!But my fave would have to be The One just 'cause it keeps your eyes moving and your heart pounding!

Submitted by Black&BlueChica from Philly PA USA
Date: Sun Jun 24 18:15:22 2001

This is so hard!! I love every single BSB video, but if I have to chose it would have to be "Everybody" b/c this was the video that introduced me to the guys and of course "I Want It That Way"!! It speaks for itself, it's a classic!! And I would also have to add "The Call" as another fav of mine!! Gets me groovin all the time!! I could go on and on!! Lets just say I love each in its very own special way just like I love BSB!!

Submitted by *CrAzY 'Fo BSB* from Toronto Canada
Date: Sun Jun 24 15:25:20 2001

I love all the BSB videos..but my absolute favs would havta be:
"I'll never break your heart"[the original vers.]
and "The Call"..I chose those because in INBYH they r soo cute, and I love that song! Everybody is just an awesome song and the dancing kix ass and The Call is amazing! It's such a cool video and might I add that Nick looks so friggin' HOT in it!..hehe

Submitted by Ashlyn from Liverpool NY USA
Date: Sun Jun 24 13:12:55 2001

Definately Everybody and Shape Of My Heart. Everybody is the *BEST* video with the *BEST* dance sequence they have had in a video! Shape of My Heart was just amazing visually and its was shot SOO well. The song is beautiful. :)


Submitted by Nicole from USA
Date: Sun Jun 24 09:09:00 2001

my favorite video would have to be "Shape of my heart" its just them I love it but i would also have to say " I want it that way" thats another favorite but i love all their videos.

Submitted by Kerri Edwards from Buffalo New York USA
Date: Sun Jun 24 00:08:07 2001

My fave Bsb video is....ummm...i can't really choose b-cuz they all kick butt!...but if I had to pick...I would...choose.........( don't want you back would have been a kick butt video...too bad it didn't win the vote)...ummm...well it's a toss up between Larger Than Life and I Want It That Way.....Larger Than Life b-cuz it's dedicated to the fanz...and IWITW b-cuz...well u can't beat that video!

Submitted by Jennifer from Michiagn USA
Date: Sat Jun 23 23:02:42 2001

I love all the BSB videos. But I would have to say that my fav. video is "The One" because it just is the most fun to watch and I love the clips.

Submitted by Vicki from Hong Kong China
Date: Sat Jun 23 22:54:32 2001

My favourite? hmmm, hard to say. But probably it's 'The One'. It's original and it's cool. I also like MTT because it's different. More simple, no frills!

Submitted by Jess C from Malaysia
Date: Sat Jun 23 22:46:44 2001

hey all!!
well, i don't actually have ONE favourite BSB vid but i'd hafta say it's a toss between Show Me the Meaning OBL, Everybody and The Call!! they all rock!!

Submitted by Maggie from Seattle Washington USA
Date: Sat Jun 23 22:37:05 2001

Hands down, my favorite video is the first version of "I'll Never Break Your Heart"...it's SO cute...if you haven't seen it (or didn't even know it existed~as many don't)...go watch it...it takes place on some snowy moutain...anway...that's that!

Submitted by loser from Pittsburgh PA USA
Date: Sat Jun 23 20:03:50 2001

I like SMTOBL...it is really sad..and comes from the heart...I also love that song...and the video goes w/the song well...and its also great because the general public doesn't get it....but they look the best in MTT...they all look very sexy in that video

Submitted by Nikki (Brian's BIGGEST Fan!) from Florissant Missouri USA
Date: Sat Jun 23 19:53:51 2001

My favorite BSB video is either 'I Want It That Way' on Millennium or 'More Than That' on the B&B album. I like the 'IWITW' video because, I think it is great that they put some of their fans in the video. Brian looks really good in it too! I like the 'MTT' video too because, I think it is a great ballad and an even better video. I like the desert and airplane hanger theme. I like how it's just the five of them and not any other actors or actresses. And Brian looks even better in this one! But hey, he always looks good!

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