What's your favorite BSB video?

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Submitted by Chris from Orlando Florida USA
Date: Mon Jul 2 02:50:25 2001


My favorite video??

It is...

(1)"All I have to give"
(2)"As long as you love me!!"
(3)"I want it that way"

Yeah!! I love Backstreet Boys!!
And i love you nick!!

Submitted by Vicky Kent from WA USA
Date: Sun Jul 1 22:54:19 2001

Well my fav video would have to be "more than that" cuz Kevin looks soooooooooooooooo HOTT in his sexy cowboy hat and black clothes....... OHHH BABY!!! And I also like "Shape of my heart" oh and "The call" OHHHH and......... ALL OF THEM!!! VOTE BACKSTREETBOYS ON TRL!!!!!!!!!!!!! KTBSPA!!!!

Submitted by Erin AnGel from Laurel Maryland USA
Date: Sun Jul 1 21:25:27 2001

My Fav BsB Video's would have to be......
3.) The Call
2.) I'll Never Break your Heart
(2nd Version, American)
1.) More Then That and I'll Never Break your Heart
(1st Version, Canada)

Submitted by Larissa from Joao Pessoa Paraíba Brazil
Date: Sun Jul 1 18:02:13 2001

I think the best BSB video is "Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely" cuz it's the only video that really makes sense and has a whole story behind it. But I love all of them (except "Get Down", which I haaaaaattttteeeee, it's awful, have you seen it? God, how could they do that?!?)

Submitted by Vanessa from Pittsburgh PA USA
Date: Sun Jul 1 12:18:17 2001

Well Ummm my favorite BSB video hasta be ALL OF THEM! its takes alot of time and effort for these video's but i would hafta say every single video they shot are the all time BEST! K*T*B*S*P*A!

Submitted by SaraM.a from - Lebanon
Date: Sun Jul 1 10:05:14 2001

Hi guys....Ok let's see my favorite BSB video is..
..ummm..I love them all becouse they are from BSB.
Every thing come from them i love it..But the best
video to me is :
2-Larger than life.
3-I'll never breake your heat.
And I love you guys..nick i love you so much.I love you all.

Submitted by Tracy from Orlando Florida USA
Date: Sat Jun 30 22:36:19 2001

My favorite Backstreet video is "As Long as you love me" because i love when Brian sings and you can see his bright blue eyes. And i love "All i have to give" because you can see Brian's cute stomach!!!

Submitted by Jenn from Gilroy California USA
Date: Sat Jun 30 21:22:20 2001

What songs I like are:
All I have to give-'cause that song best descibes me and love is all I have to give to them
I want it that way-'cause what wouldn't you say about that song, it's all them, and I want it there way
Get another boyfriend-'cause that song kicks major booty and beats are very good
Don't wanna lose you now-'cause I fell in love with that song since the first time I heard it, that is my ultimate fave BSB song
We've got it goin' on-'cause that song is all about themselves and it's always a song, now, that I always have to hear from them

Submitted by dayana from GARFIELD NEW JERSEY USA
Date: Sat Jun 30 15:46:17 2001

I like all the videos and everything that has to be with the bsb because they are PERFECT!!!
All the videos are pretty cool!
Kisses****and too much **love**

Submitted by susan redfearn from martinez Georgia USA
Date: Sat Jun 30 14:41:10 2001

Here's my top 5 choices:
1.I Want It That Way
2.The One
3.Quit Playing Games
4.All I Have To Give

Submitted by Cheryl from San Ramon CA USA
Date: Sat Jun 30 14:24:45 2001

Hey, I am a huge BSB fan and they are my world. They always have and always will be. My favorite videos are all of 'em, because they are all the best!

Hey, keep voting for More Than That on TRL-our boys need to stay on top where they belong! KTBSPA always and forever.

Submitted by Katie from Louisville KY USA
Date: Sat Jun 30 12:37:36 2001

Let's see. It's hard to pick a fave BSB song becuz they're all so awesome. But if I had to make a list, it would look something like this.
1. I Want It That Way : a classic, even if you're not a BSB fan, you know this song.
2. The Call: this video shows them coming out with a fresh new sound
3. The One: this video shows the fans and how much we love them, it also shows that they want to include their fans in everything they do

Submitted by Nicole from Columbus Ohio USA
Date: Sat Jun 30 09:00:07 2001

let me see..... I love all their videos but its too hard to choose one so my favorite ones are
1.shape of my heart,
2.I want it that way,
3.Quit playin' games,
and the List goes on......


Submitted by Andrea from Loveland OHio USA
Date: Sat Jun 30 08:16:24 2001

My Favorite backstreetboy video whould have to be The Call or The One

Submitted by anabeth ty from antipolo city rizal Philippines
Date: Sat Jun 30 04:53:31 2001

The Bsb videos I liked are:
1.The One
2.The Call
3.More Than That

All their videos are great. They are the best.They give all their best in what they do. And Howie is very gorgeous in all their videos.
BsB forever.

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