What's your favorite BSB video?

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Submitted by kim from IN USA
Date: Sun Jul 8 00:06:56 2001

My favorite BSB video is '' Larger Than Life'' because it shows their true dances abilities because they dance so well especially A.J. . :)

Submitted by Alison from Boyertown Pa USA
Date: Sat Jul 7 16:50:59 2001

My fav bsb video would have to be "The One" because of the concert footage. Going to bsb concerts is my fav thing to do, and I love being able to relive the millennium tour when I see the video!

Submitted by Steef from Apeldoorn Gelderland Netherlands
Date: Sat Jul 7 16:26:28 2001

I don't have a favorite video, but I like 'Shape of my heart' and 'Everybody'.
Shape of my heart: because it's a really romantic song with a video with hansom boys!!!
Everybody: because the video is scary and took so much time and you see the boys from 'the other side'
Of course I like all the video's

Submitted by Ana Mabel Miranda from David Chiriqui Panama
Date: Sat Jul 7 14:33:06 2001

My favorite BSB video is 'MORE THAN THAT'. WHY? Well because Nick looks so cute, Brian is so serious and Kevin too. AJ looks like another person with his nice personality and his feelings, and Howie D. is my Latin Lover always. But NIck will always my real love and for this is my favorite backstreet boy and 'More Than That' my fave video. Always BSB, forever BSG.

Submitted by Shaunna from blackshear Georgia USA
Date: Sat Jul 7 13:35:41 2001

My Favorite BSB Song would be "More Than That!" Because they looks so serious and the song is really GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!and Nick and AJ Look so Fine in it:)

Submitted by PuertoRican_Backstreet_GIRL(Amarilis) from PUERTO RICO Puerto Rico
Date: Sat Jul 7 11:52:00 2001

i love the call video ... and i love howie d. he's my baby

(All caps detected. Message converted to lowercase)

Submitted by Cath from Toronto ON Canada
Date: Sat Jul 7 11:40:53 2001

My fav BSB vid? Probably I Want It That Way or As Long As You Love Me... but All I Have To Give, More Than That, and The Call are all good too! The only one I don't like too much is Show Me The Meaning! *LoL* It's a sweet video... but not one of my fav's! =)

Submitted by Alyssa from USA
Date: Sat Jul 7 10:51:40 2001

I love ALL BSB videos but the only way I think to grade them is slow songs and fast songs (since I really like the fast ones better)

I guess My Favorite Fast song is "THE CALL" since I love Nick so much and when he's in the car and his hair is blowing past his face I pause it every time and Just stare at him! ~lol~

My Favorite slow song would be "I WANT IT THAT WAY" since of Course - Nick looks so good in that video and I love the part where he smiles! But that video is also good since it marked them as no one hit wonder when they came out with a second album.

Submitted by backstreetgirl from ---- Pakistan
Date: Sat Jul 7 09:00:25 2001

I kinda like "everybody". I think the dance is pretty cool and all the guys look really cute.its kinda funny too...ya know that ending part when they are all screaming their lungs out! lol!. I like "larger than life too".
And "All i have to give" is nice too...i like it basically because its well choreographed even though its kinda slow song!
well thats about it!. On the whole, all bsb videos are awesome but we've gotta choose!

Submitted by backstreetgirl from ---- Pakistan
Date: Sat Jul 7 08:58:35 2001

I kinda like "everybody". I think the dance is pretty cool and all the guys look really cute.its kinda funny too...ya know that ending part when they are all screaming their lungs out! lol!. I like "larger than life too".
And "All i have to give" is nice too...i like it basically because its weel choreographed even though its kinda slow song!
well thats about it!. On the whole, all bsb videos are awesome but we've gotta choose!

Submitted by Tegan from Wilmington NC USA
Date: Sat Jul 7 04:18:01 2001

There are so many great BSB videos, it's hard to choose. The Call is the best video idea from them, it was great. SMTMOBL and Everybody are also great concepts. More Than That, As Long As You Love Me, IWITW and All I Have to Give are great pretty videos. I guess my faves are The Call, More Than That and Everybody. But Kevin looks great in the Call and ALAYLM. Gotta love him. Oh! And I loved how the One showed the guys in everyday stuff they do and how hard they work, and how much they love their fans.

Submitted by -doreen- from Singapore
Date: Sat Jul 7 02:36:05 2001

my fave bsb videos have got to be everybody, larger than life, and the call!!
the concepts were great in the videos, and they all looked so good...love ya, kevin!

Submitted by Lilly Littrell from São Paulo São paulo Brazil
Date: Fri Jul 6 21:58:22 2001

That'd have to be More Than That. It's a beautiful video. But I do love Quit Playing Games because it was the one that showed me how great the BSB are!
And I love All I have to give and I Wnat It That Way... So hard to chose... Oh! And SMTMOBL, hat's a deep one!

Submitted by Bonnie from NY USA
Date: Fri Jul 6 21:13:59 2001

Wassup Wassup ya'll my fav video would have to be I want it That way or As long As you Love me those songs are the greatest and so are the videos

Hey just so ya'll know when the new nsuck album comes out Please Please don't buy it and if you have to wait awhile believe me ya'll won't be missin anything special so KTBSPA and peace out

Love ya Nick

Submitted by Jessica from Chesterton IN USA
Date: Fri Jul 6 20:41:34 2001

My favorite Backstreet video is definetly Everybody. It is the best ever!

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